Oceans - Oceanen

The earth is made up of 70% water from the oceans, which are connected to each other. Literally seen is every dry place an island. But we see the very large ones as continents and that leaves the smaller islands. They are widespread as the "leftovers" of geography and some of them make up the most unique and interesting destinations as a result.


Overview map of the oceans
Islands in the Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is mainly characterized by its salt water; of the five oceans, it is the saltiest. This ocean was also the first research object of the science of oceanography.
Islands in the Pacific
Of the five oceans, the Pacific Ocean is by far the largest and the deepest. This is also where almost half of all caught fish come from.
Islands in the Indian Ocean
Also known as the Middle Ocean, due to its location between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. This is also the first ocean on which shipping took place (namely for trade between Africa and Asia).
Islands in the Arctic Ocean
The Arctic Ocean is located around the Arctic. It is the smallest and shallowest ocean in the world.
Islands in the Southern Ocean
Scholars disagree on the exact location of the Southern Ocean; south of the 45° or 60° south latitude. In this case, the map indicates the 60° south latitude. In any case, it is located around the White Continent Antarctica. The Southern Ocean has the coldest water of the five oceans.
Continents:Africa · Asia · Europe · North America · Oceania · South America
Oceans:Atlantic Ocean · Pacific · Indian Ocean · Arctic Ocean · Southern Ocean
Polar regions:Antarctica · Arctic
Also see:Room
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