Pečory - Pečory

Church of S. Nicola
Coat of arms
Pečory - Coat of arms
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Time zone
Map of Russia
Tourism site
Institutional website

Pečory is a small city of the Russia northwestern, located in Pskov Oblast 52 km from Pskov and 2 km from the border with Estonia.

To know


The town developed around the main attraction, the Pskovo-Pečorsky Svyato-Uspensky monastery (monastery of the Holy Dormition of Mary) probably founded around 1473.

In the 16th-18th centuries, Pečory became one of the most important border centers and in 1565 the monastery was fortified and demographic development began. From that moment the village took the name of Pečorskaya Fortress and only in 1782 did it obtain the status of a city.Being a center, the importance of which derived essentially from the monastery, it was abandoned during the Soviet anti-clerical campaign and was part of the Republic of Estonia from 1922 to 1944 under the name of Petseri. The city later returned to Russia but by virtue of the Tartu Treaty with which the Soviet Union stopped all war claims on Estonia, the dispute over the Estonian-Russian borders has not yet been definitively clarified.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By car

Just 15 km from Pečory passes the draws A212 Pskov-Riga.

On the train

  • 1 Pečory-Pskovskie station (Станция Печоры-Псковские). It is the closest station to the city, 3 km from the center, right on the Estonian border. Four times a week there are suburban trains from Pskov. There are, however, no train connections with Estonia. However, once you get off the train, you can cross the border on foot and take the train to Tartu from the Estonian Koidula station or take a taxi to Pečory.

By bus

  • 2 Bus Station (Автовокзал), ulitsa Yuryevskaya, 7 (81148) 2-16-52. Simple icon time.svg 7 911 690-00-60 (for Petersburg). The bus station is a very small pavilion in the commercial area. For Pskov there are two types of buses: buses that pass by Izborsk and those who make the Novyj Izborsk route. The trip takes about an hour and a half.

For St.Pietroburgo there are two daily buses and the journey takes 5 hours for a price of around 550 rubles. Twice a week, there are buses to Moscow for around 1100 rubles.The bus is also the only means that connects Pečory to the two largest Estonian cities: Tallinn is Tartu

How to get around

By taxi

  • Taksi Pečory (Такси Печоры), 7 (81148) 2-61-10. The only taxi company in the city.

What see

The monastery

Inner courtyard of the monastery
Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
  • 1 Pskov-Pečory Monastery of the Holy Dormition of Mary (Псково-Печорский монастырь), ulitsa Meždunarodnaja, 5 (bus 207 from Izborsk, bus OOO Niva from Pskov), 7 (9113) 69-76-48. The precise date of foundation of the monastery is unknown but it is believed to coincide with that of the consecration of the Dormition church in the local caves. In this regard, one of the etymologies of the name of the city Pečory is the one that would connect it to peščera (пещера), that is precisely "the caves". In any case, according to ancient legends, these territories were populated by the monks of the Kiev monastery, who then fled to Pskov, populating it, on the occasion of the invasion of the Crimean Tatars.

The church was almost certainly the first structure built here. After this and after the arrival of the monks, the other monastic buildings began to be built, which however will soon be destroyed by the nearby Livoni. Numerous efforts to expand the rock church and to build new monastic buildings close to the ravine date back to the beginning of the 16th century, which at the time was the best natural defense. The most prosperous phase for Pečory's construction took place under the guidance of the priest Cornelius, governor of the monastery in the period 1529-1570. During this period, the conversion to stone of all the pre-existing wooden buildings began. Under the supervision of Cornelius the Church of the Annunciation (1541), the Church of San Nicola (1565) and the defensive walls with the seven towers and the three gates (1565) were built, which today are one of the main attractions for the tourists. For the monastery, located on the northwestern edge of the state, a powerful protective structure was simply vital. But, it appears that the construction of the fortress played a fatal role in Cornelius's fate. When Ivan the Terrible, who had consented to the construction of "adequate defensive walls", saw the new fortress, he interpreted it as a rebellion and immediately had the good priest beheaded. Legend has it that the immediately repentant king lifted the body of Cornelius and carried him in his arms to the monastery, leaving a trail of blood behind him. From that moment on, the street that leads from the main gates to the square of the monastery was called and is called tutt'pora "La via sanguinosa". From the end of the 16th century until the first quarter of the 18th century, the monastery had to withstand several enemy attacks, but it never fell into enemy hands. In 1701, by decree of Peter I, embankments were built around the monastery (they are clearly visible even today) to serve as posts for the soldiers in the war against the Swedes of 1703. At the end of the 18th century, the monastery was also equipped of a hospital that for a long time was the only place of care in the whole area. In 1827, in commemoration of the liberation from the French invasion, the 2 church of San Michele Arcangelo.. Finally, in the last years of the 19th century the church was enlarged and restored in a pseudo-Russian style.

The kremlin

the construction of the fortifications around the monastery began in 1558 on the occasion of the outbreak of the Livonian War (1558-1583). This fortress has a rather unusual layout compared to the others of the period: the main courtyard of the monastery is located on the edge of a deep ravine through which the Kamenec stream flows. The walls of the fortress, for a stretch along the stream and for another stretch cross the same ravine, acting as an almost unique example of fortification and engineering techniques of this type. The walls, 810 meters long, are supported by some main towers. The construction material is mostly made up of limestone slabs. Today you can still see and visit the nine surviving towers of the fortress which are:

Tjuremnaya Tower
Tower of the upper gates
  • 3 Old Tower (Старая башня) (100 m from the monastery). Old tower of the city walls, today transformed into a very special café.
  • 4 Petrovskaya Tower Nadvratnaja (Надвратная петровская башня) (17th century). It is one of the 17th century towers and is the main entrance to the fortress. It is also the most aesthetically beautiful tower, as it is reminiscent of Ukrainian Baroque constructions.
  • 5 Tjuremnaya Tower (Тюремная башня). One of the small towers of the city, not far from the Holy Doors.
  • 6 Tajlovskaya Tower (Тайловская башня). This high tower was built in an opening of the surrounding walls on the west side. It appears to be the most massive tower with its 12 meters high and a diameter of 14 meters. The tower is located overlooking the ravine, and has five orders with 33 windows.
  • 7 Tower of the upper gates (Башня Верхних решёток). Square tower, 22 meters high, located between Tajlovskaya and Tararyginaja towers. The tower is built at the point where the wall crosses the ravine perpendicularly.
  • 8 Izborskaya Tower (Изборская башня). This circular tower is placed on the perimeter wall. On its side facade there is a small passage.
  • 9 Blagoveščenskaya Tower (Благовещенская башня).
  • 10 Tower of the lower gates (Башня Нижних решёток).
  • 11 Nikolskaya Tower (Никольская башня).

Where now stands the cathedral of San Michele Arcangelo, built in the nineteenth century, the ninth and last tower, called Torre Brusovaja, first stood.

Monastery buildings

Sacristy, and on the back of the same building, Church of the Annunciation
House of the Prior

The inner part of the monastery walls houses two squares, one upper and one lower. The most interesting is the lower one, which is located at the bottom of the ravine-valley in which the entire monastery is built. The square is completely surrounded by trees so that to have a good view of the square it is necessary to stay on the panoramic square near the north wall between the Nikolskaja tower and that of the lower gates. The artistic center of the monastery, on the other hand, is made up of the buildings surrounding the Cathedral of the Dormition.

  • 12 Dormition Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God (Пещерный храм Успения Пресвятой Богородицы) (1478). It is the oldest monument in the whole complex and was built in the caves in 1478. The north facade adjoins the facade of the Intercession church, built in the 18th century. It is evident that at the time of construction, the temple was designed for a few people, since the shape of this temple in the rock does not allow the presence of a large public at the same time.
  • 13 Church of the Intercession of Mary (Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы) (1759). The chapel of the Intercession du built next to the temple of the Dormition and, as already mentioned, adjoins the latter on the north side. The construction materials (stone slabs) are obviously of local origin. Particularly, besides the structure, is the fact that it is located exactly in the center of the monastery, fascinating in its Baroque style decorations. Its dome with its many spiers recalls the Ukrainian current of the Baroque style, so much so that it resembles the domes of the Kiev monastery. The paintings on the facade, on the other hand, are modern despite having been done in the 18th century style. At the entrance to the temple there is a huge Kievan icon of the Holy Mother of God with the learned Antonio and Feodosij next to it.
  • 14 Bell tower of the monastery (Звонница) (1523). It is a very particular 16th century bell tower with six bells. Here is the famous bell Festive weighing more than 100 kg, built by the master Fedor Klement'ev, the only remaining example of the artist's work from the 1600s. The other major ones were added around the 18th or 19th century. The three large bells are fixed on a single axis and it is one of the very few examples in Russia of a bell tower that still emits its sounds thanks to the rocking of the bells, rather than with the more modern method of percussion.
  • 15 Sacristy and monastery library (Ризница с библиотекой). The works for the construction of the sacristy began even before the arrival of the priest Cornelius but the first building was razed to the ground by the fire of 1688. What we see today is the reconstruction in pure Muscovite style, carried out in the 17th century. It looks like a cubic building, with faceted vaults and large windows that also act as acoustic resonators for singing. The actual sacristy occupies the entire second floor and the library the third. In addition to the architectural beauty and the library, the collection of precious pieces of art from the 16th-19th centuries is also of particular interest.
  • 16 Church of Candlemas (Сретенская церковь). This church was built in the 19th century by the prior Nifont in pseudo-Russian style in place of the church dedicated to Candlemas which in turn was the reconstruction of other pre-existing churches. According to the first project, the façade of the church had to be symmetrical and did not have to cross with the façade of the sacristy but during the construction work it was necessary to build a connection between the two buildings.
  • 17 Church of the Annunciation (Благовещенская церковь) (1540). This church is an example of the period of maximum building activity of the monastery. It was built by order of the prior Cornelius in place of the old church of the forty martyrs (in whose honor a church was built outside the fortress). At the beginning the building had the sole role of a refectory for the monks. Today it is located between the section of buildings housing the monks' cells and the Candlemas church. The church with its blue domes is one of the few examples of 16th century art left almost intact here.
  • 18 Church of S. Lazzaro (Церковь Святого Лазаря). It was the church of the hospital run by the monks.
  • 19 House of the Prior (Дом настоятеля).
  • 20 Church of S. Nicola (Церковь Николы Вратаря) (At the Nikolskaja tower). Church of 1564-1565, also built by the prior Cornelius. It also served as a welcoming church for those entering the fortress and as the Holy Door of the monastery. We also know the name of the first builder, the local master Petr Zabolotnyj. It is said that the tragedy that saw the death of Prior Cornelius took place here (see description of the monastery).

Other attractions in town

  • 21 Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (Сорока мучеников Севастийских), ulitsa Pskovskaya.
  • 22 Church of S. Pietro (Лютеранская кирха Святого Петра). The only Lutheran church in town. It was built in 1926 and is a beautiful example of the city's modern architecture.
  • 23 Torgovye rjady (commercial row) (Торговые ряды), Oktjabr'skaya Square, 6. Functionalist style building, built in the 1920s. It houses a number of shops, as the name suggests.

Events and parties

What to do

  • 1 Art salon (Художественный салон). Art room where temporary exhibitions are organized.
  • 2 City sauna (Городская баня), ulitsa Svoboda, 42. Typically Russian tradition. No city, not even a small one like Pechory, can miss a public sauna.
  • Historical Museum of Pečory (Музей истории города Печоры), Pečorskaja square, 39 (bus n. 126 from Pskov), 8(8114)89-66-96, @. Ecb copyright.svgexcursions from 150 to 230 rubles.. Simple icon time.svg10:00-18:00. In addition to being an interesting museum, full of little known but interesting works of art, this museum is the ideal point to start a visit to the city thanks to its favorable position that allows you to have an excellent view of the main points of interest. Being, among other things, a branch of the Pskov and Izborsk museums, it also organizes many excursions to the three centers and archaeological zones.


  • Souvenir (Сувениры) (at the exit of the monastery).

How to have fun

Where to eat

  • 1 Kafe Briz (Кафе «Бриз»), ulitsa Pskovskaya, 1. Simple icon time.svg10:00-19:00.
  • 2 Skatert'-Skamobranka hot table (Столовая "Скатерть-самобранка"), Oktjabr'skaja square, 6. Located in the Torgovye Rjadi
  • 3 Kafe Lilija (Кафе «Лилия»), 7 (8114) 82-18-32. Ecb copyright.svgabout 100 RUB.
  • 4 Kafe "the Old Tower" (Кафе «Старая башня"), Oktjabr'skaja ulitsa, 7, 7 (964) 314-29-03. Ecb copyright.svg250-300 RUB. Simple icon time.svg10:00-21:00.
  • 5 Kafe "Ujut" (Кафе "Уют"), ulitsa Allejnaja, 4, 7 (81148) 2-25-77. Simple icon time.svgWeekdays 12: 00-24: 00, Week end 12: 00-02: 00. Definitely the best restaurant in town, all customers recommend it.

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Vaš bereg (Ваш берег), ulitsa Kuznečnaja, 17, 7 (911) 695-83-96. Ecb copyright.svg500 - 1500 RUB. Good hotel at good prices. Everything is very simple; As for the low cost rooms, the (common) shower is in the corridor and there is one toilet for every three rooms. The common room has a full kitchen. The more expensive rooms have all inclusive in them.
  • 2 Strannik hotels (Хостел "Странник"), Oktjabr'skaja square, 2, 7 (81148) 2-25-91. Ecb copyright.svg750 RUB (2013). Youth hostel 250 meters from the monastery.

High prices

  • 3 Pečory-Park hotels (Гостиница "Печоры-Парк"), ulitsa Gagarina, 2B, 7 (81148) 2-33-27. Ecb copyright.svg1800 RUB - 3800 RUB (2013). New hotel of good quality. The non-luxury rooms lack a shower while the luxury ones are a bit too expensive for the area.
  • 4 Planeta hotels (Гостиница "Планета"), ul. Aim, 10, 7 (81148) 2-45-16. Ecb copyright.svg2000 - 2400 RUB (2013). Good hotel, very similar to those existing in Soviet times.


  • 3 City hospital (Печорская больница), Naberezhnaja ulitsa, 22, 7 (81148) 3-52-24, @. Simple icon time.svg08:30 - 16:00 (visits).
  • 4 Pečory Police Station (Отдел внутренних дел Печорского района Псковской области), ulitsa Mira, 12, 7 (81148) 2-25-43.

How to keep in touch


  • 5 Museum of the Setos people ( Музей-усадьба народа Сето в деревне Сигово Печорского района). In the outskirts of the city lives a linguistic minority, which is not known internationally. I am the people Setos and this museum is the only one in the world, or almost, that tells their history, their traditions and their past. An unmissable opportunity to get to know this culture destined to disappear.
  • From Pečory reach theEstonia it is really very easy, as it is only 2 km from the border. For this reason the town can be a good starting point to get to know both the beautiful Baltic country and one of the oldest and most wonderful cities in European Russia: Pskov.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pečory
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pečory
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).