Islands in the Arctic Ocean - Eilanden in de Noordelijke IJszee

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The Arctic Ocean has many islands, which can be regarded as the edges of the North American, European and Asian continents. Some are permanently inhabited; others are completely covered with a thick layer of ice and therefore uninhabitable. Some of the more interesting islands lie in the border area between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic. This article covers all islands from latitude 60° and further north to the Arctic.


Ice from a glacier at Esmarkbreen, Spitsbergen

The Arctic Ocean is located around the Arctic and of the five oceans, the Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest. Because it's in the Arctic is so cold, despite the salinity, the ocean often freezes over, making it very difficult to navigate. Nevertheless, the Arctic Ocean has some wondrous islands.


North American Islands (ATOW1996, Canadian Arctic Islands, Greenland)
European Islands (Faroe Islands, Iceland, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen (Svalbard), Nova Zemlya)
Asian Islands (New Siberian Islands, Northland, Wrangell)



Other destinations

  • alert — on the Canadian island of Nunavut, the northernmost permanently inhabited settlement in the world
  • Arctic — northernmost point on earth
  • north — military and research base in Greenland, the second most northerly permanently inhabited place in the world after Alert


By plane

Travel around

By plane

Although they are on or near the main routes of aircraft between Europe and North America On the islands in the Arctic Ocean, stops are made less frequently because the passenger planes can cover the entire distance without refueling in between. Historical links with Europe make the Arctic Ocean islands easier to reach from Europe than from Canada or the United States.

  • Deutsche Polarflug. [1]. Since May 2007, this company has been organizing sightseeing flights with an Airbus 330 departing from Germany. You fly over Norway and Spitsbergen. At special points of interest, the flight will be lower and you will fly all the way north to the Arctic. Often the passengers also change seats so that everyone can sit at the window for half the flight.

Organized tours

By boat

Because the Arctic Ocean freezes over so often, it is very difficult for ships to pass through it. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for boat trips in the Arctic Ocean.

  • Ocean Expeditions. The yacht 'Philos' is specially built for northern areas. It specializes in filmmaking expeditions, scientific research, adventure activities, trips for wildlife enthusiasts or simply an ultimate experience of the Arctic.


Depending on the local population and the state to which an island belongs, various Eskimo, Indo-European and Finno-Ugric languages ​​are spoken. With English or Russian you can go almost anywhere.

To look at

The landscape in the Arctic changes seasonally. It is possible to spot an abundance of wildlife on a cruise or overland tour. The best time to go depends on what game you want to spot. Between the end of May and the beginning of September you will mainly see caribou, moose, humpback whales, beluga whales, seals, grizzly bears, polar bears, arctic foxes, musk oxen, and up to 200 species of birds.

The Northern Lights can also be seen at dusk and at night during a cruise.

The sun hardly rises around Christmas.

To do

  • To ski

To buy



This is Arctic country and to protect yourself from the cold it is necessary to put on several layers of clothing. Polar bears are aggressive; that's why it's on for example Spitsbergen required to take a loaded rifle with you on a walk, even within built-up areas.

all around

Continents:Africa · Asia · Europe · North America · Oceania · South America
Oceans:Atlantic Ocean · Pacific · Indian Ocean · Arctic Ocean · Southern Ocean
Polar regions:Antarctica · Arctic
Also see:Room
Islands in the Arctic Ocean
North American Islands:ATOW1996 · Canadian Arctic Islands · Greenland
European islands:Faroe Islands · Iceland · Jan Mayen · Spitsbergen · Nova Zemlya
Asian Islands:New Siberian Islands · Northland · Wrangell
Regions of the Arctic
North America:Arctic Alaska · Yukon · Northwest Territories · nunavut · Northern Quebec · Greenland
Europe:Iceland · Northern Norway · Spitsbergen · Jan Mayen · Norrbotten County · Finnish Lapland
Asia:Northwest Russia · Kraj Krasnoyarsk · Yakutia · Chukotka
Arctic Ocean:Islands in the Arctic Ocean
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