Regensburg - Ratisbona

Stadtpanorama mit der Steinernen Brücke
Coat of arms and flag
Regensburg - Coat of arms
Regensburg - Flag
Federated state
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Map of Germany
Institutional website

Regensburg (in German Regensburg) is a city ofUpper Palatinate, Land Bavaria, Germany.

To know

Geographical notes

Regensburg is located in the central part of Bavaria (southeast of the Germany), in the upper course of the Danube near the confluence with its tributary Regen, a short distance from the reliefs of the Bavarian Forest and Šumava to the east and the Franconian Jura to the northwest; rises at an altitude of 342 meters above sea level

When to go

The city has a temperate humid climate, characterized by rather cold winters and warm summers; Average temperatures range from -1.3 ° C in January (the coldest month) to 18.2 ° C in July (the hottest). In accordance with the characteristics of central European temperate climates, rainfall is not abundant, with summer maximums (July the wettest month) and relative minimums in winter (February the least rainy).

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

the Cathedral of San Pietro
the scenographic Rococo interior of the Alte Kapelle
the Old Town Hall
the Walhalla

Religious buildings

  • Regensburg Cathedral (Cathedral of San Pietro). The cathedral is the most important monument in the city. It represents a prime example of German Gothic architecture, despite not having extremely exceptional dimensions, and is the most significant work of this style in the Germany southern. It was built starting from around 1270 and completed in 1520, with the exception of the towers, which were finished in 1869 bringing them to a height of 105 meters.
  • Abbey of Sant'Emmerano. Founded in the 8th century, it is the oldest Benedictine monastery in the Bavaria. It was rebuilt in Romanesque style in 1166 and then "baroque" with a very elegant decoration of stuccoes and frescoes in 1731-33.
  • Ancient Chapel (Alte Kapelle). The Ancient Chapel was built in 1002-04 as a court chapel. Enlarged with the Gothic choir between 1441 and 1465, it was endowed with the extraordinary Rococo interior decoration of stuccos, frescoes and gilding between 1747 and 1765.
  • Niedermünster Church. Ancient abbey built in the 12th century and covered with Baroque decorations during the 18th century.
  • Sant'Ulrico Church. Ancient town parish, built in the 13th century.
  • Dominican church (Dominikanerkirche). 13th century church.
  • Church of St. James of the Scots (Schottenkirche St. Jakob). 12th century church.

Lay buildings

  • Bridge of Stones. The Stone Bridge occupies a singular position in Western architecture, it was built between 1135 and 1146 and was, at the time, the first crossing over the Danube. It crosses the river with a length of 310 meters.
  • Old Town Hall. The Old Town Hall was built between the 13th and 18th centuries and was the seat of theImmerwährender Reichstag (permanent assembly of the princes of the Holy Roman Empire 1663-1806). Today it houses a historical museum from this period in which you can visit the Reichssaal (assembly hall) with a beautiful wooden beam ceiling from 1408; various apartments and the medieval torture chamber.
  • Thurn und Taxis Palace. The palace Thurn und Taxis south of the historic center it was built on the foundations of the ancient monastery of S. Emmerame, but enlarged in the nineteenth century in a neoclassical style. Today it is the home of the noble family Thurn und Taxis well known for the princess Maria Gloriae.
  • East German Art Gallery (Ostdeutsche Galerie). This gallery displays modern art produced by German artists active in the GDR or in the eastern regions lost after World War II.
  • Walhalla. The Walhalla is located, a short distance from the city, along the banks of the Danube. It is a monumental neoclassical temple in which the busts of the most important personalities of German history and culture are placed, commissioned by King Ludwig I.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Regensburg
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Regensburg
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