Eastern Province (Sri Lanka) - Provincia Orientale (Sri Lanka)

Eastern Province (Sri Lanka)
High water in the Batticaloa lagoon
Eastern Province (Sri Lanka) - Location
Eastern Province (Sri Lanka) - Flag
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Eastern Province is a region of the Sri Lanka.

To know

The mostly flat landscapes of the eastern province differ somewhat from those of the west coast. This is due to different climatic conditions. The monsoon that invests the Bay of Bengal brings with it less rainfall, affecting the vegetation that here takes on the typical appearance of African savannahs. In the territory of the province the numerous forests of coconut palms that border the west and south-west coasts are absent. The vegetation is however exuberant even though extensive deforestation is underway aimed at making way for an increasing number of rice fields. Potential visitors will be able to count on more sunny days than in the west. The favorable period for a visit is strictly speaking in correspondence with the dry season (April-September) but also in the months of March, October and sometimes November the rainfall is short and the sun never fails to shine in the rest of the day.

The ethnic landscape is also somewhat different. The people of Amil origin constitute the majority (about 42%) while the Sinhalese are in the minority (about 21%). Muslims (Moors of Sri Lanka) amount to more than one million and are attested in a percentage of 37%. While maintaining the Muslim faith, the Moors of Sri Lanka communicate with each other in Tamil and no longer in Arabic. You won't find here the numerous Buddhist monasteries (vihara) and huge Buddha statues ubiquitous in the west and south of the country. On the other hand, there are many temples consecrated to the gods of the Hindu pantheon. These are far from rivaling the magnificence of the temples of the neighboring Indian state of Tamil Nadu but they are equally neat and extremely colorful and a visit during service hours is highly recommended.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Trincomalee - On an articulated bay which is one of the most beautiful in the world.
  • Ampara - City with a minority of Muslims.
  • Beat it - City on an island, between vast lagoons and still virgin beaches.
  • Kilinochchi - Crossed by the A9 motorway about 100 km south-east of Jaffna.
  • Mullaitivu - Capital of the district of the same name.
  • Pottuvil - Small seaside resort.
  • Vavuniya - Often considered the gateway to Tamil Tigers.

Other destinations

  • Gulf of Arugam - A popular destination for surfers, especially of Australian nationality who frequented it, regardless of the risks, since the times of the civil war.
  • Passikudah & Kalkudah - Two contiguous coasts about forty km north of the city of Beat it. The picture in which they are framed is typical of a beach of the Caribbean or of the French Polynesia. Unlike Arugam Bay, the waters in the two crescent-shaped bays are extremely calm and allow for easy bathing. Passikudah, in addition to being larger, has a greater number of hotels, all of a superior category and carefully rebuilt after the destruction caused by the tsunami of December 2004. The hotel complex of the Centara Passikudah Resort & Spa chain stands out in particular. [1], able to satisfy the needs of the most refined Western travelers not excluding their palates at a price that is definitely affordable for all budgets ($ 80 in 2013).

How to get

On the train

Traveling by train From Colombo until Trincomalee or Beat it it is not recommended due to the extreme slowness of the convoys and also due to their ancient conditions (They have been in service since colonial times and it seems that no government exponent intends to send them to retire). Consider again that the railway line, in addition to not being electrified, has a single track, a fact that forces the trains to interminable stops in the main stations to give priority to the rare express trains. There are also long stops in secondary stations due to the distribution of bulky mailing bags. Finally, the noise produced by antiquated scrap metal is able to cause headaches even to those who are usually exempt from it. Calculate 11 hours from Colombo to Beat it, 13 to carry out the stretch Colombo-Trincomalee.

Generally tourists who know the country and they love to travel by train they are careful not to use it on long journeys. Imitate their example and use them on short routes. After all, the railway line touches some of the most important destinations in the country including Kandy is Polannaruwa

Same goes for the railway in the direction of Arugam bay, the most popular of the tourist destinations in the Eastern province. In reality, the railway stops well before making its terminus at the station of Badulla, capital of the province of Uva. From this city you will be forced to use public buses to cover the 120 km that separate it from Pottuvil, the closest inhabited center to the famous bay. Both the train and the bus cross landscapes of great interest, so consider the possibility of making stops in addition to the aforementioned Kandy also in the centers of Nuwara Ellya and in that much smaller than Hali Ella (or simply Ella), a locality closest to the Horton plateaus, a national park renowned for its numerous waterfalls and offering great opportunities for trekking lovers. The subsequent bus route takes place largely on the winding hairpin bends and steep ups and downs of the narrow state road A22. Moneragala, second center of the province of Uva it might be worth a one or more day stopover considering its hotels are generally more comfortable than those of Badulla and above all for the numerous archaeological sites in its surroundings

By bus

Interregional buses are a little more comfortable than trains and certainly faster. However, they are not without flaws: The air conditioning is often absent, the seats are narrow and somewhat hard despite the often torn leather upholstery. The most serious defect, however, is the limited size of the boot. If you have a slightly bulky suitcase with you, you will not be able to use it.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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