Qalhat - Qalhat

Bibi Maryam Mausoleum

Qalhat is an archaeological site and a settlement located in the Al-Sharqiyya region.

To know

Geographical notes

The town of Qalhat is located 20 km north of Sur, overlooking the sea. A short distance to the south are GLP conversion plants and fertilizer industries.


Once an important port on the route betweenAfrica oriental and theAsia, ancient Qalhat has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1988. Unfortunately, little is left of the city today which greatly impressed the 14th century Moroccan traveler and scholar. Ibn Battuta but which is also described in The million of Marco Polo.

«Calatu itself is a great city, and it is inside the gulf which is called Calatu, and it is 600 miles away from Dufar towards the master. And it is a noble city above the sea; and all are Saracens who adore Malcometto. Here there is no fodder, but for the good port it has, so many ships come, which bring you asai of fodder and other things.

The city has placed itself on the mouth of the Gulf of Calatu, so that I tell you that no ship can neither pass nor leave without the will of this city. "

(Marco Polo The million, 193)

How to get

Highway 17 near Qalhat

By car

From Highway 17 exit Qalhat. Drive through the village streets to the south.

Permits / Rates

The site is officially closed for restoration but is easily accessible. It can be reached by going south of the village, crossing the ford and climbing up the small plateau of the site.

How to get around

The town from the archaeological site

The site must be visited on foot. It is not recommended to drive up to the archaeological site because the climb is steep and you may find the gate closed.

What see

The mausoleum
The archaeological site
  • 1 Bibi Maryam Mausoleum. The mausoleum is in a poor state of conservation, however restoration work is underway.
  • 2 The ancient city of Qalhat. Next to the mausoleum, the ancient city develops towards the south of which some rooms already excavated are visible.

What to do

  • 1 Take a bath. North of the archaeological site is a beach.


Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Wadi Shab
  • 1 Wadi Shab (Wadi Ash Shab) (1.5 hours south of Muscat on the R17 road). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8: 00-16: 00. One of the most beautiful and renowned wadis, easily accessible from Muscat, with water all year round. The entrance is under the overpass of the R17 road, with parking and large toilets available. The route starts on the opposite side of the watercourse and local boatmen will ask for 200 baisa to transport visitors. The partially cemented path winds in front of an Aflaj irrigation system (UNESCO heritage), palm plantations and villages, and steep rock faces. Eventually the concrete disappears and some climbing is required before surfacing at a series of inviting pools of water. A hidden cavern can be visited by swimming through the pools, accessible only by underwater swimming for 1/2 meters. Plan a three-hour round trip.
Occasionally after the winter rains, some sections of the route are wiped out, so it will be more difficult to follow. It is also strongly recommended that you already wear your swimwear (without changing into the open air!). While some Omani will be too polite to say anything to visitors who ignore this simple courtesy, they still find it deeply offensive. Wadi Shab (Q76641862) on Wikidata

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Qalhat
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Qalhat
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or on Qalhat
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