Oryol - Orjol

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Oryol, German sometimes too Orel (Russian: Орёл literally "eagle"; is a city in Central Russia. It is located about 350 km southwest of Moscow and is the administrative seat of the oblast Oryol.


Oryol was founded in 1566 on the southern border of the Russian Empire. The city lies in the midst of the fertile Black earthArea. The city's agricultural products were essential to the nourishment of the capital Moscow. During the Second World War, the city was almost completely destroyed. During the reconstruction, the focus was placed on industrialization: in addition to agricultural operations, precision mechanical industrial operations and a steelworks were now established.

getting there

Map of Oryol

By plane

The small 1 Oryol Yuzhny AirportOryol Yuzhny Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOryol Yuzhny Airport (Q604872) in the Wikidata database(IATA: OIL), originally a military airport, is used for air transport and charter.

By train

The 2 Kursk train station connects Moscow with Kursk

By bus

In the street

  • Oryol is on the highway M2, it comes from Moscow (366 km) and continues to follow Kursk (166 km).
  • There are connections over that R120 to Bryansk (128 km) and over the R119 to Liwny (138 km).

By boat


Tourist Attractions

  • 1  Музей И.С. Тургенева (Turgenew Museum), ул. Тургенева, 11, Орёл (Ulitsa Turgenewa).
  • 2  Военно-исторический музей (War History Museum), ул. Нормандия-Неман, 1, Орёл (Ulitsa Normandia-Neman).
  • 3  Орловский краеведческий музей (Local History Museum), ул. Гостиная, 2, Орёл, Орловская обл., 302001.
  • 4  Богоявленский собор (Epiphany Cathedral, Apparition Church). Epiphany Cathedral.
  • 5  Свято-Успенский мужской монастырь города Орла (Monastery of the Assumption of Mary in the city of Orel), ул. Ермолова, 13а, Орёл,.
  • 6  Музей И.А. Бунина Ivan Bunin Museum
  • 7  Мемориальный парк 400-летия Орла Memorial Park 400 years of Oryol






  • 1  Hotel Aviator, 2-Ya Kurskaya Ulitsa, 39, Oryol. Tel.: 79107484041.


  • 1  Орловская областная клиническая больница (Oryol Oblast Clinic Center), Bul'var Pobedy, 10.
  • 2  Apteka.ru, Орёл, Орловская обл., 302004.

Practical advice



Web links

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