Wałbrzych poviat - Powiat wałbrzyski

Wałbrzych poviat - a district in the south-west Poland, in Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, created in 1999 as part of an administrative reform. Its seat is in the city Wałbrzych.

Jugowice, the author of the photo OrlandoFax
Walim - Walim drifts, guardhouse photo by Artur Terlecki-Semko
Glinno in the background Ślęza and Radunia, the author of the photo Krzysztof Bach
File: Kościół par. p.w. st. Jana Apostoła, 1827-29 Dziecimorowice ul. Sienkiewicz, the author of the photo Allan Kycler
Zagórze Śląskie Palace The author of the photo Pnapora

The poviat consists of

Before January 1, 1999, all the county's municipalities belonged to the Wałbrzych Province. Moreover, the city of Wałbrzych was part of the Wałbrzych poviat from January 1, 2003 to January 1, 2013.

It borders with counties

  • from the north-east with Świdnica
  • from the east with Dzierżoniów
  • from the north-west with the Jawor
  • from the west with Kamienna Góra
  • from the south-east with the Kłodzko region
  • from the south with Czechs.


State railway lines, managed by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe [10], which are active in freight and passenger traffic, run through the area of ​​the Wałbrzych poviat: • No. 274 Wrocław Świebodzki - Zgorzelec (railway station), • No. 286 Kłodzko Główny - Wałbrzych Główny, • No. 291 Boguszów -Gorce East - Mieroszów (open seasonally in passenger traffic). As of 2017, all types of PKP Intercity qualified trains run through Wałbrzych: TLK, IC, EIC and EIP. Passenger trains are run by Koleje Dolnośląskie (all on line 286 and most on line 274) and Przewozy Regionalne. Freight trains with aggregate mined in the Owl Mountains and the Stone Mountains run on the lines 274, 286 and 291.

The municipalities around Wałbrzych are connected by public transport, organized on behalf of the municipalities by the Road, Communication and City Maintenance Authority in Wałbrzych.


There is a road and a railway line to the Czech Republic through Wałbrzych. It is connected by rail with three centers: Wrocław, Jelenia Góra and Kłodzko. Wałbrzych is a road junction, several significant routes run through its area:

  • national road No. 35 (Wrocław - Mieroszów - Golińsk, border with the Czech Republic),
  • provincial road No. 367 (Jelenia Góra - Wałbrzych),
  • provincial road No. 379 (Świdnica - Wałbrzych),
  • provincial road No. 375 (Stare Bogaczowice - Wałbrzych),
  • provincial road No. 381 (Kłodzko - Nowa Ruda - Wałbrzych),
  • provincial road No. 376 (Wałbrzych - Szczawno-Zdrój - Kamienna Góra).

Tourist attractions and monuments

It is worth seeing numerous attractions and tourist monuments in almost all cities and communes:

  • Boguszów-Gorce (town and commune)
  • Czarny Bór commune (also numerous nature reserves)
  • Głuszyca
  • Jedlina-Zdrój
  • Mieroszów
  • Stare Bogaczowice Commune
  • Szczawno-Zdrój
  • Walim Commune
    • Grodno Castle extremely interesting, on the top of Choina Mountain (450 m above sea level), the first on the Piast Castles Trail in Lower Silesia
  • Wałbrzych although it has the status of a city with poviat rights

It is an exceptional attraction Underground city of Osówka

It is impossible not to watch Książ Castle - the largest castle in Lower Silesia, the third largest in Poland.

Geographical Coordinates