Piombino - Piombino

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The port city Piombino is picturesquely located on the Gulf of the Tyrrhenian Sea of ​​the same name, opposite the island Elba. It is located at the northernmost point of the Maremma, and belongs to Italian Livorno province in the Tuscany.


Piombino used to be the capital of a principality which also comprised a large part of the island of Elba and had 25,000 inhabitants on 360 km². In the Middle Ages, Piombino belonged to Pisa and was awarded along with Elba in 1399 by Duke Galeazzo Visconti of Milan to thank Gherardo Appiano for Pisa's betrayal and fortified by him. After the death of the last Appiano, who was elevated to the rank of prince in 1594, it passed to the Ludovisi family, later by marriage to the Roman Boncompagni. Napoleon I gave the principality to his sister Elise Bacciocchi as a French imperial fief in 1805. The Vienna Congress Act returned the same to the Boncompagni-Ludovisi house in 1815; Until 1860 it was under the sovereignty of Tuscany, since 1860 it has belonged to Italy.

The community also includes that which goes back to the Etruscans Pupluna and San Cerbone.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

In the street


Map of Piombino

Tourist Attractions

In Piombino there are fortification walls with towers, a castle and a palace of the former princes of Piombino.

  • Torrione e Revellino city gate
  • Castle with the Museo del Castello e della Cittá, Piazza del Castello. Tel.: 39 0565 63220, 39 0565 226408.
  • Museo archeologico del Territorio di Populonia, Piazza Cittadella. Tel.: 39 0565 221646, 39 0565 29002. The Archaeological Museum is located in Palazzo Nuovo.
  • Museo di Arte Sacra Andrea Guardi, Via del Coro. Tel.: 39 0565 63111. The art museum.
  • Museo del mare, Acquario e Mostra Animali Protetti, Piazza Bovio 3. Tel.: 39 0565 225196. The Oceanography Museum.
  • Museo di Entomologia, Via Modigliani 2. Tel.: 39 0565 41672. The Etmonoligie Museum.
  • In the Cose di Ieri there is a small exhibition with old everyday objects. Via Mozza, Tel. 39 0565 63111
  • Osservatorio Astronomico, Loc. Falcone. Tel.: 39 0565 20142. The observatory.
  • Museo Etrusco di Gasparri Populonia. Tel.: 39 0565 29336.








Practical advice


To the north of Piombino lie the ruins of the old Etruscan sea trade town of Populonia with port (Porto Baratti) on a hill planted with olive trees and steeply sloping towards the sea; the Maremma extend to the east.


Web links

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