Maremma - Maremma

Maremma is a predominantly in the Tuscany lying landscape Italy. It covers the stretch of coast between Rossignano and Civittavecchia (in Lazio) including the hinterland. It includes the Etruscan Riviera.


The Maremma (or "Maremma") is generally a very large area without an exact border. There are different classifications, the most common being the Livornese-Pisan (Alta Maremma) and the Greater Tanzanian Maremma. The Alta Maremma includes the landscapes, among others Colline Metallifere, Val di Cornia and Val di Cecina, the Maremma grossetana covers the southern landscapes in the province of Grosseto.

Outside of Tuscany extends the Maremma laziale (Latium) on the coast of the provinces of Viterbo and Rome.

The heart of the Maremma is the Parco Naturale della Maremma (Maremma Natural Park) between Alberese and Talamone.


Other goals

  • Necrópoli Etrusca


The Maremma is the heartland of ancient Etruria and the hills have been inhabited since ancient times. For a long time, the parts near the coast could not be settled due to an inland lake (Daccia Botrona), large swamps and the ubiquitous malaria.

It is not certain where the name "Maremma" (in German also "the Maremma") comes from, one theory is that it derives from the Spanish "Marisma", swamp or from "marittima".

Until the 19th century, life in the Maremma was very hard and marked by deprivation and disease, and this coined the term Maremma amara ("bitter Maremma"). It was only through the modern drainage measures, which began under Grand Duke Ferdinand III and continue to this day, that the coastal strip became a fertile and agriculturally used landscape. From the 20th century, the seaside resorts came into being and brought increasing prosperity with the summer guests.

The Maremma that the visitor sees today is a man-made landscape. Even the pine strips, which now appear natural, and many small forests were planted for drainage or use. Through the many nature parks and reserves, attempts are being made to create more space for nature and to preserve important biotopes. Tourists can contribute to the preservation of the diverse landscape by acting responsibly, including in particular by avoiding fires e.g. by throwing away glass, freshwater-friendly holidays (without a pool), using buses and bicycles instead of cars, etc.


  • Terramare, Via Roma 42, 58015 Orbetello. Tel.: 39 0564 850007, Fax: 39 0564 850721. Italian language school in the lagoon town of Orbetello in the Tuscan Maremma.

getting there


The infrastructure along the coast is good, there are several large connecting roads, but these are often congested on summer weekends and are also used by heavy goods vehicles on weekdays. An alternative are regular bus connections between the seaside resorts and Grosseto or cycling, especially in the flat valley around Grosseto and between the coastal towns. Small places off the coast and archaeological sights on remote hills can often only be easily reached by car or motorized two-wheeler.

Tourist Attractions

The largest city and center of Maremma is Grosseto with approx. 80,000 inhabitants. Around the picturesque inner city, protected by an intact and green city wall, an extensive, lively new town has formed and businesses have settled. A visit to the traffic-calmed old town of Grosseto is definitely worthwhile, especially in the evening passaggiata. Here you will find bars, cafes and restaurants as well as numerous shops for shopping and various museums. The central square is the attractively renovated Piazza Dante with the Cathedral of San Lorenzo and the Palazzo Aldobrandeschi. Families with children like to meet in the piazza at the ancient Cassero del Sale.

The flat landscape around Grosseto is used intensively for agriculture, almost every farm rents apartments and rooms of various categories. The Maremma hills are covered with pine forests and macchia and invite you to hike and discover old watchtowers, among other things. The Parco is particularly well developed and very varied Monti dell'Uccellina, Part of the nature reserve Natural Park of the Maremma. In summer there are shuttle buses from the tourist information office in the small town of Alberese to Prati (access to Parco dell'Uccellina) and to the Marina di Alberese beach. With your own car you can only drive to the parking lot on the beach, but the entrance is limited to 100 vehicles (and on warm days often blocked from the morning) and parking is relatively expensive. Alternatively, you can rent bicycles in Alberese. To the beach and to the nearby Bocca d'Ombrone (mouth of the Ombrone) there are many very easily navigable and signposted paths. The access to Prati is closed to private vehicles and can only be reached by shuttle bus or bicycle.

Perhaps the most beautiful place on the coast is the old fishing village Castiglione della Pescaia. The medieval-looking old town with an intact city wall and the castle, which can be seen from afar, is located on a hill, the new town has formed around the harbor and the beach. In the narrow, steep streets of the old town and at the harbor there are bars, cafes, ice cream parlors and restaurants for every taste, as well as many nice shops to stroll through until late in the evening. Along the beach there are a few Bagni with lounge chair rentals etc. and several freely accessible beach sections. At Casa Rossa Ximenes on the Bruna river, the marshland begins with hiking trails (be careful: hardly any shade, mosquitos) and bird watching huts. Some paths are passable by bike, there are rental bikes in town. A wide pineta (pine strip) joins the place, which connects the coastal towns with each other and is ideal for walks and cycling.

The is waiting in the south of the Tuscan Maremma Monte Argentario on visitors. The mountainous peninsula is a good mix between modern seaside resorts and nature in the hinterland. There are three land bridges to Monte Argentario: over the lively town of Orbetello or over the Tombolo di Gianella dams (expressway) and the Tombolo di Feniglia (closed to cars). The approx. 6 km long Tombolo di Feniglia is a very varied park that can be explored by bike or on foot. On the side facing the lagoon of Orbetello there are numerous birds and other animals to be observed, on the side facing the sea a long, freely accessible beach (including a dog beach), in between a park overgrown with pine and pine trees with wide paths. One often encounters foxes, fallow deer and wild boar, which are relatively unafraid here.

Two fishing towns can be visited on Monte Argentario: Porto Santo Stefano and Porto Ercole. The smaller Porto Ercole is located in a pretty bay, which is framed by hills with several fortresses. Some of the fortifications can be viewed from the outside, but many of the buildings are privately owned. The old town with its alleys invites you to go for a walk. In addition to the marina with the usual chic promenade, there is also a lively fishing port in Porto Ercole, which is more informal.

The place Follonica came to size and wealth through iron processing in the 19th century and is now a lively seaside resort (approx. 22,000 inhabitants) with a lot of holiday accommodation, in the off-season it is much quieter. You will find all the infrastructure for errands, large supermarkets (also open on weekends) and everything for leisure activities as well as a long beach. Since Follonica is a relatively young town, there is no old town center, but a very long beach promenade that turns into pine forests outside the town and invites you to cycle. Also worth seeing is the Chiesa di San Leopoldo with an artistic iron portal, the gate to the former iron foundry and that Museo del Ferro (History of iron processing and mining) as well as the contemporary Pinacoteca Modigliani.

The town Massa Marittima lies on the edge between the Maremma and the Colline Metallifere in the province of Grosseto. The city consists of the picturesque old town with the impressive Cathedral of San Cerbone and the so-called new town with the clock tower above, from which (and the adjacent wall) you can enjoy an impressive panorama far over the sea when the weather is clear. Below the old town, the city has expanded into the valley. Massa Marittima is an inviting, well-kept town that is definitely worth a visit.

One of the most beautiful places in Maremma is Campiglia Marittima. Despite being close to the sea, the quiet place was spared the mass tourism of the coast and is located on a wooded hill with all-round land and sea views from the highest point, the Rocca. The Rocca San Silvestro mining park with well-tended hiking trails is about 2 km from the village. In the plain between Campiglia Mma. and the coast is Venturina with a natural thermal lake around which a small bath has been created.

The hinterland of Campiglia is also worth seeing. A winding road leads through the hills between Suvereto, Sassetta and Castagneto Carducci. At Sassetta Several circular hiking trails start, one of which is an educational trail that is even barrier-free.

Castagneto Carducci is not only the birthplace of the writer Giosué Carducci, but also a beautiful mountain village with a pleasant climate. Those who want to take a detour from the sea and its amusements will find a nice change in the hinterland of Castagneto on quiet paths with stately chestnut trees or the world-famous one in Castagneto Elixir China Calisaja buy a high-quality, healthy liqueur made from cinchona bark or at Peperita peperoncini Try many variations from the region, from sweet to hellishly spicy.


Despite the many seaside resorts and the good infrastructure, the Maremma is a hiking paradise. A multitude of nature parks, charming old towns, castles, towers and ruins, archaeological sites, varied hills and natural beaches await visitors. The beauty of many areas such as the Monti dell'Uccelina (see above) can only be explored on foot because they are closed to traffic and / or difficult to access. Beaches like that Cala Violina and Cala Martina (at Portiglioni) can only be reached on foot.

The nature parks are very well signposted, there are long and short circular routes, there are very different tours, even for holidaymakers with little sporting ambition or travelers with children.

The tourist information centers in the cities and the visitor centers in the parks offer lots of maps and up-to-date information, and there are also guided hikes (ask locally). Often hosts and landlords also have tips for those interested that are hard to find in any travel guide.

in the meantime, in addition to the golf resort of Punta Ala, other golf courses have been built on Monte Argentario as well as Pellagone near Follonica and Maremmolo Golf near Fonteblanda.

In the summer months there is a very large range of sporting activities (also for beginners), diverse water sports courses, fun pools and amusement parks for the whole family, bike rental (including guided tours), etc. In each case, it is best to inquire about courses on site and appointments, as planning is often done at short notice according to the weather and request

In recent years, the Marine tourism established. The selection ranges from day cruises to the islands of the Tuscan archipelago to individual, educational tours on the fishing boat. Ask about the current offer in the port cities.


Maremma cuisine is a healthy combination of sea and land.

Fresher Fish, crustaceans and shellfish belong on the daily menu on the coast, freshly grilled or in the cool season as a soup, often marinated and pickled. Mollusks and eels are also popular, as are the high-quality farmed fish from the Bay of Orbetello, such as sea bass. As side dishes are patate fry, Lettuce and braised or deep-fried vegetables are popular, especially the peperonata (made from sweet peppers). In summer, people like to eat a cold "insalatone" (salad plate), e.g. made from seafood, vegetables or noodles, etc. for lunch, and watermelon or other fruit for dessert. In winter, nutritious soups and stews with meat, fish and poultry are in demand and game dishes are popular. In the hinterland is baccalá (Stockfish) a specialty.

Due to the favorable climatic situation, the Maremma is today an intensively used agricultural region, especially the fertile basin around Grosseto is ideal for growing vegetables and fruit. Many farmers offer direct sales of their own products in huts or directly in the courtyard, often organically grown.

Sheep farming and the production of Pecorino plays a role. Since cattle breeding is very well established in the Maremma, the local one becomes cacio (Cheese) often mixed from sheep and cow milk. There is a wide range of Cow's milk products (various cheeses, yoghurt, ricotta, butter, etc.), which characterize the cuisine of the Maremma and thus stand out from the surrounding regions.

The bistecca, which is often offered in the Maremma, did not come to Florence and the surrounding area until the 19th century with the English who distrusted the local food. Since the cattle for this modern specialty come mainly from the Maremma, stands bistecca often on the menu here, but not traditionally Maremman.

In many excursion restaurants and beach bars there are more and more ready meals (pasta, french fries, risotto and frozen fish), you can usually tell from the standardized menus or displays with menu photos. These dishes are not cheaper than fresh dishes in a simple trattoria a bit away from the beach or at the port. If you want good, cheap lunch, choose a trattoria frequented by dock workers, artisans, fishermen and other locals. The furnishings are often very simple, but the food is fresh.


In the seaside resorts from May to October there is a wide range of (open-air) concerts, festivals, discos, gastronomic highlights and various other events as well as a number of amusement parks. Especially in the towns of Cecina, San Vincenzo, Marina di Grosseto, Follonica and Orbetello there is entertainment for the whole family almost every day in the summer until late at night. Also in Grosseto the calendar of events is full in the summer months.

In the hinterland and the densely forested hills of the Colline Metallifere on the other hand it is pleasantly quiet, but there are also here on the summer weekends Sagre (gastronomic festivals), tastings and concerts - note the announcements on site.


In lively coastal cities like Follonica, you shouldn't leave valuables in your car and watch out for your belongings on the beach.


The Maremma, and especially the Greater Tanzanian Basin, has a warm microclimate that is particularly favorable for agriculture. In the valleys it is usually several degrees warmer than in the hills, and numerous rivers and drainage ditches ensure the water supply.

In summer, the stagnant and often humid heat in the hinterland can be very uncomfortable, refreshment is best sought at the sea or in the mountainous areas Colline Metallifere. Travelers should definitely equip themselves with a sun hat, sun cream and a good mosquito repellent and (sporty) activities in the morning or in the evening.

In spring and autumn the mild coastal climate is very pleasant and often extends the swimming season to October and the hiking season to November, but you should be prepared for downpours and windy days.


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