Jyväskylä - Jyväskylä

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Jyväskylä is a university town in Western Finland on the north shore of Lake Päijänne. It is the birthplace and workplace of the most famous architect Finland: Alvar Aalto.


City structure

Jyväskylä lies on the banks of the PäijänneLake, the longest lake in Finland. This extends from Jyväskylä in the north with numerous foothills over 120 km to Asikkala in the south. The part of the lake right in the city is that Jyväsjärvi and the ridge of the city becomes Harju called, in the east flows the river Tourujoki.


  • Kuokkala - across from the city center on the south bank with multi-storey modern houses
  • Mäki-Matti - north of the city center, mostly single-family houses
  • Kortepohja - northwest, approx. 2 km from the center, mainly student housing
  • Kypärämäki - on the western edge of the city, with mainly single-family and terraced houses
  • Tourula - in the east of the city on the river Tourujoki, Homes and businesses
  • Lohikoski - a peninsula in the north of the city, with mostly single-family and terraced houses
  • Nenäinniemi - Peninsula in the south of the city on Lake Päijänne, with mainly single-family and terraced houses
  • Keltinmäki - in the southwest, a prefabricated housing estate
  • Myllyjärvi - in the southwest, with mostly single-family houses and student dormitories
  • Huhtasuo - in the east, a prefabricated housing estate
  • Keljonkangas - in the southwest, mainly an industrial park
  • Seppälä - in the east, especially an industrial park
  • Säynätsalo - Located on the island of the same name in Lake Päijänne

getting there

Getting here is fairly easy, especially since the city of Jyväskylä is centrally located in Finland lies. There are train connections from all directions and from various airports you can get to the airport, which is approx. 20 km away.

By plane

  • 1  Jyväskylän lentoasema (Jyväskylä Airport, IATA: JYV), Lentoasemantie 70, 41160 Tikkakoski (20 km north of Jyväskylä on road 4). Tel.: 358 14 445 5711, Fax: 358 14 445 5799, Email: . Jyväskylän lentoasema in the Wikipedia encyclopediaJyväskylän lentoasema in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsJyväskylän lentoasema (Q143224) in the Wikidata database.The airport is approximately 20 km north of the city and is on the road 4 connected. It handles around 139,000 passengers a year. Come every day five flights out Helsinki at.

By train

Jyväskylä is very easy to get to by train. Both from the east of Joensuu here, as from the north of Kuopio and Rovaniemi here, as well as from the west over Pieksämäki, Tampere and from the south across Helsinki you can get to Jyväskylä by several trains a day. However, it is worth checking the timetables. in the Travel center (fin.Matkakeskus) are various shops and catering options, some of which are also open on Sundays.

By bus

Buses run from here to all major cities in Finland. The Bus station is right next to the train station. in the Travel center (fin.Matkakeskus) all arrival and departure times are given and you can buy tickets.

In the street

By boat

There are regular boat connections from mid-June to early August Päijänne-Risteilyt Hilden Oy.

On the Lake Päijänne:

On Tuesday it goes from Lahti to Jyväskylä and on Wednesday from Jyväskylä to Lahti. The journey lasts from 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and costs € 76.00 for adults (2013) and € 38.00 for children under 12, children under 4 are free. Bicycle transport € 10.00, car transport € 260.00

Timetable: Jyväskylä 9.00, Säynätsalo 9.55, Kärkinen 11.00, Vaheri 12.30, Judinsalo 13.20, Tehinniemi 14.25, Padasjoki 16.00, Suopelto -, Karisalmi 16.50, Vääksy canal 17.50, Lahti 7.30 p.m.

On the Keitele-Päijänne Canal:

On Saturday it goes from Jyväskylä to about 40 km away Suolahti. The journey takes 4.5 to 6 hours and costs € 36.00 for adults (2013) and € 18.00 for children under 12, children under 4 are free. Bicycle transport € 10.00 and buffet € 21.00 for adults, € 10.00 for children.


Vaajakoski lock10.5019.05
Kuhankoski lock12.1017.50
Laukaan harbor12.3017.35
Kuusaa lock13.0517.00
Kapeenkoski lock14.0016.20
Paatela lock14.2515.55


There is a dense bus network within the city and to the extensive suburbs. There are also night buses, but they cost a surcharge. The buses depart Vapaudenkatu and are written out there on screens. A Tourist ticket costs € 7 for adults and € 3.50 for children up to 12 years of age. Connection search

Tourist Attractions

The old train station


The University of Jyväskylä (fin. Jyväskylän Yliopisto) is located on a campus west of the city center. It was made by the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto built around a central sports field.

Countless other works by Aalto can be found around the city or, like the theater, in the city center. The tourist office offers guides and help, also in German, Asemakatu 6 (open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.).


  • Keski-Suomen museo. Museum of Central Finland.
  • Museum of Handicrafts and Applied Arts
  • Nature museum, in the old water tower on Harju.
  • Trade museum
  • Art museum


  • From mid-May to mid-September Päijänne-Risteilyt Hilden Oy Various boat excursions, e.g. with a buffet or in the evening, are offered.
  • Bouldering paja, Ahjokatu 14. A bouldering hall.






  • 1  Ravintola Figaro, Asemakatu 4, 40100 Jyväskylä. Tel.: 358 (0)14 212 255. Restaurant with gourmet cuisine at Finnish price level. The boss serves himself, communication in English is not a problem, the menu is also available in English. There is also bear on the menu for 58.00 euros.Open: Monday to Saturday 10.30 a.m. - midnight, Sunday 1 p.m. - 10 p.m.



  • 1  Sokos Hotel Alexandra, Hannikaisenkatu 35, 40100 Jyväskylä. Tel.: 358 20 1234 642, Fax: 358 14 265 2000, Email: . Sauna, pub and French restaurant Fransmanni.
  • 2  Hotel Alba, Ahlmaninkatu 4, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland (Located southwest of the center on the northwest bank of Jyväsjärvi). Tel.: 35814636311, Email: .Hotel Alba on FacebookHotel Alba on Instagram.Solid middle class in a beautiful location on the lake; Proximity to the Yliopisto University.Price: 86 EUR.
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Practical advice

  • 1  Jyväskylä Tourist Office (Jyväskylän Seudun Matkailu), Asemakatu 6, 40100 Jyväskylä (Crossing Asemakatu / Vapaudenkatu). Tel.: 358 14 266 0113, Fax: 35814 266 1353. Open: Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; 1.6.-31.8. Mon - Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  • Jyväskylä main post office, Vapaudenkatu 61, 40100 Jyväskylä. Open: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • InternetThere is access in the Jyväskylä Library free. You have to report briefly on the first floor and get access for a certain, desired time. The easiest way is to take your own WLAN-enabled laptop with you; terminals can be rented. However, it must be expected that these are occupied. Booking is recommended. The internet cafe Avatar is located at the Puistokatu 1A. in the Tourist office there are also terminals.


  • There are many around the city Buildings by Alvar Aalto, the famous Finnish architect. The tourist office is happy to help and has brochures for € 2.
  • Petäjävesi is about 40 km to the west. The wooden church was built between 1763 and 1765, it is a construction with a cross dome that is unique in Eastern Scandinavia and is therefore on the list of UNESCO World Heritage.
  • About 10km east of Jyväskylä is on the bank of the Päijänne-See an old farming village converted into a sauna area and restaurant: Savutuvan Apaja.


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