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Nara (prefecture)
​((ja)奈良 県, Nara-ken)
Buddhist temples of Hōryū-ji
Buddhist temples of Hōryū-ji
Regional capital
34 ° 28 ′ 1 ″ N 135 ° 49 ′ 12 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

Nara is a prefecture japanese, located in the region of Kansai, on Honshū, the largest island in Japan.


Nara was the place of residence of the imperial family of Japan, and the prefecture is home to no less than three ancient capitals: Asuka (538-694), Fujiwara (694-710) and Nara (710-784). The plain around Nara is dotted with great temples and imperial burial sites known as kofun.


  • 1 Nara (奈良)  – The capital of the prefecture and the ancient capital of Japan
  • 2 Kashihara (橿 原)  – Where is Fujiwara-kyō (藤原 京), one of the places before Nara as the capital of Japan.
  • 3 Yoshino (吉野)  – The mountain area, which includes part of another UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the most famous cherry blossom spots in Japan
  • 4 Tenkawa (天 川村, Tenkawa-mura)

Other destinations

Ishibutai burial mound at Asuka
  • 1 Asuka (飛鳥)  – The site of Japan's first historic capital, Asuka-kyō ((飛鳥 京)
  • 2 Ikaruga (斑鳩)  – The ancient temples of Hōryū-ji (法 隆 寺) designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • 3 Imai (今井 町) (in Kashihara) – A preserved area of ​​old merchant houses from the Edo period.
  • 4 Hase-dera (長 谷 寺)  – The main temple of the Buzan sect of Shingon Buddhism
  • Yagyu (柳生)
  • Tsukigase (月 ヶ 瀬)

To speak

To go

At Osaka station, go to platform 1 and take the line JR Yamatoji going directly to Nara (55 min, trains every 10-15 min). If you do not catch one of these direct trains, you can use the same platform on the Osaka Loop Line (inner loop) up to Shinimamiya Where Tennoji then change to JR Yamatoji (h 05). If you are near Tsuruhashi Station, it is cheaper to take the Kintetsu Line to Kintetsu Nara Station.

Since Kyoto, the difference between Kintetsu and JR is not very big, but JR is usually a little faster while Kintetsu is cheaper. Kintetsu has a few direct trains, but usually a change is required at Yamato-Saidaiji station to reach Nara town.

Outside the capital, Kintetsu provides much better access to the prefecture than JR. Many places, like Yoshino, Asuka and Sakurai, are only accessible with Kintetsu.

Kintetsu is also the best way to reach Nara Prefecture from those of Wakayama and of Mie.


To see

Tanzan Shrine, Sakurai


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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Destinations located in the region