D-Day landing beaches - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Plages du débarquement — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit


American troops disembarking at Omaha Beach.


The main routes of the assaults
  • 1 Sword Beach (English)
  • 2 Juno Beach (Canadian)
  • 3 Gold Beach (English)
  • 4 Omaha Beach (Americans)
  • 5 Utah beach (Americans)

Other allies



To go


By car

By bus

By bike

To see

Sword Beach

British troops in Lion-sur-Mer
Pegasus Bridge
  • Pegasus Memorial Logo indicating a link to the website Major Howard Ave, 14860 Ranville, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 78 19 44 Logo indicating tariffs 2,85 £. – The capture of the Pegasus Bridge was a remarkable achievement of the Glider Regiment and the 6e British airborne division. History is well covered in the museum where exhibits include the original Pegasus Bridge and a Horsa glider. Several monuments of the 6e British airborne division are next to the bridge.
  • Site ofOuistreham  – This beautiful seaside resort has a legacy of fortifications, memorials, museums and military cemeteries, which stand between beach hotels, stretches of fine sand, breezy cliffs and quaint fishing harbors on the map. postal.
  • Nr 4 Commando Museum Place Alfred Thomas, 14150 Ouistreham, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 96 63 10 – In this museum, you can see models, weapons and uniforms retracing the history of the Franco-British commandos who landed at Sword Beach.
  • Atlantic Wall Museum Logo indicating a link to the website av du 6 Juin, 14150 Ouistreham, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 97 28 69 – In a former artillery firing station located on the Atlantic wall, this high concrete tower, of 17 m tall, is one of a kind. It has been restored and re-equipped to return to its original condition.
  • Lion-sur-Mer site
  • Colleville-Montgomery site  – A plaque is located on the main blockhouse at Hillman Battery in memory of the soldiers of the 1er Battalion of the Suffolk Regiment. There is also a statue of General Montgomery and the provisional cemetery, the Kieffer and Montgomery monuments.
  • Hermanville site Hermanville-sur-Mer
  • Radar Museum Route de Basly 14440 Douvres-la-Délivrande, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 06 06 45 – On the site of a German fortified radar base, the museum explains the evolution and operation of the radar. Outside, a German Würzburg radar can be observed.

Juno Beach

Second waves of Canadian soldiers
  • Langrune-sur-Mer site
  • Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer site
D-Day Memorial, near Bernières-sur-Mer, Juno Beach
  • Bernières-sur-Mer site
Char Sherman Duplex Drive, Courseulles-sur-Mer

Gold Beach

British tanks coming out of an American ship
  • America Gold Beach Museum 2, Place Amiral Byrd, 14114 Ver-sur-Mer, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 22 58 58
Gold Beach in Arromanches, site of the Mulberry port
The Longues-sur-Mer battery
  • Long Battery Longues-sur-Mer (Access by road D514 (follow the signs)), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 06 06 45 – The Longues-sur-Mer battery housed four guns of 150 mm with a scope of 20 km and shelled Allied ships on the morning of June 6. It is the only coastal battery to have retained its guns, which gives an impressive picture of what the Atlantic Wall actually looked like.
  • Port-en-Bessin site
  • Underwater wreck museum Route de Bayeux-Commes, 14520 Port-en-Bessin, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 21 17 06
  • Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy boul Fabian Ware, 14400 Bayeux, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 51 46 90
  • Memorial Museum of General de Gaulle 10, rue Bourbesneur, 14400 Bayeux, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 92 45 55

Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach after taking the beach
Craters at Pointe du Hoc
  • 1st Infantry Division Monument (Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer)
  • Omaha Beach Memorial Museum Logo indicating a link to the website av de la Liberation, 14710 Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 21 97 44
  • D-Day Omaha Museum Logo indicating a link to the website Route de Grandcamp-Maisy, 14710 Vierville-sur-Mer, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 21 71 80
  • Vierville-sur-Mer site
Monument, Pointe-du-Hoc
  • The Pointe du Hoc Cricqueville-en-Bessin
  • Ranger Museum - Maisy Battery (Grandcamp-Maisy), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 92 33 51
  • Maisy Battery Museum (Grandcamp Maisy)

Utah beach

Utah beach
  • Dead Man's Corner Museum Logo indicating a link to the website 2 Upstream Village - 50500 Saint-Côme-du-Mont, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 33 42 00 42
  • Airborne Museum Logo indicating a link to the website 14 rue Eisenhower - 50480 Sainte-Mère-Église, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 33 41 41 35 Logo indicating tariffs 2,85 £.
Statue on a bridge in Sainte-Mère-Église
  • Sainte-Mère-Église
  • Landing Museum Logo indicating a link to the website Sainte-Marie-du-Mont (Utah beach), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 33 71 53 35 Logo indicating tariffs 2,70 £.
  • Monuments located near the Landing Museum at Utah Beach
  • Azeville battery La Rue - 50310 Azeville, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 33 40 63 05
  • Crisbeq Battery Museum Route des Manoirs, Saint-Marcouf, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 86 10 80 59
  • Memorial of the Rediscovered Liberty 18, av de la Plage, 50310 Quinéville, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 33 95 95 95

After D-Day

The mayor of Cherbourg thanking the American general General Collins, whose troops liberated the city
Canadian Expats in Caen


Devastation near Falaise

After Falaise

American troops in Paris


Bény-sur-Mer Canadian Cemetery
American cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer
  • 1 Military cemetery of Ranville Logo indicating a link to the website 5357 Rue du Comté Louis de Rohan Chabot
  • 2 Hermanville Military Cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 3 Bény-sur-Mer Canadian Military Cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 4 Normandy American Cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website 14710 Colleville-sur-Mer, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 2 31 51 62 00 Logo indicating timetables h - 18 h.
  • 5 Banneville-la-Campagne military cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 6 Polish cemetery of Grainville-Langannerie
  • 7 Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian Cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 8 Saint-Manvieu military cemetery Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 9 Military cemetery of Bayeux Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 10 German military cemetery of La Cambe Logo indicating a link to the website
  • 11 German military cemetery of Orglandes Logo indicating a link to the website


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