Rétság - Rétság

Rétság is a town in the Danube Bend region, 55 km (34 mi) north of Budapest, halfway between Vác and Balassagyarmat. The population is a bit over 2700 people.


47°55′50″N 19°8′16″E
Map of Rétság

The settlement was first mentioned as Réthi Saagh at the end of 14th century. For a short time it was a garrison place: the Caserne is a reminder of this. At the end of 16th century, under Otoman occupation, the population was almost wiped out. The southern part of the settlement called Pusztaszántó, there is the classicist mansion from the 19th century.

Get in

By train

The passenger train service of Rétság was canceled in 2007. From Budapest-Nyugati pályaudvar, you can travel by train to Vác train station, then transfer to regional buses towards Rétság. The whole journey from Budapest to Rétság takes 76 minutes and costs 1115 Ft.

By bus

Direct buses from Budapest-Újpest-Városkapu are available hourly. The journey takes about one hour and costs 1120 Ft.

1 Rétság Bus Round (Rétság autóbusz-forduló), Piac udvar, .

Get around

There is no local public transport service. You can use the regional buses operated by Volánbusz.


Lutheran Belfry in Rétság

In Rétság:

  • 1 Local History Exhibition (Helytörténeti kiállítás), Templom utca 8, 36 35 350-785, . Only by appointment. Hemp processing tools of 19-20th centuries, objects of farmers, local history documents of Rétság and the neighboring municipalities, archival photos of the surrounding communities from the 1900s, personal belongings of local celebrities, written materials and publications.
  • 2 Lutheran Belfry (Evangélikus harangláb), Kossuth utca 9. Built in the 17th century.
  • 3 Saint Andrew Roman Catholic Church (Szent András római katolikus templom), Templom utca 1. This church is a single-nave parish church, built in 1729 in Baroque style with onion helmeted tower. The main altar of Saint Andrew shows the Apostle. The sanctuary was expanded in the 19th century. In front of the church, you can find a Second World War monument, a marble tablet, memory of the victims appears during the war died 35 people of Rétság population is listed. The Trinity statue in the churchyard is one of the oldest sacral monuments of Rétság. Four meters high.
  • 4 Mindszenty Memorial (Mindszenty emlékmű), Börzsönyi út. Some symbolic prison bars next to concrete wall marble relief panel Mindszenty Prince Primate face. According to the sign on October 30 of the 1956th that spent the first free night in the barracks.
  • 5 Kovács Mansion (Kovács-kúria), Pusztaszántó 37. The mansion was built in the 19th century in Neo-Classicist style. It was renovated and now is in good condition. Above the protruding entrance, there is a balcony with diagonal ironwork. The mansion has a large brick arched cellar.
Slovak Heritage Museum in Bánk

In Bánk:

  • 6 Slovak Heritage Museum (Szlovák Tájház), Petőfi út 98, Bánk, 36 70 703-8230. Tu–Sa 16:00–17:00, Su 14:00–15:00 or by appointment. Consisting of a reconstructed parlour, porch and larder, and displaying beautiful examples of old Slovakian weaving and embroidery, Bánk folk costume, and everyday objects and fittings. Adult: 250 Ft; senior, student: 150 Ft.
  • 7 Living Smithy (Élő Kovácsműhely), Petőfi út 100, Bánk, 36 20 358-8225, . 10:00–17:00. Shows the traditional blacksmithing from the 19th century. 500 Ft.
  • 8 Lutheran Church (Evangélikus templom), Hősök tere, Bánk. Built in 1791 in Late-Baroque style.

In Berkenye:

  • 9 Heritage House (Tájház), Petőfi utca 17, Berkenye, 36 20 356-2197, . Only by appointment. Former German peasant house. Over a hundred years old household items and devices. 200 Ft.
  • 10 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 44, Berkenye. Late-Baroque church built in 1777.

In Diósjenő:

  • 11 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Kinizsi utca, Diósjenő. Built in the 15th century in Gothic style; rebuilt in 1788–1789 in Baroque and Neo-Classicist styles. In the ancient cemetery are tombs from the beginning of 1880s. There 200-year-old oak and lime trees next to the church.
  • 12 Reformed Church (Református templom), Dózsa György út 69, Diósjenő. Built around 1850 in late Neo-Classicist style
  • 13 Swabian Mansion (Sváb-kastély), Diósjenő. The ornamented building of a Diósjenő landowner was built in 1906 in the Romantic and Eclectic styles. There is a characteristic arched gate at the eastern side of its park. It is now a rehabilitation institution.
  • 14 Csóványos. The largest mountain in Börzsöny mountain range, 938 m (3,077 ft) a.s.l. There is an observation tower. Csóványos (Q876273) on Wikidata Csóványos on Wikipedia
Drégely Castle

In Drégelypalánk:

  • 15 Drégely Castle (Drégely vára), Drégelypalánk. A 13th-century hilltop castle ruins sits on a 440 m (1,440 ft) high peak of the Börzsöny mountain range. Free to visit. Drégely castle (Q910327) on Wikidata Drégely Castle on Wikipedia
  • 16 Szondi Exhibition Space (Szondi kiállítótér), Fő utca 22, Drégelypalánk, 36 35 300-392, . M–F 10:00–16:00, Sa Su 11:00–16:00. Local historical collection can be seen here about the siege at the Drégely Castle in 1552, and items of the brave captain of castle, György Szondi life. Adult: 700 Ft; senior, children: 500 Ft. (Q61365161) on Wikidata
  • 17 Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia Roman Catholic Church (Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet római katolikus templom), Petőfi út, Drégelypalánk. Built in 1734 in Baroque style. The relic of Saint Elizabeth is preserved here.
  • 18 Szondi Memorial (Szondi-emlékmű), Honti út 12, Drégelypalánk. The sarcophagus of György Szondi was established in 1983.
Nógrád Castle

In Nógrád:

  • 19 Nógrád Castle (Nógrádi vár), Nógrád. This is the most famous historical site of Nógrád county. The hill of the castle came into being 15-19 million years ago during the volcanism forming the Börzsöny-mountains. The conic castle hill, erects like a huge loaf from the basin in front of the Börzsöny. The volcanic stone of the hill penetrated the elder layers of sedimented stone, which were later eroded. The more resistant volcanic stone block became increasingly erected from the eroded surroundings The Castle Ruin content element of Ottoman style. The Nógrád castlehill stands on the southern edge of the village. At an altitude of 286 m (938 ft) a.s.l., the relative height of 50–60 m (160–200 ft). The steep-sided hills all around well protected, and dominates the area. The far area is keep an eye on from the castle. The castle from the 11th century has been owned by the Bishop of Vác, he was the earliest owner of its. Bishop Nicholas Bathory greatly expanded the castle in the end of 15th century, from 1527 a royal estate. In 1685 a lightning was blew the gunpowder warehouse. Mostly of walls demolished and the castle was abandoned. The inner castle separated by a deep rock trench from outside part. The outer castle has irregular shape and sized 140 m (460 ft)×90 m (300 ft). A river bridge pillar, a portion of the gate and a decorated with red marble plaque of Nicholas Bathory (1483) dug out from rock ditch in front of the entrance to the inner castle. Castle of Nógrád (Q1221512) on Wikidata
  • 20 Heritage House (Tájház), Váci utca 36, Nógrád, 36 30 409-7806. 08:00–16:00 (by appointment only) or Sa 10:00–12:00 (no appointment required). Local historical collection. Furniture and household objects, clothes of the local Slovak community from the early 1900s.
  • 21 Assumption of Mary Roman Catholic Church (Nagyboldogasszony római katolikus templom), Hunyadi utca 20, Nógrád. The church was built in 1757. Baroque churches bear more simple aspects of a single tower facade, two arches nave was built. Ornamented facade of the main off-basket arch arched windows above the entrance gate is decorated with the bishops inscribed coat of arms. Vases enriched with voluta. The side wall segments are tagged with fancy, head of typical composite wall pillars; closed with broken-lined ledge and on top of it is a typical Baroque tower. Inside the church: The vaults are separated from each other by the semi-circular harnesses. The simple choir loft based on a single arc. The walls are covered mainly ornamental Baroque painting. The walls are mostly covered with ornamental baroque painting, the heavily revised frescoes of the vault of the sanctuary depiction of the most Holy Trinity. Particularly noteworthy is the original, 18th-century furnishings of the church. The main altar with the image of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and Louis XVI with kneeling angels and a rococo pulpit and two side altars. On the right side of the altar, the picture you can see a representation of Hungarian saints, on the left, called the Slovaks altar, St. John of Nepomuk, St. Florian, St. Barbara and St. Charles of Borromei shape can be discovered. The village has a church in 1299 as a place featured, here was the Deanery of Nograd, and that title is still held the parish. The earliest parish birth/death/marriage books originate in 1772 and led to the present day.
  • 22 Calvary Chapel (Kálvária-kápolna), Nógrád. Set in picturesque surroundings, beautifully small chapel with colored turret and a cross on top. Built in 1890, renovated in 1993. Inside the chapel a wood carved Pieta visible from Sasvár pilgrimage place, what (says locals) brought a couple Slovak people on his back after they.
  • 23 Csurgó Source (Csurgó-forrás), Vasút sor, Nógrád. The spring is flowing out from a pipe embedded into a wall of carved stones.
Heritage House in Nográd

In Nőtincs:

  • 24 Gyurcsányi–Scitovszky Mansion (Gyurcsányi–Scitovszky-kúria), Szabadság út 88, Nőtincs. One-story L-shaped Neo-Classicist mansion. It is a wide and divided entablature and an amusement park was built in the style of mansions of nobility in the middle of the village in 1809. A two hectares garden surrounding the Mansion has been delcared protected in order to preserve the old trees and the English Park character.
  • 25 Saint Martin Roman Catholic Church (Szent Márton római katolikus templom), Szondy út 2, Nőtincs. It was built in Gothic style in 1415 on the outskirts of the village. In 1720, it was rebuilt in Baroque style. The church is staying on a small hill, the main entrance opening from the pop-up tower. The main altarpiece made in 1858, depicts Saint Martin. Saint Martin was known as the guardian of patients and poor people, he was the bishop of Tours, who lived between 316-397, the patron saint of France. A Gothic monstrance compartment and 16th-century mural fragments can be found in cross-vaulted sanctuary. The Rococo style pulpit is the great value of the church. The organ is made in 1942. The bell tower of the church has three bells the biggest (78cm) bell was cast in 1890, the two smaller bells were made in 1923 and 1929. The church contents both Gothic, Baroque, Rococo and Popular architectural styles.

In Szendehely:

  • 26 Gyada Nature Trail (Gyadai tanösvény), Katalinpuszta, Szendehely. All year round walkable. The 5 km (3.1 mi) long nature trail presents natural and cultural treasures and curiosities of local forests and meadows. The trails have 13 stations where you can learn about the area's natural features. Free to visit.
  • 27 Heritage House (Tájház), Béke utca 25, Szendehely. Local history collection, the German minority in past memories, equipment, use objects, typical costumes can be viewed.
  • 28 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom), Petőfi utca, Szendehely. A free standing, single-nave church. There is a center tower before the south-west facade. At the end is a line closure sanctuary which is narrower as the nave. A sacristy attached on the NW side. Gable roofed. The outer wall of the sacristy is the crest plaque of Michael Friedrich von Althann who was Bishop of Vac.


Lake Bánk
  • 1 Bánk Beach (Bánki-tóstrand), Petőfi út 61, Bánk, 36 30 287-0108. May 20–Sep 17: 09:00–19:00. Adult: 750 Ft; senior, children: 450 Ft.
  • 2 Diósjenő Forest Leisure Park (Diósjenői Erdei Szabadidőpark), Diósjenő, 36 20 852-4527, . Mar 15–Nov 15: Tu–F 08:00–16:00, Sa Su 10:00–18:00. Adult: 700 Ft, children: 450 Ft.
  • 3 Katalinpuszta Excursion Center (Katalinpuszta kirándulóközpont), Katalinpuszta, Szendehely, 36 35 576-019, . Mar 15–Oct 15: Tu–F 09:00–17:00, Sa Su 09:00–19:00; Oct 16–Mar 14: Tu–F 09:00–14:00, Sa Su 09:00–16:00.
  • 4 Lake Bánk (Bánki-tó), Bánk, 36 30 437-1896, . Artifical lake, fishing is permitted. Typical breeds: carp, pike, bream. Bánki-tó (Q853080) on Wikidata
  • 5 Lake Jenő (Jenői-tó), Diósjenő, 36 30 251-6499, . The 28 hectares Jenői Lake exists since primeval times. The lake is a known touristic site with beautiful landscape. The southern shore is bordered by a pine forest. The watercourse is sandy silt with no rocks. Fishing is permitted only from a pier. Carp, pike, catfish are the most common fishes in the lake. (Q20439946) on Wikidata
  • 6 Lake Nőtincs (Nőtincsi-tó), Nőincs, 36 35 200-975. An artificial forty hectares lake was dammed up in the picturesque Lókos creek valley. The area became protected in order to preserve the fauna and flora settled here. Line fishing.
  • 7 Seholsziget Adventure Park (Seholsziget Élménypark), Diófa utca 41, Nőtincs, 36 20 329-2422, . Mar 15–Aug 31: 10:00–18:00; Sep 1–Oct 31: 10:00–17:00. Petting zoo, forest park, accommodation and horse riding available here. Adult: 1000 Ft; senior, children: 800 Ft.
  • 8 Widelife Park (Vadaspark), Nógrád, 36 30 445-6414, . Features animal species that can be hunted in the Börzsöny mountain range.


  • Nógrád Castle Games (Nógrádi Várjátékok), Nógrád, . In June.
  • Bánkitó Festival, Bánk, . Music festival. In July. 9800 Ft per day.
  • Szondi Castle Games (Szondi várjátékok), Drégelypalánk. In July.
  • Nógrád International Folklore Festival (Nógrádi Nemzetközi Folklór Fesztivál), Bánk. In July.


Saint Andrew Roman Catholic Church in Rétság
  • 1 Coop, Piac tér 16-17, 36 35 550-043. M–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:00–14:00.
  • 2 Coop, Szabadság utca 51, Diósjenő, 36 35 364-124. M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–13:00, Su 07:00–11:00.
  • 3 Coop, Honti út 25, Drégelypalánk, 36 35 367-027. M–F 07:00–17:00, Sa 07:00–12:00, Su 07:00–11:00.


This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BudgetUnder 1900 Ft
Mid-range1900 Ft2300 Ft
SplurgeOver 2300 Ft


  • 1 Mészi Flamo, Rákóczi út 41, 36 20 951-0822. M–Th 09:00–19:00, F Sa 09:00–23:00, Su 15:00–20:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. 1500 Ft, pizza: 1500 Ft, hamburger: 500 Ft.
  • 2 Ibi Pizzeria, Ipoly utca 65, Hont, 36 20 357-9344, . 07:00–22:00. Pizzeria and pub. Pizza: 1450 Ft, hamburger: 650 Ft.



  • 7 Zulu Cafe, Rákóczi út 33, . M–Th Su 11:00–22:00, F Sa 11:00–00:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. Hungarian, folk and international food. 2080 Ft, pizza: 1485 Ft, hamburger: 660 Ft, lunch menu: 980 Ft.
  • 8 Szepi Inn (Szepi fogadó), Szabadság utca 1, Szendehely, 36 35 376-129, . M–Th Su 09:00–20:00, F Sa 09:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria with local cuisine. 2700 Ft, pizza: 1400 Ft.


Drégely Castle



  • 6 Fűtőház Brewery, Hunyadi sor 5, 36 30 931-1586, . M–Th 15:30–18:30, F 14:00–19:00, Sa 09:00–14:00.
  • 7 Dió Vendéglő, Dózsa György út 41, Diósjenő. M–Th Su 06:00–21:00, F Sa 06:00–23:00. Pub.
  • 8 Felső Pub, Szent Lőrinc út 42, Tolmács, 36 30 340-6643. M–Th Su 14:00–22:00, F Sa 14:00–00:00.
  • 9 Havas Presszó, Petőfi Sándor utca 55, Diósjenő, 36 35 364-314. 07:00–21:00.
  • 10 Lipi Pub, Fő út 5, Nagyoroszi, 36 20 359-8108. M–Th 06:00–22:00, F–Sa 06:00–00:00, Su 06:00–23:00.


There are no accommodations in Rétság. In the surroundings:

This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BudgetUnder 10,000 Ft
Mid-range10,000 Ft12,000 Ft
SplurgeOver 12,000 Ft


Nógrád Castle



View from Drégely Castle


Rétság's postal code is H-2651, and its telephone area code is 35.

  • 1 Rétság Post Office, Templom utca 2, 36 35 350-605, . M 08:00–12:00 12:30–18:00, Tu Th 08:00–12:00 12:30–16:00, W 08:00–12:00 12:30–17:00, F 08:00–12:00 12:30–15:00.

Go next

  • Balassagyarmat – bordertown 24 km (15 mi) northwest on the shore of Ipoly River
  • Nagymaros – town 26 km (16 mi) southwest
  • Szob – town 38 km (24 mi) southwest
  • Vác – town 22 km (14 mi) south, the cathedral on is the building that defines the town
  • Verőce – town 18 km (11 mi) south
  • Visegrád – town 27 km (17 mi) southwest
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