Mänttä-Vilppula - Mänttä-Vilppula

Mänttä-Vilppula is a municipality with three town centers in Pirkanmaa, Finland.


Mänttä is an old industrial site. The town was born around a paper mill founded by the Serlachius family, which now belongs to the Metsä Group. The name Serlachius is still visible in the town’s well-known museums: the Serlachius Museum Gustaf presents industrial history and the Serlachius Museum Gösta is a well-known center of classical and modern art.

Mänttä is also a well-known art town. In addition to museums, the annual cultural events in Mänttä are Mänttä Fine Arts Weeks and Mänttä Music Festival.

Get in

By train

Vilppula and Kolho have railway stations. Timetables are available from VR website. By regional train Tampere-Vilppula takes about 1 hour, and Tampere-Kolho about 1 hour 8 minutes. From Jyväskylä one daily direct train connection, transfer connection also from Seinäjoki.

By bus

Long-distance buses from Tampere. The Serlachius shuttle bus runs from Tampere to Mänttä on the days that the museums are open.

Get around

By taxi

  • Taxi station Mänttä, Ratakatu 10, Mänttä, 358 100 4711.
  • Taxi station Vilppula, Keskuskatu 2 C, Vilppula, 358 100 4848.



  • Serlachius Museum, R. Erik Serlachiuksen katu 2, Mänttä, 358-3-4886800. Serlachius Museums Gustaf and Gösta feature the history of Finnish paper industry and art, magnificent architecture and enchanting lakeside views amid green forests.




  • Lounaskahvila Miina, Miinanpellonkatu 2, Mänttä, 358406794114. Open: Mon-Fri: 9.00-15.00, lunch: Mon-Fri: 11.00-14.30. Cozy lunch cafe in the heart of the office building. 11 €, pensioners 10 €.



City of Mänttä has information about hotels and rural accommodation.


Go next

  • Petäjävesi – the wooden church of Petäjävesi is a UNESCO World Heritage site