Ossa massif - Ossamassiv

Ossa - massive

The Ossa massif is a mountain range in Thessaly in the prefecture Larisa, the mountain is also known as Kissavos. The summit is called Profitis Ilias (Προφήτης Ηλίας), this name as the mountain of the prophet Elias, however, is partly associated with numerous other peaks in Greece.


South of the Olympus massif, from him through the Tempe valley separated, rises the Ossamassiv. In the west it slopes down to the sea, in the east to a plateau in which the provincial capital Larisa lies.

The Ossa (Greek: Όσσα), or also Kissavos (Greek: Κίσσαβος) looks quite imposing due to its relatively isolated position, even if it is only at 1978 m above sea level. rises - the ascent is a bit challenging, especially if you start practically at sea level. Ranges of hills in a southern direction join the Pelion-Mountains away.

The whole area of Spilia around the summit of the Ossa massif down to the coast and into Tempe valley was placed under protection.


The Ossa is relatively well developed, a refuge and a telecommunications antenna system have been built on the northeast flank. A simple refuge was even built on the summit itself.


Ossamassiv: View to the summit from the west
Map of the Ossamassiv

The Ossa rises relatively prominently due to its secluded location, from the north it is grassy and relatively easy to climb, to the west towards it Spilia it falls off with huge cliffs.

The lower area between the built-up coast and a height of approx. 1600 m is lined with trees, towards the sea the forest is dense even by Greek standards and provides shade in summer.

Flora and fauna

The very dense forest between the foot of the massif, the Tempe in the north, the coast in the east is followed by a zone with macchia-like shrubs, at higher altitudes the soil is largely grass-covered or rocky.

In early summer, the optimal hiking season, the yellow asphodil blooms in the forest. The flora changes in the higher altitudes, here bloom blue grape hyacinths, violets, yellow mullein, white blooming cushions. Shortly after the last snow has melted, crocuses and cowslips grow in the snow runes.


There is a Mediterranean Mediterranean climate; similar, but not quite as pronounced as with the even higher one Olympus massif, the sun can shine on the beach and clouds pile up around the mountain peak, there can be downpours and thunderstorms.

getting there

A suitable starting point for climbing the Ossamassif is the one on the western flank Spilia, that from Larisa resp. the highway A1 about the exit Symbol: ASSykourio / Larissa 3 or from the coastal town Stomio can be reached on a narrow and not completely paved narrow road.

The 1 Provincial road, which circles Spilia, leaves the place in the north. You can climb at 1 Hiking signpost Start on the road, or on a well-developed paved road, which is further north of the provincial road 2 branches offuntil 3 parking spot at the refuge Kataphygio Kissavou drive up, from where the summit can be comfortably reached in an hour.

Fees / permits



see description in the Arrival section

Tourist Attractions

Ossamassiv: Kataphygio Kissavou refuge
  • from the refuge 2 Kataphygio Kissavou (Καταφύγιο Κισσάβου) of the Larisa mountain club gives a great view of the coast and north to the Olympus massif. The Berghaus is a popular destination for hikers, bikers, motorcyclist groups and motorists; in winter it is the starting point for ski tours in the Ossamassiv. It is not officially catered for, overnight stays are only possible by telephone in advance.
  • the way to the summit leads to the telecommunications 3 Antenna system over, this is reached from the south by a gravel road for supply purposes.
  • the summit of the 4 Horos Ossa is reached from the Berghaus in about an hour's ascent on an easily accessible footpath, on the summit there is a summit bell (the mountain climbers can be heard from far away) and a simple shelter with a concrete roof.
  • 5  Kalipso waterfall. Beautiful gorge with impressive nature, wonderful panoramic views and the waterfall of the same name with a small swimming lake. The way there is difficult and you need good shoes. Not suitable for children.
  • 6  Byzantine stone bridge. photogenic old stone bridge in the middle of the forest.
  • 7  Monastery of Timios Prodromos, east. Beautiful monastery in a place with unique nature and a beautiful panoramic view of the surroundings.


Hike Spilia - Kataphygio Kissavou (3 h) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Ossamassiv: start of the hiking trail
  • Shortly after the country road the place Spilia leaves in a northerly direction, a sign with hikers and a wooden sign "Προφήτης Ηλίας" marks the way to the Kataphygio Kissavou refuge. Part of the way is as O2, marked with tin signs, with red arrows or red colored dots on a white background. The marked path initially runs parallel to a gravel road through the sparse forest. In front of a 1 chapel you get to a gravel road, which you follow to the left / in a northerly direction (!). The path soon leaves the gravel road and then zigzags along a flower-lined, sometimes rocky, hillside - 2 Switchbacks upwards. After some time, the footpath reaches the level of the asphalt road to the refuge and crosses it several times to continue on the other side of the road.Shortly before the refuge, you come to a concreted source and cross the road again. The refuge is reached after 2½ - 3 hours.

Kataphygio Kissavou - Profitis Ilias / Ossa summit (1 h) Hiking-Sign-T1.png

Summit Oros Ossa (Profitis Ilias)
  • the path now leads partly along a gravel route 3 Behind the refuge and meets the gravel road, which leads from the south to the telecommunications 4 Antenna system leads. Shortly before that, the path turns to the right and reaches the Profitis Ilias summit along the northeast ridge. The path is well signposted and easy to walk.
  • On the summit there is a summit bell on a metal belfry, next to it you can see a concrete roof, the entrance to the shelter can be found when you go around it in the south.
The way back is on the same path, hikers who are sure of their bearings can take an alternative way back over the southern flank to Spilia.

Summit Profitis Ilias - Spilia (3 h) Hiking-Sign-T2.png

Ossamassiv: View to the summit from the east
  • From the summit you descend in a southerly direction (turn left, in the further course of the ascent you end at steep cliffs), the path is partly with metal signs O2, partly marked with Steinmannli or red colored dots. The path runs along the 5 South flank and after a steep descent it reaches the tree line. Graze on one 6 saddle If you turn right at a large, isolated boulder, the path enters the undergrowth of the forest. There it crosses some streams and is usually easily recognizable. It turns to the northwest and twice touches a forest road. From the second exit of the forest road, the now clearly poorer marked but clearly recognizable path follows the 7 Hilltop resp. the ridge down to Spilia. Rocks with a beautiful panorama over Spilia invite you to rest. The gorge, which extends a little north of the path parallel to it and running north-west, is difficult to pass (at best at the very beginning) and thus it is easier to get to the village via Spilia and the road that crosses the gorge on a bridge north of the village Starting point back.


There are shops in Stomio and in the larger towns in the area (practically none in Spilia!).


  • You can eat your own picnic in the refuge
  • 1  Taverna O Manthos (Ο Μανθος Ταβερνα), GR-40006 Spilia. Tel.: 30 6932764658. Typical Greek tavern with a good range of dishes, popular with local day trippers.


  • Overnight stays in the Berghaus are only possible by telephone in advance at the Larisa Mountain Club (ΕΟΣ ΛΑΡΙΣΑΣ), you have to be able to speak Greek.


The security situation is unproblematic. Mountain hikers are threatened by sudden weather changes and lightning strikes on the exposed summit, dangerous cliffs fall from the summit in a westerly direction, stay on the marked path!


other interesting corners in the Ossamassiv are

  • a 8 Panorama point on the connecting road Stomio
  • the place 1 Anatoly (Ανατολή) with the worth seeing 9 Chapel of Agios Pantelemonas (Εκκλησία Άγιος Παντελεήμονας)


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