Eye - Occhiolà

Remains of Occhiolà

Occhiola is an archaeological site in the region Sicily.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the central-eastern part of Sicily. Once a medieval village located on the three ridges of Terravecchia (hill) about 2 km north of Grammichele, was entirely destroyed by the earthquake of 1693. However, it is possible to see the remains of the castle from the inhabited area where there is the urban network, made up of churches and houses.


The archaeologist Paolo Orsi made some excavations where he found further remains, which he believed came from a Hellenistic settlement named Echetla. These remains were tampered with over the years by the reduction of crops in the fields where they stood, but are still exposed to the public at the municipal museum of nearby Grammichele, and at the museum Paolo Orsi of Syracuse. In 1993, on the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the destruction of the village, the Occhiolà Archaeological Park, then the object of excavations for years.

How to get

By car

The road to get to Occhiolà is a branch of the road that connects Grammichele on the floor.

Permits / Rates

How to get around

There are no means of transport to move from the country

What see

Occhiolà is famous for its living nativity scene, which represents the daily life of the village in its best years. Through the path, which goes from the main square to what was once the baronial palace, the visitor is guided by the inhabitants into the Occhiolà del Natale 1692, a few days before its destruction, exploring the uses and customs of the time and admiring the remains of the houses.

In addition, the ruins of the Greek settlement can be visited in the archaeological park Echetla, such as the remains of the necropolis or the votive statuettes of the temples dedicated to Demeter and Kore.

Other points of interest are Piazza Carlo Maria Carafa and the mother church.

  • 1 Terravecchia Castle.

What to do


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Occhiola
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Occhiola
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