Pszczyna poviat - Powiat pszczyński

County coat of arms

Pszczyna poviat - a land poviat located in the southern one Poland, in Silesian Voivodeship. This poviat covers 471 km2, and its area entirely coincides with the borders of the historical land Silesia. The city is the seat of the poviat authorities Pszczyna.


The district is situated in the basin Vistula, in a lowland-upland area. The local areas are mainly agricultural and forestry. There are many ponds (mainly in western municipalities) and watercourses in the poviat, the largest and the longest of which is the Vistula.

The district center is Pszczyna, which is the largest and only city in the district. The largest communes of the poviat are: the commune of Pszczyna (174.67 km2), Pawłowice commune (75.66 km2) and the Suszec commune (75.05 km2). According to the population size, the largest communes are: Pszczyna commune (51 thousand inhabitants), Pawłowice commune (17.5 thousand inhabitants) and Miedźna commune (15.5 thousand inhabitants).


The Pszczyna poviat is located close to the center of the voivodeship, in the former area Of the Duchy of Pszczyna. This principality has existed here since the Middle Ages and has had a great influence on the history of the local lands. In the times of the Polish People's Republic, the territory of the present poviat belonged to the Katowice and Bielsko provinces. In 1990, as a result of the administrative reform, the Śląskie Voivodeship and the Pszczyna poviat were established.

Worth seeing

  • Pszczyna
  • Goczałkowice-Zdrój - the church of St. George, Gardens "Kapias" and spa facilities
  • Lake Goczałkowickie
  • Kobiór - Hunting Palace in Promnice and the regional chamber
  • Jankowice - Demonstration Bison Farm and Pszczyna Forest
  • Suszec - a church, a nature reserve and a private collection of agricultural tools (address: Kol. Podlesie 5)
  • Pawłowice - the S. Pisarek park, the Reitzenstein palace and villa
  • Sacred wooden architecture (churches in Pielgrzymowice, Miedźna, Łąka, Grzawa, Wisła Wielka, Góra and Ćwiklice)


Road communication routes, important for the southern and western part of the Śląskie Voivodeship, ie national road No. 1 connecting the north and the south of the country, run through the area of ​​the Pszczyna poviat. In addition, road No. 933 is of great importance in terms of communication AuschwitzWodzisław Śląski, road No. 935 Pszczyna - Rybnik, road No. 938 Pawłowice - Cieszyn, no. 939 Pszczyna - Stream, no. 931 Pszczyna - Bieruń and road No. 928 Kobiór - Mikołów. Among the railway routes, the route is the most important KatowiceBielsko-Biala, others, i.e. Rybnik - Zebrzydowice and Rybnik - Pszczyna there is mainly local traffic.


The most important events in the poviat include:

  • Bicycle Rally "We get to know the surroundings of Lake Goczałkowickie"
  • The Night of Museums at the Castle Museum in Pszczyna
  • Kazimierz Gazda Cycling Memorial in Pszczyna (street criterion - July)
  • International Integration Chess Tournament in Pszczyna
  • Family Bicycle Rally in Suszec
  • Neighbor's Days in Suszec
  • Youth Culture Days in Pawłowice
  • Knowledge contest about the Pawłowice commune


There are many eateries in the district, mainly in Pszczyna.
