Paola - Paola

Paola (Pawla, Raħal Ġdid)
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Paola is a city in Southern Harbor District on Malta.


The city was from Antoine De Paule founded after obtaining the Grandmasterwould of the Order of St. John 1623 began building a town in 1626; on positive news from the Pope in Rome, he laid the foundation stone for the construction of the new parish church in 1630. This church, consecrated to St. Ubaldesca, was replaced around 1900 by a new, larger house of worship, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.

Since the community had grown considerably due to the arrival of shipyard workers, and the faithful had to watch the mass partly outdoors, the decision was made to build a new church. Christ The King Church was built in 1924/28.

Around 1840, prehistoric temples were discovered on the Kordi high plateau above the harbor, but some of them have been destroyed by the effects of war and overbuilding to this day. The enthusiasm was all the greater when the access to a multi-storey underground structure was exposed during excavation work in 1899: the one that was systematically excavated from 1902 onwards Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni is a multi-storey underground burial and temple site from the Paleolithic.

getting there

By plane

The 1 Malta International Airport located in Luqa about five kilometers outside of town.

By bus

The bus routes X2 and X3 operate as express lines from the airport to Valetta above Paola.

The bus stop Hypogeum / Ipogew is from the lines 81 and 82 of Valletta in the southeast towards Birzebbuga resp. Arrived at Marsaxlokk on the east coast, at the bus stop Paola can be boarded from the express lines.

On the website of Arriva there is a simple one General plan, under Tourist Information> Places of Interest the bus routes from different directions are clearly summarized.

In the street

From the main street 1 change to the main road on the entrance to Paola 8which passes in the south of the village.


Map of Paola

Locally one moves on foot, for the distance from the bus stop Paola to the Ipogew you can take the bus routes 81 / 82 to use.

Tourist Attractions

Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
"Sleeping Lady" from the Hypogeum
  • the 1 Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni is one from 3'800 - 2'500 BC. Built burial place and temple complex. The system extends underground to 30 rooms and niches on three floors, it extends 15 m into the ground.
There are many speculations about the purpose of the complex, based on the findings of several hundred female skeletons on the first floor, it was assumed that there was an underground burial complex. In the meantime, the assumption has been revised that it is also a place of worship for priestesses, possibly a connection with the then prevailing matriarchy and the worship of the earth goddess Magna Mater. The meaning of the individual chambers has in the meantime been partially clarified, in the second basement one arrives at an oracle chamber and via an anteroom into the sacrificial room with blood collecting bowls around the sacrificial altar.
Since the humid breath of the visitors has badly affected the paintings and the building fabric over the years, the number of visitors has meanwhile been severely limited by high prices and visitor number restrictions Advance reservation is necessary in order not to make the path in vain:
  • Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni. Open: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., only by reservation (electronic) in groups of a maximum of 10 people.Price: 35.00 / 20.00 / 15.00 €, children under 6 years are not allowed !.

On the Website the system can also be viewed as a virtual reconstruction.

Several figurines were found in the complex, which are exhibited in the Archaeological Museum of Valletta Sleeping lady, a 12.2 cm high alabaster figurine depicting a sleeping female figure is the most famous of these.
  • the 2 Temple of Kordin I - III: Located on the high plateau of Kordin above the harbor basin, remains of temples have been found. The temple Kordin I with irregularly arranged rooms was excavated in 1908/9 and the same as the temple excavated in 1840/1901 and 1908/09 Kordin II it was largely destroyed by the weather, bomb damage in the war and a building over. From the temple Kordin III the paved entrance area to the concave temple and a few ruins have been preserved, in the area of ​​the nearby church the temple is not open to the public. Those interested can register at the National Archeological Museum.
  • the 3 St. Ubaldesca Church, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1630 by Grand Master Antoine De Paule, served as the parish church of Paola for centuries. Around 1900 it had to be enlarged and was called Sacred Heart of Jesus Church newly consecrated, today there is a need for renovation.
Paola: Christ the King Church
  • as a new parish church was 1923/28 the 4 Christ the King Church, Kristu Re built according to plans by Philip Tortell, the dome with the keystone was completed in 1959.
  • the 5 Church of Sant 'Antnin lies on the high plateau of Kordin, adjacent to the temple ruins of Kordin.
Addolorata Cemetery: Chapel
Addolorata Cemetery
  • the 6 Addolorata Cemetery : Numerous famous Maltese citizens are buried in this largest cemetery in Malta, the cemetery is located between Paola and the road to the airport in Luqa.


  • For most, the main reason to visit Paola is to visit the Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni.
  • SoccerThe football club founded in 1922 could be enthusiastic "Hibernians F.C." be a term that im 1 Hibernian's Ground plays (with 8,000 seats one of the large stadiums in Malta) and has repeatedly won the Maltese football championship.








  • Paola Health Center, Pjazza Antoine De Paule. Tel.: 21 691314-5.

Practical advice


  • the temple complex of Tarxienwhich was probably also directly related to the hypogeum.
  • to Valletta to the National Museum of Archeology, where the small finds from the hypogeum are exhibited.


Web links

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