Bieruńsko-Lędziński poviat - Powiat bieruńsko-lędziński

County coat of arms

Bieruńsko-Lędziński poviat - a poviat located in southern Poland, in the eastern part of the Śląskie Voivodeship. The seat of the poviat authorities is the city of Bieruń. The poviat consists of the following towns: Bieruń, Lędziny, Imielin, Bojszowy, Bojszowy Nowe, Międzyrzecze, Jedlina, Świerczyniec, Chełm Śląski and Kopciowice.

The poviat is situated in the eastern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, on the edge of the Upper Silesian conurbation. The Bieruń-Lędziński Poviat is located in the most industrialized and urbanized region in Poland, and its industrial character has been shaped by the development of coal mining and metallurgy.


The poviat was established on January 1, 2002 by renaming the Tychy poviat to Bieruńsko-Lędziński poviat, with the simultaneous transfer of the seat from Tychow down Bierunia.

Worth seeing

  • Bieruń - the urban layout, the sanctuary of St. Walenty, the Jewish cemetery and the Church of St. Bartholomew
  • Lędziny - Klimont Hill and the Hołdunów housing estate
  • Imielin - the Church of Our Lady of the Scapular, the Chapel of Our Lady of Częstochowa and the Dziećkowice Reservoir
  • Chełm Śląski - the parish of Holy Trinity
  • Kopciowice - manor house and park complex

Interesting towns nearby


Car transport

The A4 motorway, the S1 expressway, the national road No. 44 and the provincial roads 931, 934 and 780 run through the territory of the Bieruń-Lędziny poviat.

Railway transport

There is a railway transport in the poviat, which consists of several kilometers of track and 3 railway stations. This transport is the second most important in regional transport, after road transport.


  • Bieruńsko-Lędziński Poviat is the smallest poviat in terms of the area and population in the Śląskie Voivodeship.
  • There are 3 cities in the poviat: Bieruń, Lędziny and Imielin, as well as seven villages, the largest of which is Chełm Śląski.
  • Lake Dziećkowice is the largest water reservoir in the district