Motorcycling in special regions - Motorradfahren in besonderen Regionen

Gravel road in Namibia

You can experience the world up close on a motorcycle. You "experience" your surroundings in the truest sense of the word. The people and the smells strike more directly than the traveler in the car or train, let alone in the plane. Only a trip by bike or on foot can intensify this experience. Whether lavender smell in the south of France, hop fields in the Hallertau or deep sand in the Sahara Desert, all of this is more permanent. As special as these impressions, so special are the people in the different regions. Where motorcycle travelers are part of everyday life in Central Europe, they are in the villages Anatolia a rare phenomenon that one has to ask about where from and where to with a little tea. Those who get involved in the encounter (in the middle of an African crowd you have no other choice) will see things differently.

In Ethiopia, for example, if you are hit by a stone that a child has thrown, it does not mean that you should disappear. On the contrary, it is an attempt to initiate communication. You want to draw attention to yourself.

So every region has its specialty that you can explore and experience. This article is intended to help you prepare and inspire you to experience it yourself.

See also

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