Olecki poviat - Powiat olecki

County coat of arms

Olecki poviat - a district in the north-east Poland, in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in the historical land masuria. The city is the seat of the poviat authorities Olecko.


The Olecki poviat is located in the north-eastern part of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship and borders in the north with Gołdap County, in the west with Giżycko poviat and in the south with Ełk poviatwhich poviats belong to the Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. The eastern border of the poviat is also the eastern border of the voivodship and here the Olecki poviat is adjacent to Suwałki County (Podlaskie Voivodeship).


The area of ​​the poviat is highly diversified. Absolute heights here reach 250 m above sea level. The relief is made up of numerous dead ice moraines, parallel hills of terminal moraines, kem hills, as well as outwash plains near Olecko.


Agriculture and related agri-food processing, accompanied by the wood industry and tourism, as well as trade, construction and automotive services, remain the basic sector of the economy in the poviat.

An administrative division

The poviat consists of:

  • urban-rural communes: Olecko
  • rural communes: Kowale Oleckie, Świętajno, Wieliczki
  • town: Olecko


The area of ​​the poviat was colonized quite late - it was only under the rule of Albrecht Hohenzollern that an organized foundation campaign began. In 1560, Olecko was established, which became the seat of the duke's starosty.

After the reform in 1818, a poviat was established here as part of the Gąbiń regency, which existed until 1945. After the administration was taken over by Poland, it was part of the Białystok Province. The counties were liquidated with the reform of 1975.

As part of the administrative reform of 1999, the Olecko-Goldap poviat was created with its seat in Olecko. In 2002, it was divided into two separate poviats: Olecki and Goldap.

Worth seeing

  • Lake Oleckie Wielkie and the Squirrel Path
  • Lake Oleckie Małe
  • Mud lake
  • Chełchy lake
  • Lake Łaźno
  • Olecko - while in the city, it is worth seeing the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a hunting castle, a wooden jump, a monument to the victims of World War I, a water tower and the Masurian Hut (18c Sembrzyckiego Street)
  • When traveling in the area, it is worth visiting Świętajno and visiting one of the surrounding agritourism farms and seeing the church.
  • In Cichy and in Rogowszczyzna you can see manor parks with small palaces. There is also a historic church in Cichy.
  • Wieliczka - one of the oldest villages in the area, has a parish church made of larch wood, built at the end of the 17th century.
  • The historic manor complex in Dunajko


  • Masurian Meetings with Folklore
  • Olecki Review of Open Films OP-OF
  • Olecko stop
  • Meetings with ART




Tourist information

  • Tourist Information Center in Olecko, in the Regional Cultural Center in Olecko "Mazury Garbate" (Plac Wolności 22, 19-400 Olecko, tel / fax (87) 520 49 48)