Elbląg district - Powiat elbląski

Elbląg district - poviat in Poland, in (Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship), created in 1999 as part of the then administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Elblag.

Geographical coordinates of the district capital: 54 ° 09′30 ″ N, 19 ° 24′10 ″ E

county coat of arms
county flag
map of poviats in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship
Communes of the Elbląg poviat
Jelonki - arcaded house
An arcaded cottage in Łęcz
Pasłek Stone Gate
Drawbridge on the Tyna in Lake.jpg
Kadyny Factory of majolica
The indicator denoting the maximum depression in Poland

The Elbląg poviat is situated in the western part of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship, it covers an area of ​​1,430.55 km². The poviat area is inhabited by nearly 57,000 people, which constitutes 4% of the voivodeship's population. The population density in the district is 39.45 people / km². The poviat's urbanization is 29.77%. The poviat consists of 9 administrative units, including 3 urban-rural communes: Młynary, Pasłęk, Tolkmicko and 6 rural communes: Elbląg, Godkowo, Gronowo Elbląskie, Markusy, Milejewo and Rychliki . There are 4 cities: Elbląg, Młynary, Pasłęk, Tolkmicko.

The advantages of the Elbląg poviat are: the central location of Elbląg in relation to the Elbląg poviat and the proximity of large port metropolises, location in the belt of important communication systems, access to the Baltic Sea through the Vistula Lagoon and the port in Elbląg, a large share of surface waters and forests in the total area (about 40% ), the richness of flora and fauna and a significant share of naturally valuable areas, an unusually rich history and preserved cultural heritage.

The Elbląg district is an area with a favorable geographical location, rich nature and landscape combining highlands, lowlands and depression (the lowest point in Poland 1.8 m below sea level in Raczki Elbląskie).

One of the greatest tourist attractions of the Elbląg district, and on a European scale, it is The Elbląg Canal. The canal is one of the most interesting in terms of sightseeing and technical water route in the world. It was designed in the years 1825-1844 by the Dutch engineer Jakub Jerzy Steenke. Construction began in 1846. Its length is 129.8 km, including a section Ostróda-Elbląg - 80.4 km. Taking into account the branches on the lakes, the total length of the canal is 187.2 km. The gem of this one of the two roads of this type in the world are unique technical devices - 5 slipways (Buczyniec, Kąty, Oleśnica, Jelenie, Całówny), thanks to which ships cover 2 km on dry land. The task of the slipway system is to overcome the enormous difference in water level, amounting to about 100 m over a distance of 9.6 km. The beautiful, varied landscape along the canal route is also the only tourist attraction of this type in Europe.

Due to the relief, the following landscapes can be found in the Elbląg district:

  • overwater (municipalities of Elbląg, Tolkmicko),
  • delta (Elbląg commune),
  • lake and swamp (Elbląg commune, Markusy),
  • plains and moraine hills (Pasłęk commune),
  • lakeland hills (Godkowo commune),
  • valleys and plains (the valley of the Bauda and Wąska Pasłęka rivers).

There are many monuments from the Middle Ages and modern ages in the poviat, they are, among others: the Gothic Town Hall, the Stone and Młyńska Gate in Pasłęk, the urban layout of the Old Town in Młynary, Pasłęk and Tolkmicko, the historic imperial summer residence in Kadyny (the commune Tolkmicko), unique archaeological sites with numerous fortified settlements (Weklice, Janów), manor and palace complexes, including: the Dohna manor from the 18th century in Dawidy (Pasłęk commune) and Bielica (Godkowo commune), the palace complex in Janów Pomorski (Elbląg commune), palace and park complex in Kwiatajny (Pasłęk commune), palace with a park in Powodowo and Topolno Wielki (Rychliki commune), manor and park complex in Połoniny (Tolkmicko commune), rural layout of the villages of Tropy Elbląskie (Elbląg commune) and Kadyny (Tolkmicko commune) ), numerous historic churches, chapels and cemeteries.

The windmills that used to be characteristic of this area are now rare.

One of the unique attractions of the Elbląg poviat are numerous objects of material culture related to the Mennonite settlement. Mennonite members of the Anabaptist religious movement came to Żuławy from the Netherlands at the beginning of the 16th century. In the district you can find magnificent arcaded houses, Dutch-type farmsteads, numerous churches and other sacred buildings, former Mennonite cemeteries. The hydrotechnical devices are a great treat: drainage pump stations, sluice channels, lifting and rotating bridges.


Due to the presence of areas of outstanding natural value, a network of naturally valuable, legally protected areas is created, e.g. nature reserves, Elbląg Upland Landscape Park, Protected Landscape Areas.

Lake Druzno is a unique place in the scale of the country, and perhaps the whole of Europe (sometimes it is called the "Polish Amazon"), its appearance does not resemble most of the lakes in Poland. The vast majority of the lake's surface is covered with nymfeids, i.e. plants with floating leaves: water lilies, water lily and a very rare mushroom (it is the northernmost position of this plant in Europe, a plant under strict species protection in Poland). The beauty of the mushroom is best admired from afar. During flowering, it turns the lake from green to yellow.

It is a unique phenomenon in the lowland area Druzno Lake nature reserve included in the reserves of international importance. There are about 180 species of marsh and water birds. It is a breeding site and a refuge for rare species.

The nature of the Elbląg Upland with legends about the Giants, Prince Hoggo and his daughters, about the Węgorz from Tolkmicko, the Church in Próchnik, the Spirit of the Vistula Lagoon or the unusual legend of the Devil's Stone, located in Pażantarnia, is worth getting to know.


The preserved cultural heritage, rich history, unique archaeological sites, outstanding sightseeing values ​​with preserved natural landscapes, a large amount of forests and surface waters constitute good conditions for the development of various forms of rest and recreation. Due to the terrain in the Elbląg district, you can meet the following landscapes: floodplain, delta, lake-swamp, plains and moraine hills, lake hills, valleys and plains. these are: nature reserves (forest, ornithological, floristic, peat bog), Elbląg Upland Landscape Park, Protected Landscape Areas.

There are many interesting tourist routes in the Elbląg poviat, including:

  • The Copernicus Trail, running through the places where Nicolaus Copernicus stayed,
  • The water route on the Elbląg Canal with a complex of five slipways,
  • The fairway on the Elbląg River and the Vistula Lagoon,
  • St. Wojciech from Elbląg to Święty Gaj - the place of martyrdom of St. Wojciech,
  • Tourist routes: walking, cycling (including the R1 International Bicycle Trail and the R64 Cross-border Bicycle Trail), water, car and horse trails, among others, on the Elbląg Upland. There are 3 educational paths.

A fairway runs through Lake Druzno towards the slipways on the Elbląg Canal.

Despite the war damage and a series of socio-economic changes, these areas still captivate with the richness and beauty of the landscape, remnants of cultural heritage, characteristic buildings, numerous historical places and monuments.

Noteworthy are, among others: castles, palaces, manors, sacred architecture, cemeteries, rural and urban buildings from the Middle Ages and modern centuries. The Elbląg district offers visitors a number of hotels, inns, agritourist farms and catering facilities. The poviat has a convenient network of transport systems as well as road, rail and water communication, and has easy access to border crossings. Many hiking trails cross here. Local authorities and friendly inhabitants favor the harmonious development of this land and the preservation of its valuable natural and cultural values, which causes many tourists to visit these areas.

Tourist organizations:

  • Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society Branch of the Elbląg Region ul. Short 5, 82-300 Elbląg www.pttk.elblag.com.pl
  • Tourist Information Office in Tolkmicko, ul. Świętojańska 1, 82-340 Tolkmicko [email protected]
  • Żegluga Ostródzko - Elbląska www.zegluga.com.pl
  • Tourist Information in Elblag www.ielblag.pl
  • The website of the Vistula Lagoon www.zalew.org.pl
Geographical Coordinates