Danube Bend - Danube Bend

Danube Bend (Hungarian: Dunakanyar) is a curve of the Danube in Hungary and gives its name to this entire region.


47°48′36″N 18°57′36″E
Map of Danube Bend

Left bank

 1 Dunakeszi (Fót, Göd)
Shopping city, Roman Harbour Fort remains.
 2 Vác
A town on the Danube Bend with several churches and lots of baroque architecture.
 3 Nagymaros
Sights include the German Minority Heritage House, Kálmán Kittenberger Memorial House, Roman Catholic Church with Baroque and Gothic elements, Friar Julian Observation Tower, Remete Cave, Törökmező Animal Park, Dunakanyar Adventure Park. In the surroundings: Shipping History Museum, István Szőnyi Memorial Museum and Károly Kós Observation Tower in Zebegény.
 4 Verőce
Main sights are the Gorka Ceramic Exhibition, Migazzi Mansion, Ruins of Roman Watchtower. In the surroundings: Királyrét Forest Railway, Swabian Museum in Kismaros; Lynx House and Draisine Loop in Királyrét.
 5 Rétság
Sights include the Local History Exhibition, Lutheran Belfry, Mindszenty Memorial. In the surroundings: Lake Bánk with Beach, Slovak Heritage Museum in Bánk; Drégely Castle, Szondi Exhibition Space and Szondi Memorial in Drégelypalánk; Nógrád Castle, Heritage House in Nógrád; Gyurcsányi–Scitovszky Mansion, Seholsziget Adventure Park in Nőtincs; Gyada Nature Trail in Katalinpuszta.
 6 Szob
Main sights are the Bezina Valley Forest Railway, Börzsöny Museum and the Luczenbacher Mansion. In the surroundings: Forest Museum Railway, Nagyvölgy Bath in Kemence; Our Lady of Hungary Basilica, Pauline and Prison History Exhibition in Márianosztra; Forest Railway, Heritage House, Watermill, Lace Carvings and the Gothic Saint Stephen Church in Nagybörzsöny.

Right bank

 7 Esztergom (Dorog)
The first capital, the seat of Constitutional Court and the Roman Catholic Church of Hungary, home of the biggest church in Central Europe.
 8 Szentendre
Picturesque town on the Danube just north of Budapest.
 9 Pomáz (Budakalász)
Teleki-Wattay Palace and the Stone Hill.
 10 Pilisvörösvár (Piliscsaba)
One of the most German settlement in Pest County.
 11 Leányfalu
 12 Visegrád
A small town with rich Medieval remains: Castle of Visegrád, Royal Palace, Solomon Tower and Water Bastion. It's a good starting point to explore the Visegrád Mountains. Nearby popular places are the Nagyvillám hill with Zsitvay Observation Tower, Toboggan Park, Canopy, Ski Resort and Mogyoró Hill Wildlife Park; Apátkúti Valley with Miklós Bertényi Botanical Garden, Spartacus Trail, Kaán Spring, Ördögmalom Waterfall, Telgárthy Meadow and Trout Lakes.

Other destinations

  • 1 Dobogókő — the highest summit of the Pilis Mountains is a popular hiking destination with a forest that is held sacred by neo-pagans


Get in

Get around

Ferries of Danube river

Leányfalu boat station

Schedules and fares are indicative due to water, weather and other reasons

  • 1 Vác ferry pier (Váci RÉV), Vác, Road #12303 (At the west end of Eszterházy Károly utca). Departures: 6:00-20:00, hourly. Car ferries to Tahitótfalu timetable Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft420/1500/420.
  • 2 Tahitótfalu ferry pier (Tahitótfalu Révállomás RÉV), Tahitótfalu, Váci Rév (From Hwy 11 turn east in center of Tahitótfalu cross the Bridge (Tidy Zoltan) over small Danube river turn to Szabadság road further eastward one and half km to the eastern shore of the Szentendre Island), 36 30 696-2408. Departures: 5:45-19:15, hourly. Car ferries to Vác. A small snack bar located here. Fees: Adult/car/bike:Ft420/1500/420.
  • 3 Szob ferry pier (Szobi RÉV), Szob, Rév utca (From Train Station/Bus Station go to the center at OTP Bank (also ATM 24h) follow the sign on Rév street more three hundred meter), 36 30 9144195. Apr-Oct daily 06.40, 8:40-18:40, hourly. Car ferries to Pilismarót Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft420/1500/420.
  • 4 Pilismarót ferry pier (Pilismaróti RÉV), Pilismarót (Two and half km north from Pilismarót, two km stay on Hwy 11 then turn north), 36 30 9144195. Apr-Oct daily 06.50, 08.50-18.50, hourly. ferries to Szob
  • 5 Felsőgöd ferry pier (Felsőgödi RÉV), Felsőgöd, Evezős utca (Close (north) to Duna tavern, from Hwy 2 turn west at Bocskai street (center of village)), 36 30 599 8705, 36 70 577 7753 (mobil). Departures: At 7.10 weekdays only, 8.20-18.20, hourly at 19.50 is the last one except if ordered at 20.50. ferries cross Danube main stream to Surány
  • 6 Surány ferry pier (Surány RÉV), Surány, Duna sétány (Eastern shore of Szentendre Island, close to Jolika tavern), 36 30 599 8705, 36 70 577 7753 (mobil). Departures: At 7.05 weekdays only, 8.15-18.15 hourly, 19.45 last one except if ordered at 20.45. ferries to Felsőgöd timetable (PDF) Fees: Adult/bike: Ft300/free.
  • 7 Alsógöd ferry pier (RÉV), Alsógöd, Jávorka Sándor utca (From Alsógöd train stop follow Béke utca, ten min walk), 36 70 360 6395. weekdays 5.05-20.30 approximately every half hour, at 21.30 if ordered (on weekends only hourly). ferries to Szigetmonostor Fees: Adult/bike: Ft290/300.
  • 8 Szigetmonostor /Horány/ ferry pier (Horányi RÉV), Horány, Nagyduna sétány (eastern shore of the Szentendre Island), 36 70 360 6395. 5.00-20.25 cca. every half hour, at 21.25 if ordered (on weekends only hourly). ferries to Alsógöd Fees: Adult/bike: Ft290/300.
  • 9 Pócsmegyer ferry pier (Pócsmegyeri RÉV), Pócsmegyer, Hunyadi út (North of the Reformed church of Pócsmegyer, on western shore of the Szentendre Island), 36 30 599 8705, 36 70 577 7753. 05:05-18.30, irregular hourly till 22.30 hourly or more. ferries to Leányfalu. More info and timetable
  • 10 Leányfalu ferry pier (Leányfalui RÉV), Leányfalu, Petőfi sétány (From Hwy 11 turn east at Dunakanyar Takarékszövetkezet Bank (ATM 24h) in mid part of the village), 36 30 599 8705, 36 70 577 7753. 5:00-18:20, irregular hourly till 22:20. ferries to Pócsmegyer
  • 11 Dunakeszi ferry pier (Dunakeszi RÉV), Dunakeszi, Rév utca and Duna sor corner (From Hwy 2 turn west to Rév utca south of Tesco hypermarket Close to late Roman 'burgus' ruin), 36 26 393795. Weekdays 5:35-20.35, weekends 6.35 -20.35 half hourly. ferries to Horány Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft300/900/250.
  • 12 Horány ferry pier (Horányi RÉV), Horány (South of Hotel and Leisure Centre Regatta), 36 26 393795. Weekdays between 6:00-20:00, three per hour, weekends 6.25-20.25. ferries to Dunakeszi timetable[dead link]. Fees: Adult/bike: Ft300/900/250.
  • 13 Kisoroszi ferry pier (Kisoroszi RÉV), Kisoroszi, Rév utca ((South)western shore of the Szentendre Island), 36 30 991-33-00. 5.05 weekdays, 5.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.20-18.20 hourly, 19.30, 20.40, 21.40. ferries to Visegrád - Szentgyörgypuszta Fees: Adult/reduced: Ft300/200.
  • 14 Visegrád - Szentgyörgypuszta ferry pier (RÉV), Szentgyörgypuszta (100m off from Hwy 11), 36 30 991-3300. Between 5.45-18.45 (hourly), 19.50, 21.05. ferries to Kisoroszi
  • 15 Visegrád ferry pier (Visegrád - Nagymaros RÉV), Visegrád, Rév utca (Visegrád center), 36 26 398344. 6:25-20:45 (2014). Boats to Nagymaros service provider Atlantis Ltd.
  • 16 Nagymaros ferry pier (Nagymaros-Visegrád RÉV), Magyar utca, 36 26 398344, 36 1 484-4013 (Mahart infoline). Ferry boats to Visegrád (hourly, cca. 15min), and excursion boats between Budapest and Esztergom stop. More info about excursion boats 36 27 354-576 (Nagymaros - Maros Restaurant)
  • 17 Dömös ferry pier (Dömösi moló), 36 30 9913300. The ferry boats to Nagymaros were suspended in 2014 (call the number to check it), but excursion boats between Budapest and Esztergom stop here.
  • 18 Nagymaros Pier at Dömös crossing (Nagymaros-Dömösi átkelés) (Halfway between Nagymaros and Zebegény). ferries to Dömös are suspended (temporarly? 2014)
  • 19 Pilismarót ferry pier (Pilismarót), Pilismarót, Szobi Rév utca (Dunapart district, Turn east from Hwy 11 at Catholic church on Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street cca. two km to pier). From May 31-Aug 17 Fri, Sat, Sun. Aug 23-Sep 28 on weekends and public holidays. Ferries to Zebegény. Timetable Ft400 (2014).
  • 20 Zebegény ferry pier, Dózsa György Way off (West hundred meters from Zebegeny railway station). Ferries to Pilismarót



Danube Bend with Visegrád Hills
Peak of Pilis Mountain
View from Nagy Kevély lookout point, Pilis Mountain
the Dera creek canyon, close to Pilisszentkereszt
  • 1 Pilis Protected Area (Pilisi Tájvédelmi Körzet), Visegrád, Danube-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Pilis Forestry branch (Pilisi Parkerdő Zrt. Visegrádi Erdészet), Office: Visegrád, Mátyás király Way 4 (Center of Visegrád), 36 1 2004066, 36 1 3914610, fax: 36 1 2001168. The protected area covers 64,512 ha, 59,362 hectares of which are forest land areas. This woody area in the Danube Bend is cut by the Dera- stream and the Cserepes- valley in two parts. Guided tours in nature protection area. Take a walk to the most highest place in the Pilis Mountains is the 757 m high "Pilis Peak" and enjoy the superb view from Boldog Özséb (Blessed Eusebius) Lookout. Take one of the cave tours: The rock-bed of the Pilis Hills stretching from Esztergom to Budapest is made up of limestone and dolomite. Because of the basic characteristics of limestone karst formation, the hills are exceptionally rich in caves. Therefore it is not surprising that most of the caves of the National Park can be found in the Pilis Hills. Some interesting destinations: #1 Moonshine Canyon (Holdvilág-árok) The Holdvilág ditch is a popular tourist destination a water habitat, a memorial site, in the Visegrad Mountains Northwest from Pomáz, about 6 km away. In addition, however, is considered an ancient burial ground, place of worship. it has botanical value. #2 Miklós Bertényi Fűvészkert, #3 Pilisszentkereszt Cistercian Monastery ruin and gorge (Pilisszentkereszti Szurdok) ravine in forestry of Pilisi Park, in the near of Pilisszentkereszt on the blue marked tour, #4 Rám Abyss and trail gap, #5 Mogyoró Hill trails in Visegrad: #5.1 Mogyoróhegyi natural history trail and educational path in nature conservation area, without admission fee. This is a 1-km trail not so far from Budapest with 10 stations. This trail is ideal for familes or children groups. It has very rich flora und fauna also a water habitat and it has geological value. #5.2 Áprily-völgyi Rege-Termő nature trail. 1200 m long, Moderately difficult walk with eleven trail station points. #5.3 Take an other tour here on a 800 m long trail called Kisvillámi Vadvirágos trail,-with 14 infostation points,-guided tours are available. #5.4 Mogyoró hill Wildlife Park - Mócsi farm (Phone: 36 (20) 9846045, 36 26 398227 Fax: 36 26 398227 Open M-F 09:00-15:00) Available with guided tours, by appointment. Without admission fee!) This is a Wildlife Park and a traditional eco-farm with bio-farming in forest park, #6 Vadálló stones at Prédikálószék Rock, #7 Zsitvay Lookout in Visegradon Nagy- Villám Hill, #8 Yurt camping in Visegrad, #9 Miklós deák Valley lakes. A bit far away: #10 Pusztamaróti historic memorial site for the battle of Mohács which was in 1526. (Phone: 36 26 598000 Fax: 36 26 398227, No admission fee! Located on Bajna-Bajót route, from Lábatlan on the red marked itinerary, or in deirection of Bajót or Tardos on the blue marked itinerary. #11 Budaszentlőrinc Pálos monostory, (Phone: 36 26 598000, Fax: 36 26 398229 Email: [email protected] Open: all year long. Admission is free of charge.) A pauliner monastery close to the Budapest Forestry. #12 Árpád lookout tower on Budapest, Látó Hill (phone: 36 1 3910540, 36 26 598000, fax: 36 26 398229) A excursion place and a lock out tower on top of the Látó Hill. For a full list or details ask at Tourinform. Anyone can visit the forest area on foot, horse and human powered bicycle. Temporary closures are possible, especially in the winter -- check the website. Free camps in the Pilis forest. Two (of six) are near Visegrad (both open: only May-Sep, ask permit: Visegrád, Mátyás király Way 4. - Phone: 36 26 598080, mail: [email protected]): Mócsay tanya (farm with piped water, max 120 people), Vöröskői Vándortábor (Red Rock Hiking Camp with piped water, max 120 people). Hunting in 50,000 ha available to roe deer, big game, deer, wild boar, fox, mouflon, woodcock. Hungarian, English, German guides. Ft 10 000/group/hour max. 20 persons.
  • 2 Börzsöny (Hungarian: Börzsöny, literally: Logwood). thanks for good location one of the most popular resort place for Budapesters
  • 3 Pilis Mountains (Pilis hegység) (Part of the Transdanubian Mountains. Located on the right bank of the Danube, between Budapest and Esztergom). offer plenty of opportunities for hiking, mountain biking. Peaks above 600m a.s.l.s: Pilis peak (756m, the highest peak of the Transdanubian Mountains), Nagy Bodzás Hill (717m), Nagy Szoplák (710 m), Kis Szoplák (686m), Vaskapu Mount (651m - is not the same Iron Gate hill of Esztergom). The Oszoly Peak is a famous rock climbing training ground.
  • 4 Visegrád Hills. Great opportunities for hiking, caving. See here the Ördögmalom waterfall



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