Qinghai - Qinghai

Xining seen from an overpass
Qinghai - Localization
Institutional website

Qinghai is a province of the Northwest China.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Xining (西寧, Xīníng) - Capital of the province, Xining is on the Qinghai Railway-Lasha.
  • County of Guides (贵德 县; Guìdé xiàn) - With 13th century walls.
  • Golmud (格尔木; Gé'ěrmù) - Second city in the province, Golmud is the terminus for trains coming from Lasha.
  • Huangzhong (湟 中 县; Huángzhōng) - Famous place for the Kumbum monastery.
  • Ledu (乐 都 区; Lèdū Qū) - Neighborhood of Haidong, served by the G6 Beijing-Lhasa Expressway.
  • Nangchen (囊 谦 县; Nángqiān) - Built in a side valley of the Dza Chu river.
  • Tongren (铜仁; Tóngrén or Rebkong) - With its Longwu and Wutong monasteries.
  • Yushu (玉树 市, Yùshù or Jyekundo) - The fourth largest city in Qinghai.

Other destinations

  • Qinghaihu National Park - On the border line with the province of Haibei, the park surrounds the lake of the same name which with its 5,694 km² is the largest in the China.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Qinghai
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Qinghai
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