Hoher Fläming Nature Park - Naturpark Hoher Fläming

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The Hoher Fläming Nature Park lies in the country Brandenburg, in the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark and in the travel region Flaming.


Some places are only part of their municipality in the nature park (Brück, Niemegk, Ziesar). But they belong to the High Fläming in terms of tourism.


Nature park center "Alte Brennerei" in Rabenstein

Time-honored castles, rolling hills, colorful meadows and vast forests, these are the characteristics of the Hohen Fläming. Over 90% of the nature park area is designated as a nature or landscape protection area. The beauty of the region often only becomes apparent at second glance.

Fläming is a travel region for people who are looking for relaxation and recreation in nature. There are many active people in the region who organize a wide variety of cultural and tourist offers for visitors and locals, so that there is now a lot to discover for tourists: theater in the castle park or in the castle courtyard, guided tours of the unusual kind (e.g. yoga Walking or midnight tours), art projects, concerts up to classic hikes and bike tours.

With the SteinTherme and accompanying offers, the focus is on health and wellness tourism in the region. Another focus of the region is barrier-free tourism.

getting there

Tourist information on the A9

The Hohe Fläming has excellent transport links. Two motorways, three federal highways and an important railway line run through the region. The Hohen Fläming can be reached from Berlin by car or train in an hour.

In the street

  • Federal motorway A9 (Berlin-Leipzig-Munich): exits Brück, Niemegk, Klein Marzehns
  • Federal motorway A2 (Berlin-Magdeburg-Hanover-Ruhr area): exits Ziesar, Brandenburg / Havel, Wollin
  • Bundesstrasse 102 (Niemegk, Belzig, Brandenburg / Havel)
  • Bundesstrasse 107 (Wiesenburg-Görzke-Ziesar)
  • Federal road B 246 (Brück-Belzig-Wiesenburg)
  • The German avenue street leads through the nature park.

By train

  • The Berlin-Potsdam-Dessau railway line runs through the nature park (Brück, Baitz, Belzig, Wiesenburg / Mark stations). The regional express line RE 7 connects Belzig with Potsdam and Berlin every hour and Belzig and Wiesenburg with Dessau every two hours.

With the wheel

  • The international long-distance cycle route European cycle route R1 (Calais - St. Petersburg) leads through the nature park.

On foot


There are a number of bus connections in Fläming. However, many of the buses do not run on weekends, so you have to inquire about the connections in advance. The Fläming belongs to the region of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (vbb). Timetable information is available on the Website of the vbb. In view of the good rail connections, it is advisable to travel by bike and train and to change from the train stations to bicycles.

Tourist Attractions

Eisenhardt Castle in Bad Belzig

The main attractions are:


Wiesenburg Castle in Wiesenburg (Mark)
  • hike
  • To go biking
  • horse riding
  • Pure relaxation in the SteinTherme
  • Yoga walking and Nordic walking
  • The nature and culture guides of the nature park offer a wealth of events.


There are a variety of festivals in the nature park. The most important regular events are:

  • April: Pottery market in Görzke
  • May: flower market in Wiesenburg / Mark
  • Pentecost: bed race in Fredersdorf
  • June: Titans of the racetrack (draft horse races in Bridge)
  • August: Wiesenburger Parkfest, old town summer with castle spectacle in Bad Belzig
  • September / October: Flämingmarkt at different locations
  • December: Christmas markets at Rabenstein Castle, in the nature park center, in Belzig and other places


Fläming trout and potatoes are specialties of the region. In addition, the forests are rich in game and in autumn there are tasty mushrooms from the Fläming forests.


Naturally, the nightlife is not very pronounced. Many restaurants also close quite early in the evening. There is one in Belzig movie theater and in Landhaus Alte Schmiede Jazz and cabaret evenings are organized in Niemegk-Lühnsdorf.


The Fläming is a rural region in which there are no security problems.


The climate is essentially the same as in Brandenburg and Berlin, i.e. it tends to be continental with less rain and colder winters. Since the Hohe Fläming - as the name suggests - is slightly higher, there is often still (or already) snow in winter when there is none in Berlin.


The following goals can be achieved within an hour:


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