Al-Sharqiyya region - Regione di al-Sharqiyya

Al-Sharqiyya region
Al-Sharqiyya Region - Location

Al-Sharqiyya region is a region ofOman.

To know

Landscape along road 28 in the direction of Ibra

Sparsely populated, the Al Sharqiyah region remained isolated until the opening in 2008 of a new largely coastal road from the capital to Sur made it easier to access.

The interest of the region is above all landscape and will not fail to fascinate lovers of ecotourism. Hotels and refreshment places are not frequent and to stay overnight it is necessary to bring a tent that will preferably be placed on one of the many beaches that border the coast.

Geographical notes

The region is mainly desert. When traveling by car, desert landscapes with scarce vegetation and some relief alternate with the presence of sand dunes that characterize the region of Wahiba Sands.

Along the coast the climate is more temperate due to the presence of the sea but equally dry and with little vegetation.

When to go

The best time is winter since the summer temperatures but also in the other seasons are quite extreme.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Sur - At the terminus of the motorway which starts from capital, Sur is a city of 80,000 inhabitants between deserted beaches. It is the basis for excursions to the Capo sea turtle reserve (Ras) to the Jinz.
  • Al Kamil - Center of 25,000 inhabitants at the intersection of important roads with the possibility of accommodation.
  • Ibra (ابراء) - Second center of the region, Ibra is famous for its souk and the production of handicrafts.
  • Ras al-Jinz - Far eastern point of the Arabian Peninsula, the Al-Jinz promontory was established as a nature reserve for the protection of the sea turtle.

Other destinations

  • Masirah - A desert island off the beaten path.
  • Qalhatunesco Ancient port city and Unesco site for the presence of a mausoleum. It was also visited by Marco Polo.
  • Wahiba Sands - An area of ​​dunes inhabited by nomads particularly famous for those who want to spend a few days isolated from the world and want to try the desert experience.

How to get

By car

Highway 23

The R17 motorway connects Sur to Muscat.

The national road R23 (work is underway to make it a highway) colleague Bidbid to Sur passing through Ibra. The same then forks becoming the R35 which ends at Al-Ashkhara.

How to get around

By car

The car is the best way to easily move around the region.

What see

Spawning at Ras al-Jinz
  • 1 Ras al-Jinz turtle reserve (45 km south of Sur), 968 9655 0606, @. Ecb copyright.svg8 OMR adults, 2 OMR children aged 5 to 12, under 5 free (Nov 2019). Simple icon time.svgGuided tours Mon-Sun 21:00; reservation recommended. This reserve delimits a part of the beach that is critical for the nesting of endangered green turtles, and is under the protection of the Ministry of the Environment. The only way to visit it is with a licensed guide and groups are limited to 15 people. September-November is the best time to witness both the spawning and the birth of the baby turtles. Ras al-Jinz on Wikipedia Ras al-Jinz (Q2131791) on Wikidata
The sinkhole of Bimmah
  • 2 Bimmah Sinkhole (also Hawiyat Najm Park or Fall Meteor Park) (6 km south of Dibab / Dabab, on the road from Qurayyat to Sur). Ecb copyright.svgFree. A deep chasm about 500m from the coast, filled with blue-green brackish water. Locals say that a meteorite fell in this place, originating this natural depression and forming a small lake. The sinkhole is located in a fenced park, with a picnic area and toilets. Swimming is allowed. The sinkhole is connected to several networks of caves, still not fully explored. Bimmah Sinkhole (Q20190533) on Wikidata
  • 3 Jaylah Tombs (to reach the site you can follow this itinerary). On this site there are about 90 tower tombs of the Umm an Nar civilization, i.e. between 2700 and 2000 BC. erected with overlapping stones and circular in shape they recall those of Bat.
  • 4 White Sand Beach (5km south of Fins via a dusty coastal road). Ideal for snorkeling. There are no services on site and an off-road vehicle is required for access.
  • 5 Wadi Tiwi (It is accessed from the exit for the village of Tiwi, on the R17 road). The village of Tiwi marks the starting point of a challenging off-road route. The beginning of the road is asphalted, but shortly after passing the village of Harat Bidah degrades into a dirt road before ending at the village of Mibam. Wadi Tiwi (Q3565018) on Wikidata

What to do

Wadi Shab
  • 1 Wadi Shab (Wadi Ash Shab) (1.5 hours south of Muscat on the R17 road). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8: 00-16: 00. One of the most beautiful and renowned wadis, easily accessible from Muscat, with water all year round. The entrance is under the overpass of the R17 road, with parking and large toilets available. The route starts on the opposite side of the waterway and local boatmen will ask for 200 baisa to transport visitors. The partially cemented path winds in front of an Aflaj irrigation system (UNESCO heritage), palm plantations and villages, and steep rock faces. Eventually the concrete disappears and some climbing is required before surfacing at a series of inviting pools of water. A hidden cavern can be visited by swimming through the pools, accessible only by underwater swimming for 1/2 meters. Plan a three-hour round trip.
Occasionally after the winter rains, some sections of the route are wiped out, so it will be more difficult to follow. It is also strongly recommended that you already wear your swimwear (without changing into the open air!). While some Omani will be too polite to say anything to visitors who ignore this simple courtesy, they still find it deeply offensive. Wadi Shab (Q76641862) on Wikidata
  • 2 Wadi Al Khabbah.

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Al-Sharqiyya region
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Al-Sharqiyya region
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