Spitsbergen - Spitsbergen

SARS-CoV-2 without background.pngWARNING: Due to the outbreak of the contagious disease COVID-19 (see coronavirus pandemic), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, also known as coronavirus, there are travel restrictions worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to follow the advice of the official bodies of Belgium and Netherlands to be consulted frequently. These travel restrictions may include travel restrictions, closure of hotels and restaurants, quarantine measures, being allowed to be on the street for no reason and more, and can be implemented with immediate effect. Of course, in your own interest and that of others, you must immediately and strictly follow government instructions.
Flag of Norway
Governmentruled by Norway
CoinNorwegian Krone (Kroner) (NOK)
Surface61,000 km 2
Population2.500 (2012)
LanguageNorwegian and Russian
ReligionLutheranism 80%
Electricity230V/50Hz (European plug)
Call code 500
Internet TLD.sj
Time zoneUTC 1

Spitsbergen (Norwegian: Svalbard, meaning: cold coast, Russian: Шпицберген; (Spitsbergen)) is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, about 565 km north of Norway in the Arctic. This archipelago consists of three larger and about eighty smaller islands. The archipelago is part of the Kingdom of Norway. Polar bears can also be found on the archipelago, for which they even have a separate road sign.


Spitsbergen is the northernmost inhabited place in the world. Located above the Arctic Circle, it is always light for part of spring and part of summer, and always dark for part of autumn and part of winter.

Although Spitsbergen does not belong to any country politically, it has been Norway since 1923 that de facto controls the area.


Although Spitsbergen belongs de facto to Norway, the Spitsberg population is a real mix of nationalities. Besides Norwegians, Swedes, Russians and people of other nationalities from all over the world also live here.


Map of Spitsbergen

Spitsbergen consists of many islands, of which only the main island of the same name is inhabited. The five largest islands are:


Houses in Longyearbyen.

All towns and villages in Spitsbergen are located on the main island of Spitsbergen (also called West Spitsbergen).

  • longyearbyen — The "capital" and most important Norwegian town in Spitsbergen with 1,800 inhabitants.
  • Barentsburg — The last remaining Russian settlement, with 700 inhabitants the second place of Spitsbergen
  • Hornsund — Polish research base, 10 residents during winter, between 20 and 30 residents during summer.
  • Ny-Ålesund (New Ålesund) — The northernmost village in the world (there are research centers even further north), less than 100 inhabitants. Many international research centers are located here, including a Dutch research base.
  • Sveagruva — A mining town with 210 inhabitants.

Other destinations

Amsterdamøya (Amsterdam Island) where the ruins of the former Dutch settlement of Smeerenburg can be visited (first inquire about the accessibility of this very remote and difficult island).

Other (uninhabited) islands that belong to Spitsbergen are Barentszeiland, Edgeøya, Nordaustlandet, Prins Karls Forland, Hopes, Kong Karls Land and Kvitøya can only be visited with a special permit as they are all recognized nature reserves.


By plane

On Spitsbergen you fly from the Netherlands or Belgium via Norway.

Travel around

Travel Warning

WARNING: Never leave Longyearbyen without a guide. This is prohibited for tourists and for good reason. Spitsbergen is an extreme area and danger is always lurking, especially if you stay there in winter. Thousands of polar bears live there, the risk of avalanches is high, there are deep gorges and other obstacles and because it is always dark in winter and there are many snow storms, you can't see a hand in front of your eyes. The danger is incalculable and an accident is in a small corner, in the worst case with fatal outcome. So under no circumstances go 'exploring' on your own in Spitsbergen, but look for a good guide who can show you the most beautiful places in Spitsbergen.

By snowmobile

There are no roads outside the city. Going out of town is only possible with a snowmobile, which you can rent in Longyearbyen.

By plane

In addition to Longyearbyen airport, there are two other airports on the west side of the archipelago. On Ny-Ålesund and Svea, only aircraft of Lufttransport, which use the Dornier Do 228, land.


next to it Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk (New Norwegian)), there is also a lot Russian spoken on Spitsbergen. In longyearbyen can you manage reasonably well as a tourist with the English. In the Russian settlement Barentsburg however, this is hardly spoken and you better have some basic knowledge of Russian there.

To look at

Northern lights on Spitsbergen.

The midnight sun in summer and the northern lights in winter are natural phenomena that you must see as a tourist.

To do

ice cave.

Most tourists come in the summer. For example, it is possible to take cruises, spot polar bears or whales or visit fjords. But there is also something to do on Spitsbergen in winter. For example, it is possible to visit ice caves and because it is always dark there, Spitsbergen is also a perfect location to spot the Northern Lights.

To buy


Going out

You wouldn't expect it, but Longyearbyen certainly has nightlife. Shops are open and there are also cafes.

stay overnight

In longyearbyen and Barentsburg are hotels.

To learn

University building of Spitsbergen.

Spitsbergen has a university.

To work


Polar bear warning sign.

If you leave the capital Longyearbyen on a snowmobile, you should always have a gun with you (for hire in the city) to defend yourself against a possible attack by polar bears.


Spitsbergen is an extreme environment, the cold is a major health hazard. Visitors should be well prepared and equipped for a visit. Waterproof and windproof gloves, jacket, pants and boots are an absolute necessity. Other often overlooked essentials are sunscreen and sunglasses - in summer visitors will be exposed to the sun's rays from above and from reflections of snow, ice and water. In addition, those traveling by boat are advised to carry seasickness medicine - even the most seaworthy person can get sick in a violent storm, check with your doctor before deciding which medicine is appropriate.

In the capital longyearbyen is a hospital, but you should not imagine too much of it. They normally do not perform complicated operations. Even if you as a woman have to give birth, in practice this will not happen there, despite the presence of all the necessary facilities, doctors and nurses. For comprehensive medical assistance, you will likely go to Norway Tromsø be transferred.


all around

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