Polynesia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Polynésie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The Polynesia is the easternmost region ofOceania, in the Pacific Ocean.


Polynesia includes the following main islands:

Polynesia Map
Cook Islands
Fifteen islands stretching between the 9th and 23rd parallels south.
The eastern two-thirds of these islands are part of Polynesia. Poor and remote, these islands are the first to see the sunrise on a daily basis.
Only one flight per week, since Auckland.
French Polynesia
Includes three islands claiming to be the most beautiful islands in the world: Bora Bora, Tahiti and Moorea, but also Mururoa where French nuclear tests took place until 1996.
Two main volcanic islands, lush vegetation, traditional culture and superb Fale or huts open on the sides.
American Samoa
A kingdom nicknamed Friends Islands, but where the clash of traditional and modern cultures is felt.
One of the least populated countries in the world.
Tokelau (New Zealand)
Wallis and futuna (France)
He is Baker and Howland (United States)
Hawaii (United States)
Jarvis Island (United States)
Johnston Atoll (United States)
Midway Islands (United States)
Palmyra Atoll and Kingman Reef (United States)
Easter island (Chile)
An isolated island with impressive stone carvings.
Pitcairn Islands (UK)
Populated by the descendants of the mutineers of Bounty.

The New Zealand, although often considered part of Polynesia, both historically and culturally, is covered in a separate article due to its size.



To speak

To go


To buy


Have a drink / Go out



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The article for this continental region is a sketch and needs more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the region: Oceania
Destinations located in the region