North Western Province (Sri Lanka) - Provincia Nord-Occidentale (Sri Lanka)

North Western Province (Sri Lanka)
Elephant Rock in Kurunegala with the seated Buddha statue
North Western Province (Sri Lanka) - Location
North-Western Province (Sri Lanka) - Flag

North-Western Province is a region of Sri Lanka.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Sri Lanka - Northwest Territory

The province includes two administrative districts named after their capitals as follows:

  • Puttalam - Capital of a district that occupies the entire coastal strip north of Negombo and up to the Vilpattu National Park
  • Kurunegala - Capital of the inland district characterized by high rocky spikes with sometimes imaginative shapes that rise among dense palm groves.

Urban centers

Coastal strip

  • Chilaw - Modest fishing center whose inhabitants profess the Catholic religion.
  • Kalpitiya - Village at the mouth of the lagoon of Puttalam, inhabited by Muslims devoted to fishing. To see the castle built by the Portuguese and improved by the Dutch and later by the British, it housed a garrison but in the nineteenth century it was abandoned; and the small colonial church of St Peter was built by the Dutch.
  • Mahawewa - Village renowned for the production of batik fabrics.
  • Marawila - Small seaside resort with a few hotels.
  • Munneswaram - 6 km from Chilaw in an easterly direction, Munneswaram presents a Hindu temple, a destination for pilgrimages in August.
  • Udappuwa - Coastal village inhabited by Tamil people.

Inner region

How to get

How to get around

What see


Along the coastal strip (Puttalam district) and proceeding from the south (Negombo) towards the north we meet the following centers:Mahawewa, Marawila, Chilaw, Munneswaram, Udappuwa is Kalpitiya.

What to do

At the table


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