Diabla Góra nature reserve - Rezerwat przyrody Diabla Góra

On the horizon, the Diabla Góra reserve

"Diabla Góra" landscape and inanimate nature reserve was established in 1987 and covers the area of ​​159 ha. It is in the commune Aleksandrów in Piotrków County and Żarnów in Opoczno district, voivodeship of Lodz, in Poland.

It is located on a hill on the Opoczy Hills in the Forest District Przedbórz in the area of ​​Reczków.

Geographic coordinates: 51 ° 12′59 ″ N 19 ° 59′49 ″ E

The forest covered hill with rock outcrops is under protection sandstone, built of massive blocks of red, gray and black sandstone, and a habitat for natural plant communities. Plants growing on the hill are typical for dry and acidified habitats. Sandstone outcrops here in the form of huge rock blocks are of extraordinary landscape value.

On the hill there is an acidic oak wood (poor forest oak in an acidified habitat), mixed coniferous forest (forest pine- oak) and fresh forest.

Among the protected plants we can find here, among others juniper club moss and club mossumbellate helper, lily of the valley, bearberry, sandstones, goldenhead lily and common fern (a plant quite common in Poland).

The border with Świętokrzyskie voivodeship.
A blue pedestrian runs through Diablą Góra The Pilica River Recreation Trail.
The reserve is the starting point the red tourist trail leading to Łączna.

It is also a place of national remembrance from the period of World War II (two partisan battles with Germany took place here, among others).

Geographical Coordinates