Raczki Elbląskie - Raczki Elbląskie

Depression indicator, until recently considered the lowest in Poland.

Raczki Elbląskie - village in Poland, located in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in Elbląg district, in Elbląg commune.

The village lies on Żuławy Elbląskie Near Druzno lakes, between the river Fiszewka and the river Tyna (Tina) flowing into the river Elbląg, 3 km south of Elbląg. approx. 1.5 km south of the road No. 22, approx. 1 km east of the Elbląg railway lineMalbork.

Geographic coordinates: 54 ° 07′25 ″ N, 19 ° 22′52 ″ E

In the years 1975–1998, the town was located in the then Elbląg Province.

Geography textbooks unanimously mention Raczki Elbląskie as the place where the greatest Polish depression is located - 1.8 m below sea level. (below sea level). In fact, the lowest point is probably in Marzęcin - 2.3 meters above sea level.

At this lowest point in Poland, there is even a peculiar monument - a red rod with blue waves marking the sea level. Tourists are eager to take photos here, checking whether their noses are above or below the sea waves.

The dispute over depression

Unexpectedly, the mayor of the Gronowo Elbląskie commune asked for the depression.

He noticed on military maps that in Wikrów, located in his commune, only less than 5 kilometers north-west of Raczki, the height of 2.6 m above sea level was marked! This was confirmed by the measurements carried out. However, geologists interfered, pointing out that in Raczki we are dealing with a natural depression, while the one in Wikrów was caused by human interference. Before World War II, peat was mined here and the lowering of the area is a consequence of human activities.

In the vicinity of the extremely interesting Druzno Lake and a nature reserve Druzno Lake. On the lake, which is now under the control of the Polish Angling Association, fishing is allowed (one of two such cases in the country), although with very large restrictions.

Geographical Coordinates