Southern Harbor District - Southern Harbour District

Southern Harbor District is a district on the island Malta, which covers the area around the Grand Harbor includes southeast of Valetta.

Southern Harbor District


Places around the Grand Harbor

The district includes the places around the Grand Harbor and extends towards the southeast.

It includes cities and places, among other things

  • 1 Valletta, the capital district at the top of Monte Scibberas
  • 2 Floriana, adjoins Valetta immediately to the south
  • 3 Marsa
  • 4 Luqa with the airport
  • 5 Kalkara northeast of Grand Harbor
  • 6 Birgu (Vittoriosa) with the Fort Sant 'Angelo on the northern peninsula, part of Cottonera, the "Three Cities"
  • 7 Bormla (Cospicua), the youngest town of Cottonera, the "Three Cities", located in the hinterland of the two estuaries
  • 8 Senglea (L'Isla), with Fort Saint Michael on the southern peninsula, also part of Cottonera, the "Three Cities"
  • 9 Paola (Raħal Ġdid, the "New City") with the hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
  • 10 Fgura (Il-Fgura)
  • 11 Tarxien with the temple of the same name
  • 12 Santa Luċija with the Chinese Park
  • 13 Xgħajra, a village further east of Kalkara
  • 14 Żabable

Other goals

Vittoriosa (Birgu) and Senglea (L'Isla)


To the administrative district Southern Harbor District the cities belong to the Grand Harbor with the capital district Valetta and Floriana and on the opposite side Cottonerawho have favourited "Three Cities".


Maltese (this language with Semitic roots, which is similar to Arabic, is written with Latin letters) and English are spoken as official languages ​​in Malta, and a good knowledge of Italian has often been the case in the past.

getting there

Most travelers arrive in Malta by plane, from Airport1 Malta International Airport in Luqa can be reached by bus (the bus lines X1 - X7 all go to the airport) or by taxi to the greater metropolitan area of ​​the capital.


The easiest way to get around locally is with the vehicles of the well-developed bus network of the Maltese bus company Arriva, alternatively by taxi or by (rental) car. Driving can be a challenge due to the difficult traffic routing, detours caused by roadworks and the mixture of Mediterranean driving style on narrow roads and left-hand traffic.

Tourist Attractions

Tarxien Temple
  • the huge medieval fortifications around the Grand Harbor and the marinas
  • the prehistoric temples of Tarxien and the hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni


see individual local articles


Main Products: Malta



The security situation is unproblematic and crime in the small island state is low. The usual precautionary measures should nevertheless be observed.


The island has a dry Mediterranean climate, in summer it can get extremely hot for sightseeing tours, swimming is possible from May to October, and diving is practiced almost all year round in certain places.


Web links

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