Intangible Cultural Heritage in Qatar - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel au Qatar — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage to Qatar.


The country has three practices listed on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage From UNESCO. All three practices are also shared by other states.

No additional practice is included in the "register of best practices for safeguarding culture "Or on the"emergency backup list ».


Representative list

The Majlis, a cultural and social space

Qatar shares this practice with United Arab Emirates, Oman and theSaudi Arabia.

2015* Social practices, rituals and festive events
* Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* Oral traditions and expressions
Majlis, literally "places to sit", are places where community members come together to discuss local events and issues, exchange news, receive guests, meet people and have fun. The Majlis is the place where the community comes together to solve problems, offer condolences and organize wedding receptions. It usually corresponds to a large space covered with carpets on the floor and cushions placed against the wall. It usually has a stove or fire to make coffee and other hot drinks. The Majlis space is open to everyone and can be frequented by family members, tribes, and residents of the same neighborhood and other remote neighborhoods. The elders of the community are considered to be its true bearers, especially those with extensive knowledge about nature, genealogy and tribal history. Judges and religious sheikhs are of particular importance in the Majlis, as they mediate conflicts and clarify political, social and religious rights and responsibilities. Women have their own Majlis, although some prominent women frequent other Majlis, especially those of an intellectual and literary nature. These spaces also play a major role in the transfer of oral heritage, such as tales, popular songs and “nabati” poetry. Because the Majlis spaces are open to all age groups, knowledge is mostly imparted informally when children accompany community members on their visits. By observing the elders in the Majlis, young people learn the mores and ethics of their community as well as how to dialogue, listen to and respect the opinions of others.Default.svg
Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity

Qatar shares this practice with United Arab Emirates, Oman and theSaudi Arabia.

2015* Performing Arts
* Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* Social practices, rituals and festive events
* Know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* Oral traditions and expressions
Serving Arab coffee is an important aspect of hospitality in Arab societies which is seen as a symbol of generosity. Traditionally, coffee is brewed in front of the guests. The preparation ritual begins with the selection of the beans, which are placed in a flat iron pan and lightly roasted over a wood fire. The roasted beans are then placed in a copper mortar and crushed with a copper pestle. The ground coffee is placed in a large copper coffee pot, into which water is poured and put on the fire. Once the coffee is ready, it is poured into a smaller coffeemaker and then served to guests in small cups. The most important or oldest guest is served first. The guest's cup is only a quarter full, so it can be refilled multiple times. It is customary for each guest to drink at least one cup, but never more than three. It is prepared and enjoyed by men and women from all walks of life, especially in the household. Sheikhs and tribal chiefs who serve Arab coffee in their hangouts, as well as elders from the Bedouin community, and owners of coffee shops, are considered the primary holders. The transmission of knowledge and traditions related to Arab coffee takes place in the family through observation and practice. Young people also accompany elders to the market to learn how to select the best grains.Arabic coffee.jpg
Falconry, a living human heritage

Qatar shares this practice withGermany, the'Saudi Arabia, the'Austria, the Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, the'Spain, the France, the Hungary, the'Italy, the Kazakhstan, the Morocco, the Mongolia, the Pakistan, the Portugal, the Syria, the South Korea and the Czechia.

2016* Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* Social practices, rituals and festive events
* Know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* Oral traditions and expressions
Falconry is the traditional activity of conserving and training falcons and other raptors to catch game in their natural environment. Originally used as a means of obtaining food, falconry is identified today with the spirit of camaraderie and sharing more than with subsistence. It is mainly found along migration routes and corridors and is practiced by amateurs and professionals of all ages, men and women. Falconers develop a strong relationship and spiritual bond with their birds; strong involvement is needed to breed, train, train and fly falcons. Falconry is passed down as a cultural tradition through means as varied as mentoring, learning within the family, or more formal training in clubs. In hot countries, falconers take their children to the desert and teach them how to control the bird and build a trusting relationship with it. While falconers come from very diverse origins, they share common values, traditions and practices, including bird training methods and how to care for them, the equipment used and the emotional bond between the falconer and the bird. Falconry is the bedrock of a wider cultural heritage, which includes traditional costumes, food, songs, music, poetry and dances, all customs nurtured by the communities and clubs that practice it.Falconry Dubai trio.jpg

Register of Best Safeguarding Practices

Qatar does not have a practice listed in the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices.

Emergency backup list

Qatar Saudi Arabia does not have a practice on the Emergency Safeguarding List.

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