Unexpected - Onverwacht

Unexpected is the chief town of the district Para in Suriname. The town has about 2,000 inhabitants. Unexpected was originally a plantation where tobacco was grown. In 1968, the place became the administrative center of the Para district and the district council established itself in the village.


The way of Paramaribo to the international airport Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport (popularly referred to as "Zanderij") runs through Unexpected and the town is therefore easily accessible by car and there are also buses.

Travel around

Unexpectedly located at the intersection of the Indira Gandhiweg (also called Path van Wanica, which runs from Paramaribo to the airport) and the Meursweg (direction Paranam). There are many (small) recreational areas in the vicinity of Onnieuwe, a little more to the south there is, for example, the creek of Bersaba/Republic which attracts a lot of day trippers on weekends.

To look at

On the other side of the road from the station of Onnieuwe, an old steam locomotive stands in a flowerbed that you should definitely see (and photograph) when visiting the capital of Para.

To do

Visit the former station of On Expect where you can see the remains of the Gold Train rusting away. Since 1912 Onexpected was situated on this railway that ran from Paramaribo to the Lawa area, from 1961 Onexpected even became the start/end point of this line. The last train ran in 1987 and since then there have been many plans to restart the line, so far without success.

To buy

In the past, there was a wood plantation around Unexpected and to keep the memory of that time alive, there is still a wood workshop where various woodworkers make wooden objects to sell to tourists. A piece of wood carving from Unexpected is therefore a nice souvenir.


Going out

stay overnight

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