Copo National Park - Nationalpark Copo

The Copo National Park lies in the northeast of the argentinian province Santiago del Estero. With 114,000 hectares, it is the largest national park in Northeast Argentina, but because it is still young, there is hardly any infrastructure.



The area has been under nature protection since 1968 in order to put a stop to the clearing of the Quebracho forests in this area of ​​the Argentine Chaco. In 1993 it was converted into a provincial nature park and has been a national park since 2000.


The landscape consists largely of quebracho forests and savannahs.

Flora and fauna

The red quebracho dominates the forests of the area. Among the fauna, the jaguar stands out, which has not yet been exterminated here, but has already become very rare. There are also wild boars, howler monkeys, anteaters and a large number of bird species.


The climate is subtropically hot, between November and March it is often hotter than 35 "degrees. Therefore, it is best to visit the park in winter, when it is also a little drier.

getting there

The park is located immediately northeast of the Ruta Nacional 16, the main east-west connection in northern Argentina. In Los Pirpintos lives the park ranger, with whom you should contact if you want to visit the park (Tel. (03841) 15669206, E-Mail: [email protected]). The place is a bit bigger Pampas de los Guanacos (4,500 inhabitants), in which a visitor center is currently being built (as of 2009). Both places are frequented by buses from Resistencia and Salta approached from.

Fees / permits

Entry to the park is free.


Tourist Attractions


So far there are no hiking or driving paths in the park.


In Pampas de los Guanacos you can provide yourself with the bare essentials.


In Pampas de los Guanacos there are several simple restaurants.


Hotels and hostels

There are small hostels in Pampa de los Guanacos, the park ranger can provide information.





Web links

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