Tarnów poviat - Powiat tarnowski

Tarnów poviat - poviat in Poland, in in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, created in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Tarnow.

Geographical coordinates of the district capital: 50 ° 00′45 ″ N 20 ° 59′18 ″ E

County coat of arms
County flag
Zawada, the parish church of st. Martin, 15th, 18th / 19th centuries
Ciężkowice, The Petrified City

Tarnów poviat has an area of ​​1,413.44 km² and is one of the largest in the Małopolskie voivodship. It is inhabited by 197,791 people (data at the end of 2010) there are 139.9 people per square kilometer. Urbanization of the poviat 8.28%. 10 185 men and 10 833 women live in cities. 86,298 men and 87,721 women live in the villages.

There are 16 communes in the Tarnów poviat (9 communes are rural communes, while 7 are urban-rural ones): Ciężkowice, Gromnik, Lisia Góra, Pleśna, Radłów, Ryglice, Rzepiennik Strzyżewski, Skrzyszów, Szerzyny, Tarnów, Tuchów, Wierzchosławice, Wietrzychowice, Wojnicz, Zakliczyn, Żabno. There are 7 cities: Ciężkowice, Ryglice, Radłów, Tuchów, Wojnicz, Zakliczyn and Żabno.

The Tarnów poviat lies at the junction of two geographical regions: the Ciężkowicko-Rożnów Foothills and the Sandomierz Basin. In the northern part of the Tarnów poviat, there are flat areas of a typically agricultural character, and in the southern part - strongly undulating and mountainous areas. The height of the hills varies from 170 m above sea level. in the town of Pałuszyce (Wietrzychowice commune) up to 534 m above sea level on the Brzanka mountain in the Tuchów commune.

The poviat is very diverse in terms of climate, soil conditions and is characterized by a large variety of fauna and flora.

Three large rivers flow through the district: Vistula, Dunajec and White.

Tarnów region is an attractive region for tourists due to the varied landscape, there are many interesting monuments and tourist routes here. Especially in the southern part of the poviat, there are excellent conditions for hiking and biking. One of the many tourist and historical attractions distinguishing the Tarnów poviat in the Małopolskie Voivodeship The Trail of World War I Cemeteries. People interested in tradition and culture can visit the only preserved property in the world of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Kąśna Dolna, now a museum of a great Pole, composer and statesman.

There are charming, small towns, whose houses with wooden arcades surround quiet market squares.

To this day, several dozen wooden churches have survived in the Tarnów region, creating a unique one Wooden Architecture Trail - the most beautiful symbols of attachment to religion and tradition.

Tourists will also meet mysterious places related to legends, e.g. "Fossilized City" in Ciężkowice.

County website http://www.powiat.tarnow.pl

Geographical Coordinates