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Royal Quarter
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Postal code
50 ° 50 ′ 37 ″ N 4 ° 21 ′ 43 ″ E

the Royal district is a district of Pentagon which, itself, is the central district of city ​​of brussels.


Illustration of the Coudenberg Palace in 1649.

So named, not only, because it houses the Royal palace but also because it was from the 13the century, when Henry Ier Duke of Brabant left theSaint-Géry island to set up his residence there, the seat of power. For nearly 600 years, the Coudenberg Palace becomes the place where the counts, dukes, archdukes, kings, emperors or governors who, until the XVIIIe century, exercise their sovereignty over the Duchy of Brabant and all or part of the Netherlands. Since 1831 and the country's independence, the district has always housed the place of legislative power represented by the federal parliament, that of the executive power with the seat of government and that of the royal function exercised in Royal palace. It is also here that sits the Constitutional Court which controls whether the norms having the force of law are in conformity with the Belgian Constitution as well as the Court of Auditors which judges the regularity of the public accounts.

Note that the quadrilateral surrounding the Brussels park is the only place in the country where any manifestation of claim is absolutely prohibited.

To see

  • 1 Federal Parliament (Palace of the Nation) Logo indicating a wikipedia link Rue de la Loi, (subways 15, “Parc” or “Arts-Loi” stations 26, "Art-Loi" station - trams 9293, “Parc” stop - bus 29636566, “Parc” stop) Logo indicating timetables Wednesday July 21, 2021 (national holiday) and Friday May 7, 2021 (Iris festival). Logo indicating tariffs free. – accessible Wi-Fi networkAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built between 1778 and 1783 in neoclassical style to house the Brabant Council during the Austrian Netherlands period, the Palace of the Nation has housed the Belgian House of Representatives since 1831. Between 1847 and 1849, a second hemicycle was built. This houses from the National Senate. It is here, in the hemicycle of the Chamber, in front of the constituted bodies that since December 17, 1865 and Leopold II that all the kings of the Belgians take the oath. If the Palace of the Nation can only be visited in its entirety on National Day, the plenary sessions, both of the Chamber and of the Senate, are public. In this case, visitors can enter via number 13 rue de Louvain and access is free (House agenda and Senate agenda).
The main building and the main courtyard of the Palais de la Nation.
  • 2 Brussels park (Royal park) Logo indicating a wikipedia link (subways 15, “Parc” or “Arts-Loi” stations 26, “Arts-Loi” or “Trône” stations - trams 9293, “Parc” or “Palais” or “Royale” stops - bus 29636566, “Parc” stop 2795, stop "Ducale") Logo indicating timetables every day between 7 and 21 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – accessible Wi-Fi networkAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility With an area of 11 hectares, the park was built between 1776 and 1783 instead of the game reserve of the old Coudenberg Palace. The park is a large rectangle designed according to the principles of classical architecture while maintaining a forest character. The paths, which occupy almost half of the area, have three large crow's feet alleys centered on a circular fountain called The green basin. Two other routes connect the Rue Royale and Rue Ducale with each other, while a final route runs around the perimeter of the park and constitutes a route appreciated by joggers. The parterres are decorated with sixty sculptures inspired by Greco-Roman mythology while the north-eastern parterre is occupied by the Royal Park Theater, speak Gaulish Circle, one of the oldest and most select private clubs in the country as well as by the building known as the Vauxhall which was in turn a drink shop, a concert venue, a games room and a living room. The south side of the park is strangely made up of two ditches eight meters deep; it is all that remains of the valley of the Coperbeek stream which once supplied the fishponds of the Coudenberg Palace. Even stranger, the wrought iron inscription of the letters "V.I.T.R.I.O.L. "On the retaining wall of the left ditch (looking at the Place des Palais) and its mirror" L.O.I.R.T.I.V. On the right wall. These letters are the abbreviation of Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ("Visit the interior of the Earth and by rectifying yourself you will find the hidden stone"). These inscriptions are all that remains, on site, of an exhibition of works of art which was held here in 1991. For the great history, it is in and around the immediate perimeter of the park that the fierce battles took place. from September 23 to 26, 1830, between the Belgian revolutionaries and the Dutch troops of the Prince of Orange, who decided on the independence of the country. During the national holiday, it is in the park that the majority of the festivities are held. These are visited by the king and queen after the national parade.
The so-called fountain The green basin and the Palace of the Nation.
The octagonal basin.
One of the ten entrances to the park.
the Vauxhall
The bandstand.
  • 3 Royal palace Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Palace Square, 1 (subways 26, "Trône" station - trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 273895, “Ducale” or “Royale” stops) Logo indicating timetables from Wednesday, July 22 to Monday, September 6, 2021 from 10 h 30 - 16 h 30 (closed on Mondays). Logo indicating tariffs free. – The royal palace was born from the reunion, between 1815 and 1829, of four neoclassical mansions built in the 18th century.e century. It now houses the king's office where he grants his audiences and carries out his official activities such as receiving heads of state or ambassadors when they hand over their credentials. The delivery of this official document always gives rise to a parade in full uniform of the royal escort on horseback on the Place des Palais. During the annual summer visits, the stars of this visit are the “throne room”, the “great gallery” and, above all, the “mirror room” with its incredible ceiling and its large chandelier covered with scarab beetles.
The Royal Palace. The flag which flies there indicates that the sovereign is on Belgian territory.
  • 4 BELvue Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link Place des Palais, 7 (trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 27387195, “Royale” stop) Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from h 30 - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday as well as July and August: from 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (only the permanent collections) Built in 1776 in neoclassical style, it is currently the museum, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, of the history of Belgium from its independence to the present day. It is also the entrance to the remains of the old Coudenberg Palace.
The upper part of rue Isabelle.
  • Coudenberg Palace Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Place des Palais, 7 Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from h 30 - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday as well as July and August: from 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices. – Listed as a European heritage(Europe of democracy and memory)Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (except theAula Magna) Underground route to discover the remains of the palace of Charles V. To see: rue Isabelle, the kitchens and the pavement of theAula Magna ("State hall"), the foundations and cellars of the main buildings of the old palace. The museum also organizes a treasure hunt, in four different languages, for children aged 4 to 8 entitled In Search of the Golden Fleece Necklace (rate : , duration: between h and h 30).
  • 5 Place Royale Logo indicating a wikipedia link (trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 27387195, “Royale” stop) – Carried out between 1775 and 1782 as part of an urban planning project including the Brussels park, it is a square of neoclassical style, rectangular and symmetrical, of 77 meters away on 113 meters away.
The statue of Godefroid de Bouillon and his anachronistic shield.
  • Statue of Godefroid de Bouillon Logo indicating a wikipedia link Place Royale – Inaugurated on August 15, 1848 (although on the base, it is incorrectly inscribed on the 24th), it was the first equestrian statue to adorn Brussels. Made of bronze, it weighs twelve tons, is made in two parts and measures five meters high without the standard. It represents Godefroid de Bouillon when he left for the First Crusade raising the standard and shouting to heaven, as indicated on the bronze plaque on the plinth, “God wills it”. On the blue stone pedestal of Arquennes, two bronze bas-reliefs, one representing The assault on Jerusalem and the other The Assizes of Jerusalem. It should be noted that unlike the canons of neoclassicism, Godefroid de Bouillon is not in “antique” clothes but in those of his time. Note also the anachronism of the shield which is neither that of the Duke of Lower Lotharingia nor that of the kingdom of Jerusalem but that of the Duchy of Bouillon between 1676 and 1794. In this, the sculptor Eugène Simonis does not is not responsible because this coat of arms was imposed on him.
  • 6 Church of Saint-Jacques-sur-Coudenberg Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Place Royale, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5021825 Logo indicating timetables every day of h - 19 h. Every first Thursday of the month, free guided tours at 16 h and 16 h 45. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Built between 1776 to 1787 in a neoclassical style, like all the other buildings in Place Royale, this church is known as the “royal parish” and cathedral of the diocese to the Belgian Armed Forces. The statute of "royal parish" is not official and comes to it only, church pews royals are in a niche to the left of the choir, and a passage allows direct access to the gardens of the royal palace and, on the other hand, that two royal funerals and many royal baptisms took place there, but also, it ' is above the steps that lead to the porch of the church that Leopold Ier took the oath of fidelity to the Belgian Constitution on July 21, 1831.
  • 7 Magritte Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Place Royale, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5083211 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs tariffs (5e web page title) (free on 1er Wednesday of the month from 13 h). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (via n ° 2 of Place Royale). It is the richest collection in the world dedicated to the surrealist painter René Magritte, it includes more than 150 works composed of oils on canvas, gouaches, drawings, sculptures and painted objects, as well as advertising posters, sheet music, vintage photos. and films made by the artist.
The majestic entrance to the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
  • 8 Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link Rue de la Régence, 3 (trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 27387195, “Royale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5083211, e-mail :  – It was the first consul Bonaparte who, by the Chaptal decree (the administrative act consecrated as the founder of French provincial museums), founded the Brussels Museum of Fine Arts in 1801. The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium currently include six museums: the Magritte museum, the royal museum of ancient art, the Royal Museum of Modern Art, the Fin de siècle museum, the Wiertz museum and the Meunier museum (the latter both at Ixelles). About 35,000 works of painting, sculpture and drawing are preserved there. The museums also have a cafeteria and a restaurant. Guided tours in sign language can be organized (contact and reservation).
    • Royal Museum of Ancient Art Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from 10 h - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 11 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices (free on 1er Wednesday of the month from 13 h). – The Museum of Ancient Art includes an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures and drawings from the XVe to XVIIIe century. The bulk of the collection is formed around painting from the ancient southern Netherlands, presented in chronological order. Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Pierre-Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens and Antoine Van Dyck each have their own room.
    • Royal Museum of Modern Art Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from 10 h - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 11 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices (free on 1er Wednesday of the month from 13 h). – The museum preserves works from the end of the 18th centurye century until the contemporary period: paintings, sculptures and drawings. It is the logical continuation of the artistic evolution which begins in royal museum of ancient art.
    • Fin de siècle Museum Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from 10 h - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 11 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices (free on 1er Wednesday of the month from 13 h). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Painting, sculpture, photography, poetry, literature, opera, architecture ..., that's all art from 1865 (founding of the Free Society of Fine Arts in Brussels) to 1914. The museum presents artists' collections like Constantin Meunier, James Ensor, Henri Evenepoel, Fernand Khnopff, Léon Spilliaert or George Minne.
The old store Old england, front door of MIM.
  • 9 Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Rue Montagne de la Cour, 2 (trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 27387195, “Royale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5450130 Logo indicating timetables Tuesday to Friday: from h 30 - 17 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs prices (free on 1er Wednesday of the month from 13 h). – Installed in the old Spangen Hotel of neoclassical architecture and the magnificent old store Old england of Art Nouveau architecture, the MIM has more than 8,000 instruments, including more than 1 200 are exhibited in the rooms. It also has the largest unspecialized collection of instruments in the world. In addition to the instruments, the museum has in its library more than 30,000 books and subscribes to 150 periodicals. The visits are carried out with an infrared headset system (included in the price of the entrance ticket) which allows visitors to hear almost 200 extracts related to the instruments on display. the MIM has on its roof a restaurant with terrace and panoramic view of the city.
  • 10 Mont des Arts Logo indicating a wikipedia link (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 3871, “Royale” or “Bozar” stops 277195, “Royale” stop) – Mont des Arts is an arts and culture-oriented urban complex comprising museums, the Royal Library, the Kingdom Archives and the Congress Center. In the center, as a link, the French garden of Mont des Arts. From the top of the garden, the visitor enjoys one of the most beautiful views of the center of Brussels. Below and to the right of the garden, you can see the clock of theAlbertine. This clock shows a sun whose rays are directed towards twelve niches representing the twelve hours. In each niche, an automaton who, “at his own time”, comes for a little walk while the carillon plays its melody.
The Mont des Arts garden seen from the top.
The Mont des Arts seen from the bottom.
Under one of the side arbors.
The clockAlbertine
The entrance to the convention center.
  • 11 Raventein Gallery Logo indicating a link to the website Cantersteen, 7 and rue Ravenstein, 18 (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 3871, "Bozar" stop 277195, “Royale” stop) – Shopping gallery in international style equipped with overhead lighting thanks to a lowered concrete and glass brick vault and, at the atrium level, by an impressive concrete dome inlaid with hundreds of glass bricks placed in concentric circles. The gallery is a link between the top and the bottom of the city.
  • 12 Palace of Fine Arts (Bozar) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link Rue Ravenstein, 23 (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 3871, “Bozar” stop 277195, “Royale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5078200, e-mail :  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built by Victor Horta between 1922 and 1929 in the Art Deco style, the Palais des Beaux-art has several rooms, the largest of which can contain 2,200 spectators every year, hosts the final of the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium international musical competition. Except during exhibitions, concerts or to go to the cinema museum, the interior of the building cannot be visited.
  • 13 Cinema museum (Cinematek) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link Baron Horta Street, 9 (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 3871, "Bozar" stop 277195, “Royale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5511930, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables doors open: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 17 h 30, Thursday and Sunday at 14 h 30, Friday and Saturday at 17 h - start of the screenings: 1 half hour after the doors open - closing of the cash desk: h after the doors open. Logo indicating tariffs Cinematek : , child under 12: . Wunderkammer : free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (via n ° 23 rue Ravenstein). The Royal Cinematheque's film collection is one of the largest in the world. It currently has nearly 145,000 film elements corresponding to 70,000 titles which are projected according to a well-defined schedule. In the Wunderkammer, the visitor can manipulate the mechanized devices of the pre-cinema of XVIIIe and XIe century.
  • 14 Hotel Ravenstein (Hotel de Cleves) Logo indicating a wikipedia link Rue Ravenstein, 3 (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- trams 9293, “Royale” stop - bus 3871, "Bozar" stop 277195, “Royale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5511930 – This former mansion is the ultimate example of an aristocratic hotel from the turn of the XVe to XVIe century kept in Brussels. He is also the Documentation center of the Royal Belgian Cinematheque.


  • 1 Royal Library of Belgium (Albertine) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link Boulevard de l'Empereur, 4 (trains, station "Brussels-Central "- subways 15, "Gare centrale" station - bus 293863656671, “Gare centrale” stop), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from 9 to 19 h, the Saturday of h - 17 h (last registration 1/4 hour before closing). Logo indicating tariffs day pass: 2,5 , weekly pass: . – Wireless paying. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility It is the largest (67 000 m2 of useful surface) and the best supplied (more than five million books) of the Belgian libraries. In addition to its various reading rooms, it has six specialized sections, namely: Precious reserve, Maps and plans, Music, Prints Cabinet, Coins and medals and Manuscript Cabinet. The latter, with about 35,000 manuscripts, whose 4,500 codices medieval, is the most important in the world. Warning ! When higher education students are in a review period, it is virtually impossible to obtain a mandatory use locker to store bags and coats.
  • Documentation Center of the Royal Belgian Cinematheque Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Ravenstein, 3 (in L'Ravenstein Hotel), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5511930, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday and Wednesday: from h 30 - 17 h, Friday: from h 30 - 13 h. Logo indicating tariffs free. – This is the place where international journals are kept, 55,000 pounds, 700 000 photographs, 3 000 000 from press clippings, posters, festival catalogs, film scripts and archival funds.
  • 2 Basic-Fit Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Ravenstein, 50, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 7267814, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday: from h - 22 h 30, Saturday and Sunday: from h - 16 h, closed on public holidays. Logo indicating tariffs 19,99  for a month with access to all sports (price details).. – Room fitness.


Restaurants are listed by type of cuisine and then alphabetically.

Brasserie cuisine

  • Museum Arts Brasserie Logo indicating a link to the website Place Royale, 3 (in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5083581 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 h - 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs between 9 and 25 . – Self-service brasserie cuisine.
  • MIM restaurant Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Montagne de la Cour, 2 (in the musical instruments museum), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5029508 Logo indicating timetables from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 h - 16 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs the map, Sundays between 10 and 15 h all-you-can-eat brunch: 29 . – Brasserie cuisine. Large terrace with parasols on the roof with panoramic views of the city.

Italian food

  • 1 Pasta workshop Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Namur, 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 540 82 58, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday to Saturday from 12 h - 14 h and of 19 h - 22 h. – Their specialties are pasta. Twice a month, there is an Aperitivo formula.
  • 2 Ars Vinorum Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Reinette, 6, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 503 39 33, e-mail :  – Italian restaurant and wine bar. Also does fine food.

Far Eastern cuisine

  • 3 J'M Sushi Logo indicating a link to the website Ravenstein Gallery, 29, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3301214 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Saturday from 11 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs less of 25 . – Japanese cuisine. Take away food.
  • 4 At MyMy Ravenstein Gallery, 8, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5034478 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from 11 h - 16 h. Logo indicating tariffs less of 25 . – Vietnamese and Thai cuisine. Take away food.

Indian food

  • 5 Ravenstein Brewery Logo indicating a link to the website Ravenstein Street, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5127768 Logo indicating timetables open 7 days out of 7. Logo indicating tariffs the map. – Indian cuisine.

International cuisine

  • 6 Kwint Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Mont des Arts, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5059595 Logo indicating timetables from Sunday to Friday from 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 22 h 30, the Saturday of 18 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs the map. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Restaurant affiliated with the “Slow Food” movement. Franco-Italian-Belgian cuisine.

Tea room, ice cream parlor, sandwich shop

  • 7 Natural Caffè Logo indicating a link to the website Mont des Arts, 20, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5022054 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from h 30 - 20 h, Saturday and Sunday from 10 h - 20 h. – Sandwich shop and pastry shop. Small terrace under the arcades.

Have a drink / Go out

Theater and cinema


  • Bozar Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Ravenstein, 23 (in the Palace of Fine Arts), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5078200, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Agenda. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (“Henry Leboeuf” room) Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (the other rooms) Three performance, concert and exhibition halls including the “Henry Leboeuf” room in 2,200 spaces where the final, the winners' concert and the closing concert of the Queen Elisabeth of Belgium international music competition take place.


  • Brussels Food Truck Festival Logo indicating timetables Saturday 23 April 2022 at 19 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs  (presale). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Opening night of the festival.
  • Brussels Short Film Festival (BSFF) Logo indicating a link to the websiteBozar (“Henry Leboeuf” room) Logo indicating timetables Saturday 23 April 2022 at 19 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs  (presale). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Opening night of the festival.
  • Brussels Food Truck Festival Logo indicating a link to the websiteBrussels park Logo indicating timetables Saturday May 6, 2016 to Sunday May 8, 2016. Logo indicating tariffs free admission. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility It is, with 144 vehicles in 2016, the largest gathering of food trucks in the world. Cuisine from all over the world.
  • Queen Elisabeth of Belgium International Music Competition (CMIREB) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkBozar (“Henry Leboeuf” room) Logo indicating timetables from Monday, May 25 to Sunday, May 30, 2021 (final) as well as Wednesday, June 9, 2021 (concert of the winners) and Friday, June 11, 2021 (closing concert). Logo indicating tariffs from 25 to 29 May: from 16 to 85 , May 30: from 19 to 92 , June 9: from 16 to 85 , June 11: from 19 to 92 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • Brussels Summer Festival (BSF) Logo indicating a link to the websitePalace square, Place du Musée and Mont des Arts Logo indicating timetables from Friday, August 14 to Monday, August 23, 2021. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility A series of urban music concerts spread over 10 days in public places but also in venues such as the BIP (Place Royale), the Bozar or at the Magic Mirrors (Laeken)


  • 1 Chambord Hotel Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Rue de Namur, 82, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5489910, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open all year. Logo indicating tariffs Average price. – accessible Wi-Fi network Single and double rooms, one suite with terrace.

Manage the day-to-day

Location of ATMs. For their operation, refer to the section "Cash dispensers »Of the article on Belgium.

  • 1 BNP Paribas Fortis Cantersteen (corner with rue des Sols) Logo indicating timetables 24 hours a day. – Wireless free. (bnppf_Free_WIFI). Outdoor terminal with voice guidance. Also for credit cards.
  • 2 ING Rue Ravenstein, 68 Logo indicating timetables of h - 23 h 30. – Several inland terminals. Also for credit cards.
Logo representing 2 gold stars and 1 gray star
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