Los Alerces National Park - Parco nazionale Los Alerces

Los Alerces National Park
Parque Nacional Los Alerces
Futalaufquen lake
Area type
Foundation year
Institutional website

Los Alerces National Park is a protected area located in the Argentine Patagonia, in Argentina.

To know

It is a large protected area located in the Chubut province. It includes the Futalaufquen Lake, the Arrayanes River, the Green Lake and the Menéndez Lake. For its landscapes it is considered one of the most beautiful national parks in Argentina. In the area there is a complex lake system with rivers and streams. Since 2017 it has been registered in the list of world heritage sites ofUNESCO.

Geographical notes

There are numerous rivers, lakes and ponds, waterfalls and glaciers on the highest peaks. The Park has 9 lakes, some of which are connected to each other.

Flora and fauna

In this environment lives the Fitzroya cupressoides, a gigantic conifer that, at the beginning of the 20th century, was about to become extinct due to the uncontrolled cutting of the forests. Argentine Patagonia preserves one of the oldest and densest forest formations of this species, which was considered sacred by indigenous peoples.

The Park represents a refuge for many species of endangered mammals such as the common pudu, the felid Oncifelis guigna, the southern river otter and the Andean deer.

When to go

The environments of the protected area can be framed in the ecoregion of the Patagonian forest and the mountainous region of the Andes, with a cold temperate climate and wet winters with abundant snowfalls. With about 4,000 millimeters of rainfall per year, this region has one of the richest Andean-Patagonian forests in vegetation.

Futalaufquen lake

How to get

Fitzroya cupressoides

To access the National Park it is necessary to arrive in the city of Esquel. From there, take Ruta Nacional Nº 259 to Ruta Provincial Nº 71, which crosses the protected area in a north-south direction. Following this road you will arrive at the city of Villa Futalaufquen, administrative center of the National Park. The road continues northwards connecting Villa Futalaufquen with the Ruta Nacional Nº 258, up to the city of El Bolsón.

By plane

Airport of Esquel (38 km from the National Park). There are three weekly flights from Buenos Aires (Monday Wednesday and Friday).

By bus

The park is served by buses from almost all parts of the country. There is also a daily bus that touches Villa Futalaufquen and points of interest located on the side of RP 71.

Permits / Rates

The tourist town of Villa Futalaufquen it is located within the boundaries of the National Park and there are the administrative center, the Information Center and the Park Museum, where it is possible to obtain information and permits for fishing. There are also petrol stations, telephone booths, restaurants, campsites and hotels.

How to get around

View of the Park

It is possible to cross the National Park thanks to a network of paths and vehicular roads.

What see

What to do

View of the lake near Esquel
  • 1 La Hoya ski resort (at 13 km. by Esquel). It consists of 24 tracks. Cross-country skiing and snowboarding are also possible.


Refer to the city of Esquel.

Where to eat

Where stay

Refer to the city of Esquel.


How to keep in touch

On the rapids of the Rio Futaleufú


The nearest town is Esquel (28,000 inhabitants approx.).


  • Futaleufú, in Chile, at 50 km. da Esquel, is known around the world as a rafting destination on the Rio Futaleufú.

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