Calilegua National Park - Nationalpark Calilegua

The 76,310 hectare Calilegua National Park is lying in NorthwestArgentina. It protects a subtropical rain and cloud forest landscape and is different from its three "competitors" in the same vegetation zone, Baritú, Campo de los Alisos and El Rey, very easy to reach and also by public transport.

The starting point is the city Libertador General San Martín in the east the province Jujuythat too Ledesma is called.


The park is located on the eastern slope of the sub-Andean Sierren, a medium mountain range that runs east of the Andes in a north-south direction and reaches heights of up to about 5,000 meters. In the park itself, the highest peaks are around 3,000 m high.


The park was established in 1979. The area was previously owned by the sugar company Ledesmathat it voluntarily ceded to the Argentine state to protect nature.


All elevations and vegetation zones of the Voranden are present in the park. The selva basal in the valley up to about 550 m altitude it is evergreen and has the character of a jungle, but only a relatively small part of it is protected. It follows the also evergreen one Cloud forest, which exists between 550 and 1200 m altitude, where the clouds rain down with the often prevailing easterly winds. Therefore this forest has a very high biodiversity. Between 1200 and 2300 m altitude the vegetation becomes lighter and takes on the character of mountain forests, in this area it is already significantly drier. At the top, meadows and park landscapes and finally the steppe-like puna with sparse vegetation connect.

Flora and fauna

Especially in the cloud forest, flora and fauna resemble subtropical rainforests, such as those found in southern Brazil. Due to the somewhat lower humidity and the isolated location, there is not quite as high biodiversity, but it is still considerable. Among the animals, monkeys stand out, the almost extinct jaguars, pumas, deer, tapirs and wild boar species stand out, with the birds toucans, eagles and hummingbirds; there are also countless small animals such as porcupines, snakes and insects.


The climate is subtropical and hot and humid in summer (mostly more than 35 ° C a day), but pleasantly warm in winter (around 22 ° C a day) and dry. The precipitation is between 900 and 1300 mm and thus well below that of rainforests, but well above that of the Chaco plain. They cluster in summer.

getting there

The town Libertador General San Martín is served by bus companies from all over Argentina, as they are on the RN 34, the important route into the Bolivian Llanos around the booming city Santa Cruz de la Sierra lies. However, the main access to the park (and the campsite) is in Aguas Negras, about 10 km west on the RP 83 provincial road leading into the small town Valle Grande (1,000 inhabitants) leads. In Aguas Negras there is one of the administrative buildings (Guardaparques), the other is in Meseta de las Colmenas halfway up to Valle Grande.

Fees / permits

Entry to the park is free (as of 2009).


Every morning there is a bus from San Martín to the approximately 70 km northwest of the Valle Grande, only to come back in the afternoon. The road leads through the park and offers spectacular views.

Tourist Attractions

The Intercultural Guaraní Path offers an opportunity to learn about native culture. It starts near Aguas Negras and leads to a typical Guaraní house.

At Alto Calilegua there are ruins of fortresses from the Inca period. However, this place can only be reached on foot or by mule.


There are some short and medium trails around Aguas Negras that lead to lookout points and small lakes. There is now a mountain bike trail that starts 3 km from Aguas Negras; Organized tours are also offered. The paths are recommended for climbers Tataupá, Las Juntas (both near Aguas Negras) and El Negrito (near Meseta de las Colmenas).


At Aguas Negras there is a small shop for camping guests.


You have to prepare your own food and drink in the park. In San Martín there is a reasonable selection of restaurants, in Valle Grande only small, simple canteens.


Hotels and hostels

There are several hotels and guest houses in Libertador General San Martín. There are also some simple accommodations in Valle Grande.


At Aguas Negras there is a campsite. There are, however no drinking water, you have to bring this yourself.


Since there is little infrastructure, only experienced people should undertake longer excursions to the park without a guide. It is best to hire a guide directly in San Martín, not in the park.


Mules can be rented in San Martín and Valle Grande. Some providers offer mule tours from Valle Grande to Humahuaca in the world famous gorge Quebrada de Humahuaca (about 60 km to the west), which takes several days and leads through spectacular, deserted areas between mountains, jungle and semi-desert.


Web links

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