San Salvador de Jujuy - San Salvador de Jujuy

San Salvador de Jujuy
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San Salvador de Jujuy is the capital of the northernmost province of Argentina Jujuy and with approx. 300,000 inhabitants one of the largest cities in the Andean NorthwestArgentina. The city is located at the confluence of the two rivers Xibi Xibi and Rio Grande in a wooded valley.


Jujuy is one of the most beautifully located large cities in Argentina. On a clear day, mountain peaks up to 6,000 m high can be seen from the center. But there is also some colonial architecture in the center, somewhat hidden. The city's cultural scene is also known for its unmistakable Indian elements. So you can often find folklore groups roaming the city, whether through small pubs or simply through the streets.

The cityscape is mixed. While the center appears neat and neat, the outer parts of the city, especially those on the mountain slopes, appear chaotic and disorganized, and you can often find poor houses or run-down apartment blocks next to villas. Overall, Jujuy is one of the poorer cities in the country, despite its importance as a center of the metal processing and steel industry.

The city became important as early as the 16th century as an important way station between the Argentine centers Buenos Aires, Cordoba and San Miguel de Tucuman as well as the Bolivian Potosí and the colonial capital Lima. Today the city is hoping for the long-awaited upswing as a trading center since Paso de Jama the only tarred connection that is passable all year round Chile and with the Ruta 9 also the best connection Bolivia consists.

getting there

By plane

The airport is about 25 km east of the center, near the suburbs Perico. The links were very much thinned out after the 2001 economic crisis; so there are only connections to Buenos Aires and Córdoba.

By train

For a long time, Jujuy was an important center of rail traffic. Today all passenger routes, including the formerly important route to Bolivia, are closed due to severe damage.

By bus

Today the bus is the most important means of transport. The buses go to practically every corner of Argentina, even to Río Gallegos there are several lines. The bus station is just outside the center in the Gorriti district near the Río Xibi Xibi. Its surroundings seem shabby, but not dangerous, but you have to be careful of pickpockets.

In the street

The national roads 9 and 34 (with the connecting route 66) are the most important routes to Jujuy. There are good connections from all parts of the country with the exception of the northeast, the Ruta Nacional 81 to Formosa (above Pichanal) is not paved for its first 400 km and is very poorly developed. Better, albeit also with flaws, is the Ruta 16 according to Resistencia (about Joaquín V. González.


In Jujuy, as in all cities in the country, city traffic is handled by buses. Their main lines cross at the bus station. There is also a special feature Taxis compartidos, Shared taxis that follow a predetermined route and are only slightly more expensive than the buses. Of course there are also normal taxis.

Tourist Attractions


  • cathedral, at the Plaza Belgrano. White colonial building with an interesting pulpit inside, which was carved by Indians.

Castles, chateaux and palaces

  • Casa de Gobierno, Plaza Belgrano.
  • Cabildo, Plaza Belgrano.


  • Palacio de Tribunales. Unusual high-rise building that stands on a "stilt".



  • Museo Histórico Provincial, Lavalle 266.
  • Museo de Paleontología y Mineralogía, Independencia and Lavalle.
  • Gallery of Art, Balcarce 264.

Streets and squares

  • Plaza Belgrano. The heart of the city, a beautiful, green square.


  • Parque San Martín. Small park in the western part of the city, looks a bit run down.




Jujuy has a small pedestrian street where most of the shops are concentrated. There is also a market with cheap products (many counterfeits) near the bus station. A handicraft market is located next to the old train station near the Río Grande, but the markets in the tourist towns such as Tilcara and Humahuaca are better. In return, you get here professionally made traditional original musical instruments (Quena, Sicus) that meet professional requirements (ask).


The best restaurants are in the center. In addition, however, there is a kind of "cheap mile" on the hill above the bus station, where you can eat incredibly cheap fast food, the quality of which, however, sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.


  • Sociedad Obrera, Balcarce 357.


  • Sirio Libanés restaurant, Lamadrid 568. Arabic specialties.


  • Chung King, Alvear 627.


Most of the nightclubs are located on Ruta 9 in the south-eastern part of the city. There are also some pubs in the center.


  • T-quila, near bus station. Young audience.
  • Bankat. Close to the bus station on a hill, good view of the city from the balcony, mainstream-oriented.


  • Acros, Ruta 9 Sur. Mainstream.


  • acropolis, Ruta 9 Sur. Techno / House.



  • Car camping, in Huaico Chico, 3 km north of the city.
  • Residencial Rio de Janeiro, near bus station. Very cheap but simple, highly recommended for those on a budget.
  • Residencial Aramayo, Salta 1058.


  • Augustus, Belgrano 715.


  • Fenicia, 19 de April 427, by the river.
  • Internacional, Belgrano 501, right in the center.


  • Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Small and not very well known.



Jujuy is a safe city. Of course, one should refrain from visiting slums at night, and as everywhere else, beware of pickpockets, especially in the area around the bus station and in the city buses.


Practical advice

There are two newspapers [http: / Pregón] and for information on cultural activities, etc. El Tribuno de Jujuy.

There are also many telecentros (switchboards) and internet cafés (cíbers) in Jujuy.


The surroundings of San Salvador de Jujuy could hardly be more varied - from the Puna high desert to the romantic Quebrada de Humahuaca to the subtropical rainforest, everything is there.

  • Jujuy is the best starting point for tours in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, a world-famous gorge with small colonial towns like Tilcara and Humahuaca. Buses of all kinds go there with high frequency. Attention: In Purmamarca there is a customs inspection; there the buses can be delayed for hours if there is a check. However, this mainly applies to the return journey, and to the long-distance buses to La Quiaca or Chile, local buses to Humahuaca are not bothered much.
  • Reyes is a small place in a spectacular wooded gorge with well-known thermal baths, about 15 km northwest of Jujuy in a side valley of the Quebrada de Humahuaca. There is a hotel near the thermal baths, and it is also possible to go hiking or horse riding there. Accessible via the RN 9 and the RP 4 from Villa Jardín de Reyes.
  • The Lagunas de Yala are not far from Reyes (directly accessible from there via a winding road, otherwise via the RN 9 and the second entrance of the RP 4 at Yala) in the middle of the forest. There are three small lakes with lush vegetation and good fishing opportunities. Numerous side valleys invite you to go hiking.
  • Tiraxi is north of San Salvador de Jujuy and is about Lozano (8 km northwest via RN 9). This small recreational area is located in a primeval forest-like valley with many waterfalls, cliffs, gorges and other natural attractions. In contrast to Reyes and Yala, Tiraxi has hardly been visited by tourists.
  • San Antonio is a small, agricultural place with some old buildings directly south of Jujuy on a river. Accessible via RP 2.
  • Reservoirs: There are three reservoirs south of San Salvador de Jujuy: Los Alisos is only 8 km from the city center and can be reached via the RP2 and RP8. The lakes are more spectacular La Ciénaga and especially Las Maderaswhich are 5 and 9 km south of the city El Carmen lie (a total of approx. 25 km south). They are embedded in the middle of the lush jungle vegetation and offer opportunities for water sports and swimming.
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