Intangible Cultural Heritage in Palestine - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Patrimoine culturel immatériel en Palestine — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

This article lists the practices listed in UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in Palestine.


Palestine has two practices repeated on the "representative list of intangible cultural heritage From UNESCO.

No practice is repeated on the "register of best practices for safeguarding culture ».

No additional practice is repeated on the "emergency backup list ».


Palestinian Hikaye 2008Oral traditions and expressionsPalestinian Hikaye is a form of storytelling practiced by women. These fictional tales that have evolved over the centuries evoke the daily concerns of Middle Eastern society and family issues. Critical of society from the point of view of women, the Hikaye paints a picture of the social structure directly affecting their lives. Many stories describe women torn between duty and desire. Hikaye is usually told at home during winter evenings, in spontaneous and social events bringing together small groups of women and children. Men rarely attend because their presence is considered inappropriate. The narration draws its expressive power from the language used, the intonation, the rhythm of the speech and the voice effects, as well as the ability of the storyteller to capture the attention of the audience to transport them into a universe of imagination and fantasy. The technique and style of storytelling obey linguistic and literary conventions that distinguish it from other popular narrative genres. The language used is a Palestinian dialect, Fallahi in rural areas or Madani in urban areas. Almost all Palestinian women over 70 are Hikaye storytellers, and it is mainly they who carry on the tradition. But it's not uncommon for girls and boys to tell each other these stories for practice or just for fun. The practice of Hikaye is declining under the influence of the mass media often causing people to view their customs as backward. Thus, older women tend to change the form and content of stories. The incessant upheavals in social life due to the current political situation in Palestine also pose a threat to the survival of Hikaye.Gossip bethlehem women home.jpg
Knowledge, know-how, traditions and practices associated with the date palm

Palestine shares this practice with the Bahrain, the'Iraq, the Jordan, the Kuwait, the Morocco, the Mauritania, the'Egypt, Oman, the'Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and the Yemen.

2019* Performing Arts
* knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
* social practices, rituals and festive events
* know-how related to traditional craftsmanship
* oral traditions and expressions
The date palm has been associated with the population of the submitting States for centuries, as an essential material for several forms of craftsmanship, several trades and several traditions, customs and socio-cultural practices, but also as an important source of food. The date palm is an evergreen plant typical of dry regions because its roots can penetrate deeply into the soil to absorb moisture. Element bearers and practitioners include owners of date palm plantations; farmers who plant, maintain and irrigate trees; artisans who make traditional products using the different parts of the palm tree; date vendors; and creators and artists who recite folk tales and poems. The knowledge, skills, traditions and practices associated with the date palm have played an essential role in strengthening the links between the inhabitants of the Arab countries concerned and their lands, as this tree has helped them to overcome the difficulties specific to a desert environment. . The region's historical relationship with the element has given rise to a rich cultural heritage bringing together the practices, knowledge and skills still employed today. The development of the element over the centuries and its cultural relevance explain the extent to which local communities are committed to its preservation. To do this, they participate in multiple actions involving the date palm, organize many festive rituals and perpetuate the traditions and customs linked to the element.Palm grove of Marrakech.JPG
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