Quebrada de Humahuaca - Quebrada de Humahuaca

Landscape of the Quebrada

The Quebrada de Humahuaca leads from San Salvador de Jujuy above Tilcara to Humahuaca and Tres Cruces in the north-west Argentina. The world-famous route, which leads through two different climatic zones and numerous old cities, has been included in both the world natural heritage and the world cultural heritage by UNESCO.


The route can be easily covered by car, mountain bike or bus.

The most interesting section is between Tumbaya and Humahuaca, which is about 130 km from Jujuy. Nevertheless, there is also a further journey up La Quiaca possible.


You should inquire about the condition of the road in wet weather. Delays are often to be expected due to landslides.

getting there

San Salvador de Jujuy can be reached by bus and plane from many places in Argentina. From the other side (Bolivia / Villazón) there is also a bus and train connection to central Bolivia.

Here we go

San Salvador de Jujuy - Tumbaya

The first section leads through a damp forest landscape, with the gorge getting narrower and narrower. There are some small villages like Lozada, Leon and Volcánwhich, however, are usually not worth a stop.

After a steep incline, shortly after Volcán, the landscape changes and becomes significantly drier. The mountains show their multicolored, bare rocks more and more often. Tumbaya is the first colonial town on the route. The small town has a well-preserved center that is worth seeing, but only a few accommodation options.

There is a customs post at Purmamarca. However, drivers are rarely stopped there.

Detour Purmamarca

The small town Purmamarca is about 5 kilometers off the main route on the Ruta Nacional 52, the most important pass road to Chile in the region. She is very well known for her Siebenfarbenberg (Cerro de los Siete Colores) which can be seen from every corner of the place and shines in red, orange, white, yellow, purple and even in olive green. The rather poor, small town is currently flourishing thanks to tourism and has also become a popular destination for commercials - it is now a kind of "national symbol". The hiking opportunities in the area are excellent.

There are some basic accommodations in Purmamarca (hostels and residenciales).

Tumbaya - Tilcara


The gorge is the most spectacular between Tumbaya and Tilcara. Every few kilometers there are remarkable rock formations that shine in all possible colors.

Tilcara is the first major city in the Quebrada and a very popular holiday resort. In January the bear dances at the Enero Tilcareño, a 15-day folklore festival that is particularly popular with young people. The place is located in what is probably the most beautiful corner of the Quebrada, there are numerous gorges and other easily accessible hiking destinations in the area.

Tilcara - Humahuaca

Independence Monument in Humahuaca

Behind Tilcara the gorge widens, making it more and more suitable for agriculture. There are numerous small villages with old churches, like Uquía and Huacalera.

Humahuaca, the "capital of the Quebrada", has around 15,000 inhabitants today and is known for its old colonial center, where you feel like in bygone times. The huge Monument to Independence, the Colonial Cathedral from the 18th century and the City Hall, which dates from the 20th century and mixes modern and colonial elements, are the main attractions of the city. The most famous carnival in northwest Argentina also takes place in Humahuaca. In February you therefore often have to book a hotel or even a campsite stay in advance.

Detour Iruya

After Humahuaca, the Ruta 9 leaves the main valley. At Hornaditas you can take a detour to the village Iruya do. This is nestled in a spectacular way in a ravine and has become so popular as a travel destination that only a few and comparatively expensive buses deliberately drive into the town to prevent it from "overflowing".

Incidentally, Iruya is already in the province Salta.

Humahuaca - Tres Cruces

Behind Hornaditas the gorge contracts again and slowly goes into it Puna above. The play of colors in the rocky mountains becomes more and more colorful, until you finally reach the 3,700 m high Tres Cruces can observe one of the most spectacular mountain formations in Argentina. This place lies behind a chain of geometrically almost perfectly semicircular, multicolored peaks. You can hike the peaks, but you have to make do with small shepherds' paths. Tres Cruces is still undiscovered by tourism and therefore has few accommodation options.

Behind Tres Cruces the Puna.


Crime is almost unknown in the area. At best, you can be surprised by pickpockets at the carnival, and at the party of the Enero Tilcareño with lots of drink, there is also a fight. You have to be careful at the campsites - it is unlikely that anything will happen, but it has happened that thieves in Tilcara and Humahuaca broke into the tents. As usual with camping, you should never leave the important and valuable (passport, expensive cameras, etc.) in the tent.


The route can be easily reached with an excursion or a trip to Bolivia (Altiplano) or Chile (Great North, Atacama Desert) connect. When traveling by car to Bolivia, please note that an import permit (hoja de ruta) must be requested for the car. It is advisable to do this in Bolivian consulates or the embassy in Argentina before you travel, as this can take several days.


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