Jandía Natural Park - Naturpark Jandía

The Jandía Natural Park is a mountainous region on the Jandía peninsula in the south of the island Fuerteventura.

Location map of the island of Fuerteventura
In the Jandía Natural Park
Playa de Ojos


The Jandia Natural Park goes from the isthmus Istmo de La Pared at Costa Calma up to Punta de Jandía, here a lighthouse marks the most south-westerly point of the peninsula. A ridge stretches along the peninsula, its highest point is the 807 m high Pico de la Zarza (or Jandía). This ridge ensures that the tourist resorts on the south coast are sheltered from the wind Playa de Cofete exposed to wind and currents on the northwest side.

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna
Goats everywhere

The vegetation in this rocky region consists mainly of Canary Spurge and other thorny plants, including gorse and buckthorn, but also ice flowers. Species introduced from South America, such as cigarette tobacco, have also spread. Farm animals are primarily the ubiquitous goats, there are also sheep and some wild donkeys.


getting there

A gravel road leads into the nature park, it starts directly behind Morro Jable, is relatively wide and easy to navigate. The locals drive their normal cars almost as fast as they do on paved roads. You should be more careful with rental vehicles. You are only insured if you are willing to pay a risk surcharge (€ 10 / day, as of 2012). There are also some asphalt roads, some of which are in a worse condition than the gravel roads.


Tourist Attractions

On the coast
Punta Jandia lighthouse


  • South coast. The road runs above the coast, branches to some lonely beach sections are signposted, as well as to the cave Cueva de la Negra. An all-terrain vehicle is not a luxury for these routes. Then you reach a place called Puerto de la Cruz. Because of its size, it is not shown on every map, and some caravans are probably only occupied from time to time. After all, there are smaller restaurants that advertise fresh fish.
  • Punta de Jandía. There is a lighthouse at the most south-westerly point of the island, the small restaurant is not open all year round. The area with its rugged cliffs is suitable for short walks.
  • West Coast. It is just under 5 km from Punta de Jandía to the north-western point of the coast. About in the middle is a small bay that Playa de Ojos with its bright beach is accessible via a wooden staircase.
  • Punta Pesebre. There should be a lighthouse at the northwest point. It's a small building with a solar roof. But the surf on the rugged cliffs is gigantic beautiful.


Restaurant in Cofete

About halfway between Morro Jable and the hamlet Puerto de la Cruz a road branches off to the village Cofete. The path leads in several serpentines up to a pass with a good view of numerous euphorbias and the beach Playa de Cofete offers. Finally you reach the village. Some of the rather simple houses make an uninhabited impression, at least there is a restaurant with friendly service. An oversized green statue represents Gustav Winter with his dog, his villa is about 1 km away on a slope. Below this statue is a Horno de Cal, this lime kiln was used to produce quicklime.

Villa winter

Why a villa was built in this lonely place is shrouded in secrets. What is certain is that it was built by the German engineer Gustav Winter, he worked in Spain since 1915 and on Fuerteventura from around 1930. It is said that as a colonel in the Kriegsmarine, he was commissioned to build a base for German submarines. Other rumors see Villa Winter as a transit camp for Nazi giants on their flight to South America. It is also unclear why near the Punta Pesebre a tarmac for small aircraft was paved. In any case, the villa stands picturesquely on the hillside, surrounded by vines that are protected with dry stone walls, and it is the destination of numerous jeep safaris. The villa cannot be officially visited. Unofficially, quite a few guides know how to get in for a small tip.

Playa de Cofete

A kilometer-long, light sandy beach stretches along the coast, but it is only recommended to a limited extent for swimming. The surf is usually dangerously strong and the coast drops very steeply. But it is well suited for long walks on the beach, right up to the islet El Islote, behind which the beach continues just as beautifully and dangerously, now under the name Playa de Barlovento.


  • Bathing possibilities. are available at Playa de las Pilas, Playas de Juan Gómez and Playa de Ojos on the south and west coast. These beaches are often deserted.
  • hike. Through the Gran Valle at the exit of Morro Jable to Cofete. One way 7.7 km, the path practically leads from sea level to around 350 m above sea level and back to the coast. Take good shoes and enough water with you.
  • Pico de la Zarza. The way from the Ventura Shopping Center to the highest point on the island at 807 m is only worthwhile when the sky is clear, because the summit likes to be wrapped in the clouds of the trade wind.
  • fishing. Anglers can be found at numerous points along the coast. Sometimes herons too.




Hotels and hostels





Web links

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