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In Alsace, Christmas is actively preparing during Advent, the time to wait for the coming of Christ, which has four Sundays. Formerly, we approached this period "body and soul", by fasting and prayer. But there are many customs that continue today.

Mythical characters

Before celebrating Christmas, the children are visited by several characters. During his birthday on December 6, Saint Nicolas distributes treats to children, after checking their good education! He wears a purple cloak, the color of wisdom. His cult has experienced a rich development in Alsace.

His shadow companion is the Hans trapp (or Rüpelz), Alsatian Father Fouettard frightening in his black outfit from which raucous growls come out! Local Protestantism created a third figure that was supposed to supplant the Saint Nicolas: Christkindel (or the Child Christ), haloed in white light, probable reminiscence of Germanic goddesses.

These characters coexisted harmoniously before the emergence of the Santa Claus. Omnipresent in his red suit, he comes from New York and owes its colors to an advertising campaign in 1931 of ... Coca-Cola. the Santa Claus spread in Europe from 1945.

Christmas customs

That of Advent calendar for example, or Christmas tree which is authentically Alsatian. Its first mention dates from 1521, as attested by the Humanist Library of Selestat! Originally adorned with red apples, hosts, paper roses, theChristmas tree is spreading throughout the France after 1870, then spread in Europe and United States in favor of Alsatian migrants. Its evergreen foliage is the promise of eternity.

The Advent wreath, from a German tradition between the wars, is lit every Sunday with a new candle announcing the coming of light. From Advent, we make the famous Wihnachtsbredle, Christmas cakes with sweet scents and shapes with very old symbolism. When the handing over of the treats, which once took place at the Saint Nicolas, Protestantism in Strasbourg displaced it in 1570 on Christmas Eve.

Christmas markets

The first Christmas markets appeared in the XIVe century in Germany and in Alsace. They were formerly called "Marché de Saint-Nicolas". The first Christmas market dates from 1434 to Dresden. Later he was baptized Christkindelsmärik (or Marché de l'Enfant-Christ) in order to fight against the worship of saints.

Strasbourg Christmas market

The Christmas market in Strasbourg dates from 1570. In the past, it took place between Strasbourg Cathedral, the Palais Rohan, and the Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre-Dame (now Place du Château). It started 8 days before Christmas until Midnight Mass. Today, it can be found all over the city, whether at the foot of the Cathedral or at Place Broglie.

Mulhouse Christmas market

The Christmas market is a major event in Mulhouse. You will find the scents of cinnamon, wine and hot chestnuts to share with friends and the illuminations that will transport you to a magical world. The original decorations will make everyone experience the magical moments of Christmas in a unique atmosphere.

During the Advent period, the city also offers many events: concerts, storytelling, participatory songs ...

Sélestat Christmas market

Located at the foot of Saint-Georges Church, the Christmas market in Selestat is one of the most important in the region. Fairyland and fun are at the heart of this annual event. Garlands, trees, and other Christmas decorations light up the city with a thousand lights. Children will be able to discover the Christmas crib. Culinary traditions are to (re) discover: chestnuts, gingerbread, Christmas berdeles and good mulled wine with cinnamon.

To see

Many other atypical Christmas markets are to be visited in the small villages and towns of the region, which will allow you to discover Alsatian traditions through its tales, its Christmas carols, its crafts.

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