Seven Crossroads - Ngã Bảy

Seven Crossroads province Hau Giang.


Nga Bay is a town in Hau Giang province, renamed from Tan Hiep town. Nga Bay is the meeting place of seven canals, and is also an important traffic hub in the region. The town is located between important traffic axes such as national highway 1A, Quan Lo - Phung Hiep, provincial road 927, road connecting Nga Bay town with South Song Hau road, etc., which is a condition for economic development for the locality. direction.


Before its establishment, present-day Nga Bay town is within the administrative boundaries of Phung Hiep district. On July 26, 2005, the Prime Minister issued Decree 98/2005/ND-CP on the expansion and upgrading of Phung Hiep town into Tan Hiep town, under Hau Giang province. October 27, 2005 2006, Government Vietnam promulgating Decree No. 124/2006/ND-CP, on adjustment of administrative boundaries, establishing communes and townships in Vi Thanh town, Long My district, renaming Tan Hiep town to Nga Bay town, Hau Giang province. Accordingly, Tan Hiep town was changed to Nga Bay town to this day.



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