North Pole - Polo nord

North Pole
Arctic Ocean

The North Pole is the northernmost point of the Land. The geographic north pole of a planet is the north intersection of the axis of revolution with the surface. For the Earth this point is in theArctic Ocean.

To know

The North Pole and a large area around it are covered in ice. However, this is not a terrestrial ice like theAntarctica and the Greenland, but sea ice. This sea ice is on average between 1 and 4 meters thick and is made up of frozen ocean water. The thickness of the sea ice depends on the temperature of the air and the temperature of the water directly under the ice. In summer, the total surface area of ​​sea ice at the North Pole decreases considerably due to the sharp increase in air temperature.


Robert Peary, Matthew Henson and four Inuit called Ootah, Seegloo, Egingway Ooqueah are generally regarded as the first to reach the North Pole; this happened on April 6, 1909 (although that claim is disputed).

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

Icebreaker at the North Pole

By plane

On boat

The North Pole can only be reached by water with icebreakers, such as Jamal's nuclear icebreaker. The following organizations offer trips to the North Pole with ice picks:

North Pole

How to get around

Snowshoes and a dog sled are the only means you can use to get around the North Pole. It is also advisable to travel as a group on the inhospitable ice field.

What see

The ice surface at the North Pole is mostly flat, but there are still interesting ice and snow formations here and there. A special feature of the North Pole is that there is only one sunrise and one sunset per year. However, the chance is very small that this only happens when you are there. Perhaps tour guides plant a pole in the ice to indicate where the North Pole is; however, this is unofficial and is only meant to take a nice picture.

It is very unusual for polar bears to travel this far north; they prefer to stay close to the "coastal plains" of the ice sheet where they can swim better.

90 ° N

What to do

Have a glass of sparkling wine to celebrate you've reached the North Pole.

What to buy

You can't buy anything in the North Pole, so bring whatever you need.

At the table

You or the travel agency will have to take everything yourself. The arrival of the geographic North Pole is traditionally celebrated with a feast with caviar.


Although there is no permanent infrastructure at the North Pole, heated tent camps can be set up where one can stay for one or more nights. Specialty stores can supply heated tent camps which are mainly used for long-term ice expeditions.

Where to go

From the North Pole you can only go south in all directions.
