Norte Grande - Norte Grande

Norte Grande
Chungara Lake in the Lauca National Park

Norte Grande is a region of Northern Chile.

To know

The northern limit of the region is the border line with the Peru while its southern limit is delineated by the course of the Copiapó river. The Norte Grande is characterized by desert landscapes and an arid climate.

Territories and tourist destinations

The Norte Grande is formed by the territories listed below proceeding from north to south:

  • Arica and Parinacota region (XV)
  • Tarapacá region (THE).
  • Antofagasta region (II)
  • Atacama region (III) - Only the northern part of the Copiapó river.

Urban centers

Norte Grande

  • 1 Antofagasta - Port city.
  • 2 Arica - On the borderline with the Peru, the port of Arica stretches out on an arid stretch of coast surrounded by long beaches, among which the most famous is that of Chinchorro.
  • 3 Bahia Inglesa - Renowned seaside resort.
  • 4 Calama - At the center of a copper mining area, Calama is a city in full development but with few guarantees from the point of view of personal safety.
  • Chañaral
  • 5 Iquique
  • 6 Putre - Village at the foot of the Taapacá volcano.
  • 7 San Pedro de Atacama

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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