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A trip is an opportunity to see other horizons and come back full of memories. But for everything to go well, it requires a minimum of preparation.

Choose destination

Have you really prepared for your trip?

It might sound obvious, but it's the first thing to do. This choice depends of course on your desires, your dreams or what you want. All the same, remember to find out about the situation in the country, so as not to put yourself in difficult situations, such as war, revolution, epidemic, etc.

Prepare the transport

Once you've chosen your destination, you'll need to find a way to get there. The best is to do it as soon as possible, which will allow you to obtain the dates of your choice as well as more advantageous rates. Also find out about local transportation, and what documents are needed to drive a vehicle there if needed (eg international driving license).

Book accommodation

Do it at least for the day you arrive there, so as not to have to look at night, after hours of travel, for a hotel in an unknown city. For the rest of your stay, it all depends on the type of trip you plan to undertake, but in any case, find out about the possibilities and availability of accommodation.

Identity documents

It is very important if you are going abroad. Check with the Consulates or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country or countries concerned for the documents required to cross the borders. Visa, make sure that the time before your departure is sufficient. Also check that your passport sufficiently valid (some countries require a validity of 6 months after the date of departure from the country) and that it has the required characteristics (machine readable, biometric). Be careful, some countries require these same documents during airport transits ( the United States, for example).


Ah… the money!

Before leaving, check the means of payment that you can use on site: cash, bank cards, bank checks, travelers checks, etc.

If the currency of the country is different from yours, change a small amount at your bank or bureau de change, so that you are not caught off guard when you arrive.


In some countries, health precautions are necessary, which may result in the need to be vaccinated preventively (against a tropical disease, for example) or to take pills antimalarials. In some cases, supporting documents will be required at the border. aid kit in order to be able to treat minor ailments. Specialized sites exist to warn travelers of the risks incurred for various countries. Travel Health Site


Check the voltage of your electrical equipment, and their compatibility (shavers, laptop chargers, batteries, etc.).

If you want to use your mobile phone, contact your operator about international options. Some have no option, others only receive, and cannot transmit. Also check that you won't be paying surcharges without realizing it.


Fuel brands and names may vary from country to country.

Remember to check that your insurance covers you in this country (check the green insurance card). Otherwise, insurance must be taken out at the border of each country visited.

Some countries require a Customs clearance book.

Pack up

This is the last stop before the start. Take clothes suitable for your destination, but remember that in some areas there can be significant temperature differences between day and night. Of course, avoid the unnecessary or the superfluous: a k-way in India at the time of the monsoon is useless if not to freeze your bones even more.

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