Norte Chico - Norte Chico

Norte Chico
View of the gulf where the cities of La Serena and Coquimbo are located

Norte Chico (literally: "Little North") is a region of Northern Chile.

To know

The area called Norte Chico is located between the Copiapó and Aconcagua rivers. The region is semi-arid, the monthly rainfall of only the four winter months is about 25 mm and is very scarce in the remaining months. The average summer temperature at sea level is 18.5 ° C, while the winter one is 12 ° C. The winter rains and the melting of the Andean snows give rise to rivers with very variable flow during the year, the deep transversal valleys carved by their courses offer spaces for the breeding of livestock and for the cultivation of fruit, activities in great development in starting from the mid-seventies. This is also the area where almost all Chilean pisco is produced. Nevado de Incahuasi (background)

As well as in the Norte Grande the coastal areas of this region also have a particular microclimate with humidity coming from the ocean that is trapped in the cliffs of the coast, giving rise to stretches of rainforest. The transverse valleys allow the humidity of the coast to penetrate inland, mitigating the arid climate of the region. The reliefs of the interior are covered with shrubs and cacti.

The territory of the region is mainly mountainous and furrowed by deep transversal valleys that extend from the Andes to the ocean, some areas of the region have a very dry climate, the absence of humidity and clouds makes these areas ideal for the construction of astronomical observatories. , in this region are the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and the La Silla observatory.

In the Andes del Norte Chico there are some of the main peaks of the country, Ojos del Salado, Nevado Tres Cruces and Nevado de Incahuasi.

Territories and tourist destinations

Norte Chico includes all or part of the following regions:

  • Atacama region (Only the area south of the Copiapó River)
  • Coquimbo region
  • Valparaíso region (Only the area north of the Aconcagua River)

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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